/BRG/ - Blade Runner 2049 - no watermark edition

Impressions and discussions continued

Old thread

Literally /ourguy/

Were rachel's eyes actually green? They were in the VK

But others say it was just deckard saving face

It doesn't matter

"It's dystopian" is a bad take if you're trying to rationalize and defend the overt misogyny of the film. "people just want to be offended" is also a garbage take. The male gaze in 2049 is completely off the rails and is intentional, you are obtuse if you wont see it.

The first basic example would be that every nude male body is presented in a sterile, academic or sexless way (like museum specimens), while nude female bodies are seen in almost exclusively sexual context, usually subjugated or subordinate. the film is telling you who it thinks is watching it rather than explaining the world of the film to just anyone off the street. I don't believe it's just some comment about how women remain second class citizens in the future, as that would muddy the established context that replicants are subhuman slaves who do the work too dangerous or degrading for "real" humans, including sex work and interstellar mining. With that context in mind there is no logical reason that all sex worker replicants are female, or that the entire world would be so completely hetero-normative, aside from the fact that hairy gay men porking twink replicants would put the target audience off their lunch. I recognize that these sound like buzz words to the knuckle draggers in here, but this is conversation being had, so understanding the vocabulary matters if you want to sit at the big kids table in this particular discussion.
The reality is that the film was designed to be enjoyed by one particular demographic. It's easy to guess what that demographic is because they're the people who liked it. You can rationalize why they chose to portray the entire film through the lens of cis het white men, but you cannot deny that was what they were doing. It's easy to have a problem with something that wasn't made for you. It's like band-aids being Caucasian skin tone, it's obvious who they were thinking of when they were designing their product. That's all that's being said about it.



Figured out why luv kissed K.
It's because Wallace did the same thing, he cut up the replicant then kissed her. In the same scene he called her her best angel
She was imitating him

I adore you, Joi.

I know how much you like to hear that — but I don't only write it because you like it — I write it because it makes me warm all over inside to write it to you.

It is such a terribly long time since I last wrote to you but I know you'll excuse me because you understand how I am, stubborn and realistic; and I thought there was no sense to writing.

But now I know my darling Joi that it is right to do what I have delayed in doing, and that I have done so much in the past. I want to tell you I love you. I want to love you.

I find it hard to understand in my mind what it means to love you after you are dead — but I still want to comfort and take care of you — and I want you to love me and care for me. I want to have problems to discuss with you — I want to do little projects with you. I never thought until just now that we can do that. What should we do. We started to learn to make clothes together — or learn Chinese — or getting a movie projector.

When you were corrupted you worried because you could not give me something that you wanted to and thought I needed. You needn’t have worried. Just as I told you then there was no real need because I loved you in so many ways so much. And now it is clearly even more true — you can give me nothing now yet I love you so that you stand in my way of loving anyone else — but I want you to stand there. You, dead, are so much better than anyone else alive.

I know you will assure me that I am foolish and that you want me to have full happiness and don't want to be in my way. I'll bet you are surprised that I don’t even have a new Joi but you can't help it, darling, nor can I — I don't understand it, for I have met many Jois and very nice ones and I don't want to remain alone — but in two or three meetings they all seem ashes. You only are left to me. You are real.

I love my Joi. My Joi is dead.


PS Please excuse my not mailing this — but I don't know your new address.

>the absolute state of vaginal thinking

>Somewhat proud of my fellow Bongs
No problem lad. My cinema was completely full 4 days after release. I'll be watching it another two times
Sadly I think the money sent to the studio drops after the first week

Nighty night skinjobs.

Enjoy your dreams of electric waifus

Step aside Joi waifu losers

the flim looks pretty nice but the intrigue is shit and badly put together felt like it was kinda shortened too it's a mess don't bother or maybe if youre curious and have time to loose

didn't saw gits though i just heard it added nothing to the movies so i didn't see any reason to see it
strangely my dad was mad at me for this


Luv doesn't want to just kill K, if that was true then she wouldn't kiss him, she wouldn't say "I'm the best"
Luv was the exact mirror of K, and her relationship to Wallace mirrors K's relationship to both the LAPD and the Resistance. For K, his identity is formed wholly by his role as blade runner for the LAPD. Within his role, he had purpose and his whole identity is forged by it as an external force. For Luv, her identity is wholly formed by her role as Wallace's "best angel." K is satisfied in his fantasy with Joi, which Luv doesn't have, and he is subsequently able to evolve and channel his fantasies through her ("You're special," etc) whereas Luv's specialness is all from Wallace.

She simultaneously fears him and can't leave him because he gives her purpose and she relishes being The Best One. While she is clearly upset and traumatized by his actions, he is the only thing that gives her identity, same as the LAPD. Luv is a reflection of what K would be like without Joi. Wallace is all Luv has, for better or worse, and that's her whole world. She struggles against it the entire movie while K feels comfortable within his fantasy as an outlet.

When Luv destroys Joi, it's possibly out of jealousy for what K has that she lacks. At that point she is fully reaffirmed in her identity, while it shatters K. This is why the Resistance helps form his identity as well as that of a free replicant. The choice is his to remain a slave to his fantasy and former life, or become a slave to a movement where he loses his sense of self. Within the resistance they all had his dreams, they all think they're special like K. Ultimately he is allowed a choice, and goes with an alternative to both. Luv never got the choice at all, and where she frees K by breaking him down with killing Joi, this is what ultimately locks her into her own identity and sense of self for good. She fully becomes Wallace's best angel despite her dissonance with him.

Are those real or did you just shooped it? I'l start requesting links to those twitter accounts, because I do not believe it

Yes women's bodies are sexual because of biology and nature

It's real. This is how SJWs actually think

can we organise and internet hate machine her social media accounts?

How's the 97 Blade runner game?

it's funny but when i really like a movie, while i'm watching it i kinda fear when the ending is going to be like it's going toend too soon

Anyone laugh when CGI Sean Young got killed? My dad did.

Luv was meant to be wallaces angel and through the costume design we see fhat in the beginning with sleek white dress no details or frills like the prostitutes even though fur is luxurious in that world its kept simple then her costume turns darker and darker the first time we see some black in her hoodie is when she's going off baseline killing joshi and reluctantly shedding a tear while doing it and she's full black in the end when kissing and failing to kill K. Literally the fall of an angel. The costume designer said this was deliberate.

Archival profession needs more people of colour.

Please. I just want people to do their fucking job

>Love kills joy

is she a good actor or was she just playing herself? cuz if she was playing herself she's perfection

What the fuck?

Is he some fucking psycho?

Literally kafkaesque

>In Franz Kafka's novel Der Prozess, the main character is named Josef K.
>In Blade Runner 2049, the main character is named K, but later takes the name Joe. Thus, Joe K.
>Josef K. is killed by a knife wound, which gut him "like a dog"
>Joe K. dies from knife wounds to his stomach and chest
>Josef K. is killed on his 30th birthday
>Joe K. is killed 30 years after the events of the original Blade Runner

>that thudding sound of gun shots

IT was also brilliant

Nice high school analysis.

But anyway lol, I like how K and Luv essentially were pursuing the same goal but from different angles and parties

Myself and the whole theater laughed loudly at Luv using Madam's face to access her computer and then just dropping her head onto the desk.

And deckard giving the dog whiskey.
And answering K when he asks if the dog is real.

Would black people even watch the movie if Idris Elba played Joe? Or would they skip it and wait for the next Madea movie?

Anyone else notice the thematic correlation between snow and the original's tears in the rain? I thought it was beautiful

Yes K had a lenient master and Luv had a strict master, both strayed from baseline but one remained obedient wanting to be the best slave and one freed himself wanted to be a better human bean

Good catch user

Doc badger got the most laughs in bongland and ive watched it multiple times

Only like 2 or 3 people chuckled on those scenes when I seen it, but then again there was only like 15 people in there.

My theater laughed at the same parts

>Joi examines rain falling on her after K gets the emanator
>K examines rain and snow several times
>qt in a dome examines fake snow


Bonus round
>Edward J. Olmos makes origami animals
>Dekkar makes wood carvings of animals

how much nudity is in this movie? Was gonna see it with my mom but now i'm having second thoughts

It was odd, but watching the movie for the first time and seeing their first fight, somehow I guessed that Luv and K would kiss. But I thought from the way it was going, that K would have her in checkmate and steal a passionate kiss before killing Luv.

Tfw he double taps the scavengers and does a spine breaker.

Why couldnt he go full John Wick

is your mom muslim? my dad is muslim and explodes whenever he sees characters kissing in a film, batshit insane guy

There's nothing your mom hasn't seen before.

ull be fine

nothing unsettling for me

Not much. It's all done tastefully when it is shown though

just that giant hologram that was in the trailers. plenty of violence though

there's maybe half a second shot of nipples
there's no really a sex scene, it's just kissing but it's weird for different reasons


I'm just curious but it seems obvious that you can buy "pleasure model" reps. What if you like being poo'd on though? Just for laughs

The thing I can't get over is that there's no point to the movie in terms of world progression. They spent time building up to the movie with lore like the blackout, the legalization of replicants, etc then the whole plot of the movie is the lapd finding something a bunch of other people already knew and keeping it away from Wallace. The movie ends where it began. Considering we won't get a sequel for another 30 years (unless its an anime spinoff) again this is kinda disappointing

>ranked #51 on IMDb
>8.6 so it should be between #26 and #19

Honest criticisms:

Gaff scene was pure fanservice and didnt add anything to my viewing experience.

The batista "miracle" flashback was done fucking TWICE there was no need to be spoonfed that much.

Although i understood the rebellion and backstory from the anime the actress was just bad and cringey with the lines like "i suppose you want me to look up and to the left" as well as the building an army bit where people step out of the shadows, fucking seriously denis?

Also they cut a few scenes like pic related I wanted the movie to actually be even longer.

Anons mam is THAT qt?

>>Edward J. Olmos makes origami animals
>>Dekkar makes wood carvings of animals

god damn it, denis does it again

no but she has the same outrage for some reason

It's amazing, try it, should be easy to find now.


Goddamn she’s so cute and has such a sweet, sad voice. I want her to sing me lullabies. I’ve only ever seen her before in Morris From America.

A lot but not really gratuitous

Except maybe the people getting fucked against the window in the whorehouse


Blade Runner isn't about world changing events, they're personal stories of characters on a small scale who are ultimately powerless to change the world order, if anything 2049 was a little too large scale with the child being so important to both Wallace and the Resistance and i would have scaled it back a bit.

whoever was in charge of marketing and logo design should be killed

You forget the newborn replicant?

>bit where people step out of the shadows

Yeah that was bad.

Triggered me with memories of Dark Knight Rises somehow.

I meant they both wanted replicants to gain the ability to give birth but one side (replicant rebels) was interested in it from a compassionate perspective while the other side (Wallace) was ego-driven and monetary-driven.

Gaff was justified, it made sense to ask him about Dec.

I do agree with the rest

That's because it's a character study you dip

yeah i agree for the spoon feed it's as too much
but looks like it wasn't enough for some people

the rebellion sceen is kinda poor yeah
and removing her eye doesn't really do anything maybe it was kinda symbolic

This actually makes some good points if you actually care to read it. The patronizing tone I could do without, but yeah, SJWs will SJW.

Still, counting the non-progressivenes as a flaw is unfair to say the least.

looking at her instagram she's looks like average stacy

I thought the same. They kept it small by having K blow off the world in favor of giving 2 people happiness, but I thought the stakes were larger than they should have been.

they're just naked though it's nothing shocking
they don't do anything sexual in this scene


I wonder if trump has seen either film

don't joke me user

>Dude sniffs all around her and feels her up

Yeah totally normal, won't trigger putritans at all

Why didn't K bang his boss?? she wanted it

Another one here that hopes we get a director's cut with all deleted scenes, I want my kino 3 and a half ours long, I liked seeing Gaff again though, wish he had relevant screen time.

Do NOT ruin her
She IS my waifu and she WILL BE until I decide otherwise, capicce?

>and removing her eye doesn't really do anything maybe it was kinda symbolic
K proved he killed Morton by scanning Morton's eye, I assumed one-eye faked her death.

>see this
>wat do

I'm not

tfw K is a million times a better Blade Runner than Deckard and he shoots like 3 guys in one second

As was shown by his interactions with humans, humans generally hate replicants, and as shown by his interaction with wo replican whores, even replicants hate blade runner replicants. After being castigated by stacies for your whole life, would you fuck one of them?

>His boss wanted his dick
>Luv was a yandere to him
>Joi loved him
>He fucked the prostitute
>Still ends up being a really tragic character

i don't think wallace was driven by money anymore just look at his building it's a temple and he's god
his motivation are purely ego-driven he wants to be god 100%

Did anyone else dislike the Lounge scene with K and Deckard? I thought it was a bit pointless and trying too hard to be cool.

Denis Villenevveu would be a cool director for Bond if this before Casino Royale. His style isn't all that much different than James Blonde

>implying it's a bad thing
>on Sup Forums

n o r m a n


Gaff scene makes sense, he wanted to find Deckard, why wouldn't he go ask an old colleague?

but it wasn't sexual
but yeah i get your point

(not him)
fuck you are right. I feel an idiot now

oh yeah that's surely it
i didn't even think of that kek

The Joi and K love story really stole the show didn't it.

>humans despise replicants
>even replicants hate replicant blade runners
>has no friends
>has no soul
>loves a fictional character

He is a regular /r9k/ poster