Anyone on marvel ever do some rapey shit?
>recently unearthed
lmao wat, there was 'outrage' back then when he said it too. It was obviously a joke.
No, this was the most that happened
yeah, that's what unearthed means, retard
>this is what MCUcks are triggered about
This is your average mouselet btw
They all feel so self-righteous until they're next.
look how brave he is, wow.
give this guy a medal
So DC supports;
>Sexual prowess
>Ethnic Nationalism
>Politically incorrect humor
>Physical fitness
Based I'm definitely going to see Justice League now
>implying he would ever need to rape a woman
>>Ethnic Nationalism
Nice Israel support there, Trumpster
He apologized. Biggest mistake you can make.
Says and does what he wants. Ogles tits all the time. Doesn't give a fuck. That is why no one cares.
If like movies or media in general you basically need to be automatically pro-Israel tbqh
>please don't point the finger at me please don't point the finger at me please don't point the finger at me
>He apologized
Yup. That broke his alpha-male image and now it’s going to be open season on him for showing weakness
The problem with Israel isn’t their ethnic nationalism, it’s that only they’re allowed to have it while the rest of us get replaced
>This is what virgins think
He didn't apologize, why the fuck would he have to apologize for a joke he made about his character 6 years ago?
Exactly. Renner is one of the most based celebs working today in that he just doesn't give a fuck. He only got a twitter account because people were pretending to be him and his response to internet controversy over his black widow comments was to say "yeah well she IS a slut" and people forgot about it.
Apologies are like blood in the water to these sharks
I think he mixed Momoa up with Affleck
He looks like a fucking cave troll and is the least memorable Avenger, that's why no one cares
No but they murder black women
That was obviously a PR
fun fact : the guardian is owned by Disney
That too but at one point he was starring in Bourne, Avengers and Mission Impossible movies and was a prime target. You don't apologise.
hahaahahahahahahah...holy christ, hahaahahahahah.
This is Sup Forums's guy.
Lel I think you mean falcon or war machine.
Are you retarded? You think nobody cares cuz he plays a supporting role in capeshit? That's not how that works.
And there was a shit ton of outlash when he said the slut comments. Evans had to apologize like the bitch he is just for laughing. Nobody simply cares now because it came and ran it's course. Renner just didn't give a shit
Oh no, nu-male cucks are boycotting something.
>this is something to worry about
This is why I only actually rape instead of joking about it.
>in recently unearthed footage from 2011.
so unearthed basically just means recycled outrage now?
yeah their product line
Stop calling Disney "Marvel."
>all of these mouse cucklets trying to use weinstein outrage to hurt JL.
I knew you mouse niggers were desperate but you had to stoop this low?
wallow in the shit with your GoT meme actors dcuck faggots. truly fucking embarrassing. sad!
Did you notice that Ray Fisher also made a rape joke? Notice how nobody has said anything about Cyborg yet?
>implying there isn't a woman on Earth that doesn't wish to be forcibly taken by Momoa
I mean for fucks sakes we had 40 year old mothers wanting to rape Justin Beiber and still do.
When in the hell did society decide rape was worse than murder?
Only gadot is inmune.
>literally shilling for marvel
now that's sad
Why is everyone in society so fucking sensitive these days?
>Jason Momoa
Literally why would you cast him?
He was filmed raping a woman, which is obviously what he was referring to. He was having a little laugh. New Zealanders like to banter a bit and he thought the audience could take a joke, which it sounds like they did
>non virgin
Because they are under stress from other things like economic decline and diversity they can't stand to talk about.
Around the world nobody gives a shit.
I'll go to see JL
>Stop calling Disney "Marvel."
>Screenshot of Miramax
Immune from Murican press, maybe
Wonder Woman was actually banned in a number of countries
>Rapes in game of thrones
>expected not to rape after that
He literally knows now he has all the power
>now that JL is coming out, we have to go back through everything the actors ever said to slam the movie
Fuck off mouseshills
>"Momoa sexual controversy"
>it's literally just a rape joke
Are Mouse Cucks really this retarded?