Sup Forums's response to this?
Everybody's got to be good at something.
I take them all
I wish niggers would pick better jokes as good as they pick cotton
I wish blacks posted as many job applications as tweets.
Well, I am laughing at this.
Thanks for the compliment
I wish black people could take race jokes aswell as they take welfare
That joke's been made many times, but
>I wish black people took jokes as well as they take bullets
>they take lives, land, & cultures
and improve them?
Go back to fucking Africa
I wish black people could take jokes like they take welfare, lives, and purses.
I wish colored people die
The lives, land, and cultures that whites take ARE jokes.
I wish black people took jokes as well as they take gibmedats, drugs & reparations
Trump will win
Trump will END THE FED
I wish black people too tests as well as they take drugs, property, and lives.
>Regular degular
We don't. Keep that in mind when you joke with us or we will take your life, land, and culture.
>Take lives, land, and cultures.
and makes them better!
>Savages stopped sacrificing innocents.
>Improved the land and made unlivable land livable.
>Oh hey, whats that, you live in a place with no water, no shelter, no nothing? Here come here and work and get fed!
>Have black friend.
>He is a decendent of slaves.
>Always bitches about it.
>Tell him he is better off for it.
>Loses his utter fucking shit on me about it.
Shut the fuck up Tyrone, look at everything you have because of what happened, or would you rather live in Africa with your other fucking family members.
>He remembers that his family in Africa was killed in the whole Rwanda incident.
>Other parts live in utter shit.
Your Jordan's are worth more then a house in Africa, now fuck off.
He knows I am right.
Trump will win
Wilders will win
Le Pen will win
Hofer will win
All will be right with the world
Closer to the get
I wish blacks were as intelligent as they are felonious
So they admit we are superior at killing and destroying other cultures and they want to push us into a corner and make us feel threatened? That should work out just fine for them....
>libtard nigger logic
Meanwhile you call blacks one word or call them a monkey, they freak out and call everyone racist and chimp out with violence. Much bantz, takes jokes so well there.
They let fucking words hurt them much less a joke.
I wish brown people could make jokes as well as they pick cotton, take lives and molest children.
Thats pretty funny!
>white people are conquerors who don't take jokes well
i'm really offended by this mistaken praise
I wish niggers would stop complaining through white-invented technology about whites taking their culture
>the media and the whole internet constantly picking up on white people for being white
>"omg who cares about white ppl"
>some dude makes a joke in private
>everyone goes apeshit and wants to crucify him there's riots in the streets
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We already took the jokes.
Trump will save the white race
I wish black people weren't as good as losing fathers as well as they lose freedom land and culture
If we've taken their lives, land, and culture, then we've already proven we can take a joke.
When was the last time whites used child soldiers?
Even though our inner cities are terrible, heh for some reason, compare any western city to an african one. Which one sees more brutality/inhumanity?
Living in a White nation, using a White language, on a White internet, on a White website, appealing to White media and social networks.
Got us.
Please someone comment this...
Sorry for being more intersted in civilization building than joking around.
Call her a nigger. I bet she wouldn't take that joke to kindly.
We do take things, we are the only ones to figure out and use such things, else they are wasted
This is top bant. Someone please post this.
Well if people of such talent don't get your jokes, you might have a bad sense of humor.
I wish leftists took jokes as well as they take dicks.
Kek if anything this entire thread proves the tweet's point.
I wish blacks took responsibility for their own actions as well as take bikes.
I wish blacks took jokes as well as they take up space on this planet
Dindus steal everything they can get their hands on even history (we wuz kangz). Commit 55% of the murders in America. Get furious if you make a similar joke. Have they no self-reflection?
So you mean your ancestors were scumbags for giving you a future in a better country?
I don't want their culture.
My response?
Wait until they get a load of the joke that white person hillary Clinton has been playing on them.
I wish blacks could take jokes as well as they take welfare, my wallet, and bullets from the police.
It kind of sounds like I can't take a joke with the same kind of ownership feeling that I take with owning land or holding life in high esteem .
When does the race war start again?
WTF are these niggers talking about? What cultures did white people take?
I wish we took lives as well as we took jokes.
Nancy and kelsy:
Burn the coal....
Someone post this
Post these
>taking jokes
Leftists are the thinnest skinned people on earth.
I wish niggers took jokes like they take cars, bikes, and eachothers lives.
I wish black and brown people took jokes as well as they take lives and welfare payments, OP.
Holy shit
>White people have culture of taking lives, land, and culture
>White people have no culture
Pick one you stupid nogs
>what cultures did whites take
Uh how about
1. The english language and rhyme, invented in africa fyi
2. art and technology, straight off the walls of the Egyptian pyramid walls. Dont forget day wuz kangz and shiet
Please don't make me list everything it would take to long caveman whiteboi
>posts movie franchise invented by african American during the civil rights movement
Whitebois highjacked star wars from the depths of african culture
Holy fuck
is already here. soon will be here. then it will be the big get. IT'S ALL MOVING TOO FAST.
Race war when!?
We are excellent at taking lives, lands and culture though
trump a shit
Gas the kikes race war now. NOW
All niggers will pick cotton again. Praise KEK
I wish blacks would just cease to exist.
The world would be a much better place.
Trump loses
Trudeau is crowned king of the world along with Merkel as his queen and puts Trump in an internment camp
All refugees are accepted into Europe and America sad!
>and culture
Fuck you, you remainfag.
Trump loses
Trudeau is crowned king of the world along with Merkel as his queen and puts Trump in an internment camp
All refugees are accepted into Europe and America, just sad!
And bullets
I always provoke niggers to the point at which they say that my ancestors enslaved them. Then I have the delight of telling them that I descend from Irish coal miners, who could afford no such slaves. It always stumps them.
That pic is ruined by the inclusion of Sutherland. He got what he had coming. That's not an outrage at all, that's justice.
My new waifu.
I wish niggers could make jokes as well as they cant make anything else
Trudeau wouldn't do that. He's fucking BASED.
I wish black people took a hike as well as they take aids.
I wish blacks took job applications as well as they took lives and personal property of others.
No one will top this.