>Maus begins by explaining how the opportunity came to be: “I was out in Minnesota, and the label got in touch and said, ‘A show on Adult Swim wants you to be on it.’ I was like, ‘Oh, Adult Swim.’” At that point, he researched Hyde’s worked and agreed to do the show. Maus describes the people on the set as “super nice,” but months later, upon learning that “they’re Nazis,” as he puts it, Maus says, “Shit. A cult of a race and blood—that’s an absolute obscenity. That’s nothing other than disaster. That’s just inarguably obscene, that sort of ideology.” He does not, however, disavow the creators:

>“I don’t want to make any apology, but I also didn’t want to.... The guys I met were nice. They weren’t burning crosses or doing anything like that. In other words, I never had, from what I know about it, any indication that anything other than certain instances of a sort of trolling was going on. What did they do that made them Nazis? Maybe I haven’t looked into it. Or why were they alt-right people?”

Other urls found in this thread:

>What did they do that made them Nazis? Maybe I haven’t looked into it.


>He does not, however, disavow the creators



More like All-Right.


the article misquotes him. maus didnt say they were nazis, these are his words:

>I said, "Oh yeah, they look like cool dudes. I'll go and do this." I said, "I want to sleep on the couch." I didn't want to come in and just sing a song and go. I wanted to be on the set and see. It was cool, the whole place, and to be on a TV set. They were super nice.

>Then a few months later or whatever, one of the people from the label was like, "Yo, did you see this? You gotta say something." "They're Nazis," or something like that.

What I find bizarre about this is that shows which are extremely left-wing are absolutely fine - you can have a comedy show where the main character (clearly based on the writer/creator/main star of the show) is stupidly pro-abortion, maybe even have a story where they go to an abortion clinic with a friend - but having a main character in any comedy show who is openly against abortion would be frowned-upon and maybe even controversial.

I'm surprised it took this long to get a statement by him on this, everyone featured on it already made a statement about them when the controversy first happened

I still think it's funny that the left-wing likes abortion and the right-wing hates it.
really it should be the other way around.

I don't want to believe what I am reading here. Were they Nazis or not?


>The episode in which Maus appeared also featured a disturbing sketch where a man trips his sister-in-law, causing her to fall through a glass table and bleed.

If men were the ones that got pregnant and could have abortions the left would hate it.

I anticipate a bad pitchfork review in the future after this considered and reasonable response. Good on him for not instantly condemning them though, it's not like they said or did anything "worse" than Eric Andre.

free market

Yeah it's crazy how it can be controversial for a celebrity to be conservative. But a celeb or show can be entirely, ridiculously left and it's fine. Meanwhile anything right leaning faced repercussions

Aw even all the lefties liked that sketch when it was the only promo for the show.

The irony is that the restored prison sketch with Cop Killer is probably one of the best ones of the series.

>left wing are usually the overly sympathetic bleeding hearts that want to save every immigrant no matter how little they contribute to society
>they don't have any sympathy for fetuses and happily approve of them being killed
>right wing are usually the more practically focused hard-asses that want to keep economic drains out of their country
>they suddenly become bleeding hearts for unborn babies and can't stomach the idea of even one not being given mercy

Dont look into it too much goy


You're looking at it sensibly, when you should be looking at demographics. It's purely an "EVERY SPERM IS SACRED" piece from Christians.

Abortion is ending a life before it begins. Its basically killing someone.

I don't find it surprising that different groups rationalize certain topics differently based on their own biased moral values.

>The program gained a reputation for promoting racist, sexist, and bigoted viewpoints and symbolism.

How can they get away with saying this?

>right wing are usually the more practically focused hard-asses that want to keep economic drains out of their country

You're forgetting the part where huge swathes of the political right identify as such because they're traditionalists who adhere to the precepts of their religion regardless of how arbitrary or anachronistic those precepts might be.


>sexist symbolism

Is that like a dick or something

For the record, The Soft Moon didn't disavow them either.

Hey moon

White child with high IQ will eventually grow up and be useful.
A nigger will always be a useless nigger.

Hey Moon version is objectively better.

>there are more black babies aborted than born
>liberals are for it
>conservatives are against it

>What did they do that made them Nazis?
They dared mock the jewish dominated media, it's literally that simple

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

>the right is for enlightened objectivists who know the value of true work

that viewpoint might represent a significant portion of conservatives, but (in America at least) they're bulwarked by people whose political affiliation doesn't extend too far beyond "I love the Bible" or "I hate taxes".


liberals care not for consequence but for the right to do anything
conservatives care for consequences at the limitation of rights

yes, the people getting abortions are truly the high IQ whites that need to pass on their genes.
I mean they must be intelligent to not know how to use a condom.

Let's face it, the abortion debate is just a farce.
The left just wants to defend sluts not taking responsibility for their actions as part of the sexual liberation movement and the right just wants to punish sluts as a counter to that.
Hardly anyone genuinely gives a fuck about the ethics of killing an unborn child, or helping mother's with unplanned pregnancies actually raise their supposed genius babies to be upstanding citizens.

>the right just wants to punish sluts as a counter to that.
This is a objectively a good thing. Slutting around destroys civilizations.

it's almost like tim heidecker and that awful gelman and bernstein had an agenda

This was originally "Jews Rule" which would've been even more blatant.

Don't be edgelords and bring up badthink eugenics thats not hip or cool.

>this is what libtards actually argued against me with

because he's not really alt right

the guy got a fuckin art degree or some shit. he's probably as liberal as they come

I want abortion to be outlawed but also I want men who father a child out of wedlock to have one (1) testicle removed

That image can't be correct, right? Surely people would have noticed that by now and the tumblr-types would be going on about Jewish privilege if that actually was the case.

This has to be a troll image.


Abortions mostly kill nigletts

a huge amount of the alt-right are just liberals who defected because they think you have to be a progressive SJW piece of shit to be liberal now.
The alt-left and alt-right should just fuck off and make it simpler again.

the right being overtly racist majority is a meme that liberals knowingly advance

more like growing majority.

Somebody switched pro life and pro choice around on this image

>the mean SJWs were nasty to me so I had no choice but to become a full blown Neo-Nazi!!!

Pathetic excuse. The Alt Right are literal Nazis who worship Hitler and want all non-Aryan people to be slaughtered. They are not, and have never been, liberals.

if you call yourself alt-right its basically an admission of retardation

>tumblr types
>caring about an issue that isnt promoted to them through the (((media))) and (((schools)))


He won't survive this

I'm far right and I love abortion. I think it should be free and easily available especially too poor black people.

I would be willing to get taxed on my income if it meant that money would be used to abort nigger baby's.

What the fuck is the difference between the alt-right and the right? I thought alt-right was just a meme from Sup Forums, why are people taking it seriously?

It is correct, people just like to ignore it because that would shatter their agenda.

Sup Forums
Trump supporters

deluded? They are not racists, they are ULTRA RACISTS

>The left just wants to defend sluts not taking responsibility for their actions as part

You realize that "punishing sluts" results everyone paying more money into welfare and police for those kids, right? Or do you just argue based on feels, not reals?

Yeah that's why I don't get why people hate the alt-right. They are pro-gay, anti-christian republicans.

They are down to earth libertarians.

no the alt-right are meme-spewing 20-somethings who felt disenfranchised by progressives and thought the only way to deal with the scary youtube videos of SJWs being turds is to form their own circlejerk on the other side of the playground.
The actual neo-nazis that are too few to ever matter welcome them with open arms but nazism in America is a fucking meme.


>Massive backpedalling commie faggot
>Looks at photo

makes sense.

who doesn't hate taxes especially when we pay so much?

It is precisely this reasoning that has resulted in some race theorists on the far-left to be opposed to abortion.

>You realize that "punishing sluts" results everyone paying more money into welfare and police for those kids, right?
I absolutely do.
Which is why as I said the right should be pro-abortion.
They hate those kinds of drains on society.

>conservatives constantly talking about how evil Jews are and how they are destroying everything
>most networks are, unironically, run by Jews
>Jews don't want to run shit that supports a philosophy that says they are evil
Really, this shit isn't hard to understand. The thing is conservative values are much more in line with the Jewish faith, if you all cooled it with shit like , the tables would undoubtedly be reversed.

>If you would watch a pig shoot a toddler in a park and not try to stop him, then yes, fuck you.
Maybe I just don't want to die, rude.

Alt-Right used to mean anyone who identified as right but did not fit in traditionally with standard conservatives. It literally just meant Alternative Right, as opposed to the mainstream right wing.

Over time though people started to associate it with Nazis, and nowadays that's pretty much all it's known as. Breitbart said that it was pro-alt right years ago back when it didn't mean Nazis and now liberals are claiming that they admitted they're pro-Nazi because of the modern definition.

theu are so called conservatives you scum!!

the alt right isnt pro neocon faggotry like the classical republicans

the right are

the alt right had to change their opinions to become more classical right as trump and the republicans are exactly the same as the old right neocons and they dont wanna criticize trump

pathetic thing is they grew out of criticism of the cucked right and now they think they can't criticise the new cucked right

retarded gen y

I'n right-wing and pro-abortion because of how many niggers it kills

whatever they are I love them and I am happy they are growing. I want leftists to lose sleep at night they are the enemy.


go to a GOP convention see all the black indian asian racists and call them out

>The thing is conservative values are much more in line with the Jewish faith,

For Jews, yes, for goyim, no.

t. PJW

Bullshit, I was hardcore lefty up until 2014 when the Blacklivesmatter "whites are privileged" bullshit started. Compounded with my motherland of Germany being invaded by over a million niggers and arabs I took a hard look at what political side was advocating for me vs against me.

This is from someone who had a visit by the Harris county sheriff in 2003 because I made a "threat" against Bush 2.

It's so easy to be a Nazi in 2017. There's no training, no uniform, etc. All you need is a social media account.

No it's admitting you're on a next level plane of thinking.

It sometimes seems that way because actual far-right hate groups are called alt-right by the media.
I could've sworn like a year and half ago "alt-right" meant some sort of sensible right wing alternative to mainstream conservatism and far-right radicalism. Not anymore I guess

This. Can't believe I called myself a feminist 7 years ago. Fuck even 5 years ago I would have said it. But the left has gone batshit insane now days

this massive idioticy altright is still up Charlotsville is it Richard Spencer and Sup Forums association s atleast Trump and rightists in

Alright and Trump supporters are not racists, They are equalists.

and racism isn't all that bad when science proves it fact.

How does any self-respecting man refer to himself as a fucking feminist?


The wine party sketch is in no way promoting violence against women fuck. If they wanted to say they were misogynistic they could have reference many of their other skits in particular the wall show. This writer is retarded.

ok now say that in English.

before you know the true nature of girls you can agree with egalitarianism

looks like Sam's been drinking tonight

Because we fell for the "It just means you want equality bro anyone who wants people to be equal is a feminist!" meme before seeing what they're actually like.

Shut the fuck up cynic liar. Racism is as bad as mass shootings.

Your brain is affected by political manipulation via hatred groups.

feminism used to mean equal rights
Unfortunately being a feminist activist has moved from fighting for women's education in the Middle East to complaining about slut shaming and sizeism on Twitter

heres a fuck (you)

At the time I thought it just meant equality for everyone when I bought in into the whole oppression/pay gap bullshit without doing any research on my own.

goyim aren't human so its not racist

racism is reality nigger. Science proves it correct over and over again.

I know we can't say "cringe" because it's reddit, but that's honestly cringeworthy

They named proudly themselves as altright. Atleast rightists in general especially Trump team used and are using it to boost votes.

Sup Forums is basically ilt of personality (Trump) and racist central