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Literally untouchable.
>loved by normies
>fantastic career constantly in the spotlight
>spent the last 15 years crafting an invulnerable public persona which everyone describes as very professional and courteous
>also known to be a complete bro due to his friendship with Jonah Hill
>Best friends with Kate Winslet
>Rihanna described him as the best sex she ever had
>Oscar winner
>Shills environmental issues (which should be a non-partisan issue)
>EXTREMELY wealthy (DiCaprio foundation)
>friends with billionaires across the world
>everyone knows he could have any woman he wants - no one would ever believe any allegations against him
The only way would be if stories about him and his pussy posse in the late 90s somehow resurfaced. But I imagine he's already managed to squash any stories of the like
>in 2016, a story emerged that Leonardo DiCaprio had bet Tobey Maguire that he could sleep with six Victoria's Secret models during the Cannes Film Festival. Reportedly, DiCaprio took an efficient approach by inviting the women to join him in threesomes.
>In 1998, Nancy Jo Sales published what would become the definitive look at the Pussy Posse: a piece for New York magazine entitled "Leo, Prince of the City." In the story, she details how she had been attempting to get in touch with Leonardo DiCaprio and came home one night to a bizarre message on her answering machine:
>"A group of young guys – they all sounded drunk – were laughing and cutting up in the background. It was kind of strange. The speaker was telling me that if I wanted an interview with him, I'd have to 'make a deal' along the lines of doing something for him that Monica did for Bill. 'Then maybe we'll talk!' he laughed."
in 2016, a story emerged that Leonardo DiCaprio had bet Tobey Maguire that he could sleep with six Victoria's Secret models during the Cannes Film Festival. Reportedly, DiCaprio took an efficient approach by inviting the women to join him in threesomes.
>c'mon Leo, what's your secret? Don't be a dick, share some of those supermodels man, please
It's only sexual harassment when fat ugly old guys do it
When a 10/10 chad, with looks of a super model, famous worldwide and worth over $100 million then it's ok for him to fuck as many women as he wants without it ever being rape
I thought Leo was a closet homo using all these setup "romances" with hot starlets and other sex exploit stories as a cover to hide the fact that he roams the world with his gay buddies, the Ass Pussy Posse.
Leo is my favorite actor of all time. He is a good person.
he only ever fucked good looking women.. those types are succesful women.. they are not ugly dame hungry whores who lie
if hes such a good actor, how do you know he is really a good person? his entire public persona could be fake
lolno. Heterosexual men don't hire busloads of bikini-clad models to appear with them in photoshoots to convince the public of their butch manliness. Di Caprio is gayer than Kevin Spacey.
thats not matt damon
It's complicated
He's bi, but yes he actually fucks those supermodels
He's also in a "serious" relationship with Lukas Haas
me on the _____
Next to check these digits
/smokeless/ master race
Why doesn't Leo date a hotter dude?
they're stoned off their ass running around NYC after depleting their balls into 5 swimsuit models
>falling for the gay meme
>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.”
>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.
>“Leo knows women are mesmerized by his stardom, so he obviously doesn’t care at all whether they’re satisfied or not,” says another insider. “He can sleep with almost any woman he wants without even trying, so it’s no surprise he doesn’t try in bed either.”
Leo doesn't need to coerce women into sex. You will hear nothing about him related to the Weinstein scandal. You willingly come to the same room as him and have sex with him or not, he doesn't care he has MGMT
>>Leo doesn't need to coerce women into sex.
Every fucking woman on the planet watched and fell in love with his character in Titanic, then watched it again 20 times, he just has to show up, smile and start removing his pants (that lucky fuck).
Why do people find flat, lanky boards attractive?
Only fat ugly people need to molest. Too handsome. Women flock to him
>he thinks Leo needs to resort to assault
ok story told to me by a friend who has close hot female friend (As i type that out it sounds like a lie but i live in NYC, into the nightlife scene and Leo frequents the top clubs here)
>hot girl at club
>has assistant/body guard go up to girl, "leo would like to see you"
>told hes now in hotel room
>she goes up to hotel room, hes actually there, in the bathroom minding his business
>tells her to get naked on the bed, she complies
>he comes out in bathrobe, with headphones on and gets on top her
>fucks her for a few minutes without even making eye contact or saying anything
>he finishes, puts his robe on, and just leaves the room
>girl dresses up and leaves, now gets to brag she fucked leo even though it was bizarre experience
literally why would he hide it if he was a fag? it would only help his career in 2017
The pussy posse was GOAT.