/BSE/ was bullshit just like potatonigger said. Now that the hype is over, let's get down to brass tacks. What the fuck is forgotten languages?
>Also, need the other compilation picture.
/BSE/ was bullshit just like potatonigger said. Now that the hype is over, let's get down to brass tacks. What the fuck is forgotten languages?
>Also, need the other compilation picture.
Other urls found in this thread:
trolling most likely
just an user with above average IQ fucking with people
This shit has been around for years apparently, there's no way that it's just a massive troll. The site clearly required a huge amount of effort, and the English parts contain scientific sources.
You could say that it's perhaps a kind of art gallery, kind of like 973-et-namuh, but I really doubt that's the case.
also im salty over baselfeater so im not ready to swallow this
/x/ please go
I mean, what was so great about BSE in the first place? It would've been cool if these things were somehow connected, but potatonigger even said they weren't.
Ease your salt with an intriguing puzzle, user.
>Ease your salt with an intriguing puzzle, user
im gonna steal that, thats pretty good
ill give it a read user you won me over
I immediately started another a thread about this as well, but yours is better. This fascinates me.
>site is over 5 years old
>insanely cited sources
>all YouTube videos comments are locked, which is especially weird given most have low view numbers.
Yeh take it easy on this shit for a while ay
I would normally agree with you, but the site is insane. Check it out for a bit. It takes some getting used to but the articles on it are wild.
After that "bad self eater", well, i'm out with mystery happenings and stuff, have fun guys
It's been around so long thought
Plus all those videos
How could one person do this?
The coordinates on those Cassini Diskus things are particularly interesting
what if in an awesome, sweet ironic twist of fate this bedwetter guy did this hoax which caused one of you anons to find that weird FL site and he gets killed for it?
this belongs on /x/ guys, not pol
I guess BSE was a real honeypot.
So I wouldn't allow that to discourage us from doing this now. I'm sure a lot of people a low on steam, but still consider that this was the real thing to focus on, and we just got baited.
Abti rusness sehe ashe kose faur ir de beau af latz arie fahr lobu tote goni awut abur shasu, stua seshehle shauh af tadt sise zach ir bose fahre af de arie
I can only hope. But there is some crazy stuff on this site. Been digging around it most of the day and some of the videos have hidden messages that are kind of strange too.
Gotchu covered pham
Heres a video by the same mother fucker.
His name is T. Russell Hunter
Pic related
Definitely check out the website, too. There was another compilation picture (of everything potatonigger said,) as well as some copypastas being passed around that helped explain the events of the picture a bit better, although idk if anyone still has them.
So much of the content on this site is pertinent to disclosure, but then you've got some that are totally political such as this one:
>"Eber'ar kir aletes titen anani ber'onabar'bas' beles'ne, isker'ntan arena ber'ibeles' noza erinu abar'dar kir itu anani ekar'ese ekar'lakir aneb ede, eni kir akirit ilu, dakiri oso arind bakibas' sosinas kaz. Eni akan aletes sosinas kaz, kiz akirib etu kir analber anani tera modelera aunined kiz beles'ni oso kir abalketo anani sinergetike. Dis'ar kabar'es ber'onukaltur' tar'na ar'kireda sinergetika bod sabeles' ber'et abar'ez tebas'at dak anani ekar'lakir, itad iselkil kir baneter ena anani asar'bikar'es kue kir obalkeda anani ar'kinet kue (anike) izat nibin:
>In capitalism it no longer matters what circulates – whether it is money,
goods, information, or even the feel-good messages of feminism, multiculturalism and community – as long as there is constant exchange. Therefore, it is tweaking the rate of that exchange what allows a civilisation to force the collapse of another one."
After the BSE letdown I don't have the energy for this shit right now. But I'll leave you with this.
>Why disclousure through memes failed: XViS, memetics and its myseries
"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."
hillary is getting chelsea aborted next week
>The beauty of the diskus is that it operates as a language creation tool. It seems they know we will not be able to understand their language, and it may be they also accept they will not understand ours, hence the idea of using a device in order for both communication partners to create a language is the best option. Language emerges naturally during this interaction between us and them, a language which just serves the specific purpose it was intended for: to establish a contact.
make a thread about the guy and let all the angry people take the piss on him
meanwhile, we can use these threads to get to know about what forgotten languages is about. Ireland user said he has been following the page a lot and has seen some strange behavior.
this also, I don't know what was all the fuzz about it since the user that posted the photos and coordinates didn't say much, but there must be a reason for it, plus, there was a photo with the namefile of some coordinates (I assume they were the same) with some people on a table and a whiteboard in the back with some interesting drawings.
This was the logo at the end. All the art on the site is similar to BSE
Get the rope
This one is loaded with them.
>"Information is any form of radiation that communications one or more properties of a physical entity to another physical entity."
>"Replication is not of information, but of fundamental processes, conjuring of meaning being one of them. Evolution of language, as well as of logic, belongs to cultural evolutions"
>"Become one with me and avoid eye contact see my hands"
>"Who are these powerful people who can control humans. What kind of society do[???]. How do they live?"
You're going to have to pause a lot to catch them. And there is a long piece of text near the end that I can't find anywhere else online. Tried to copy it as best I could.
>The past to relive a pleasant moment,
>Strong were our wishes to relive
>A pleasant moment in time from the past
>Once more, however, is the past. No matter.
>No matter how strong, we decreased
>The continuous flow through time
>Expansion to the past, We decay into the future
>The past universe decreased, too
>The big-bang is our past
>The continuous flow through the primordial lava
>How strong our psychological arrow
>The perception defines our wishes
>Past perceptions do not count anymore
>Control it, to make of it a pleasant moment
>or content yourself with a macroscopic lire
>No matter how strong our experience
>shows the past expansion as the past >perception
>Defines obeserved psychological arrow
>as a moment fulfilled into a fireball
>The expansion in time, Experience
>Shows the time from the expansion. No matter
>How strong a moment... to decrease in time...
>There is no way BSE is a massive troll
>You could say that it's perhaps a kind of art project but I really doubt that's the case.
After all that bullshit about the audio fucking with you I listened to some tracks and felt fine
What kind of hidden messages? Examples?
>D-D-D-DELETE THIIIIIIISSS!!!!!!!!!11111!!!
Yeah okay Ivan.
Hey buddy feel like answering any of those questions from the other thread yet? Can we get some more specifics?
Also: Potatonigger presence = Potatonigger confirmed not to be an elaborate BSE marketing scheme.
Also: OH FUCK.
That's the TR-3B!
It's a community of multi-lingual occultists sharing their studies on various things.
It isn't one person.
guys i'm kind of spooked by this
Hacking attempt ?
scroll up
I'm not sure what to make of the audio tracks/ videos yet. Potatonigger said it would take until tomorrow and that whatever happens will show up in CT scans. Personally, I have felt increasingly bad since a couple hours after watching them, but I could also just be overly high and have a regular-old headache. I mean, come on, a "brain worm"? Isn't that a little preposterous?
More likely than not, Potatonigger doesn't have any evidence to support the claim that those videos were visual weapons until we find out if they were effective tomorrow. Whether or not everything else is legitimate, well... it does seem to check out, so far.
Just fuck off to your own board already
based on some of the writings on the site, he may have been fucking with people. But it's more about altering your brain possibly.
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."
>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."
>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."
>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"
>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."
>"Brain activity evoked by hearing or reading words evokes internal imagery at a high level of invariant, multimodal object recognition. Once all targeted brains share the same memes, truth management becomes an easy task"
>"We failed to encode alien abduction paradigm in other Western societies mainly due to the fact that we failed in deploying PSVs in those areas; the Rendlesham Forest experiment dramatically proved that only previously treated targeted brains were prone to interpret the experience the way we expected, while those untreated brains were immune. Same for black flying triangles, a meme we could not plant into European minds because cultural conditioning was - and is - working against us; actually, the conclusion drawn by neighboring countries was that the Belgian police and army are just naïve, if not straight stupid. Cultural rivalry was at work here."
>"Simple explanation of complex phenomena have thus a great advantage even when they are quite naïve, as long as they do not lead to behaviors that are obviously harmful, or significantly decrease chances for reproduction."
hmmm... has someone tried checking the code of the page to see if there's something fishy about it?
maybe something can be found
otherwise, if we can't decipher the artificial language of the page, we hit a dead end don't we?
same here. gimme a week to get over mah salt, then I'll dig into it
Posting what was supposedly posted by (You) in an earlier BSE thread
We know their software is called Nodespaces
This is the earliest reference to it I could find
This is some next level paranoia bullshit on par with DNA memories.
Fuck off.
Well apparently we should "Please send spam to [email protected]
the fuck is pornfornormalpeople.com
It's in welsh. What's the big deal?
This site explains somethings about the group.
Bruh...we all told you it was going to be literally nothing. How many times are anons going to be drawn into this horseshit?
Not sure what to think about this.
it's a creepypasta, although the videos of forgotten languages and porn for normal people are similar so people draw connections between the two
Not sure what the entry event is. But it happened in Tajikistan.
38°40'52.2"N 69°27'45.0"E
It was a creepypasta of sorts, popular several years ago.
I don't remember much about it, but story went that some bloke received a letter for some wird porn site called pornfornormalpeople.com, all the videos were weird like a 15 year old girl sobbing on a bed for 20min or some typical creepypasta shit. I think a copycat site was setup not long after the pasta went viral.
google's your friend
Weird... this looks like an intelligence report, and it has more English than any other part of the site that I've seen yet. Not to mention...
>September 14th.
Maybe we should make a general thread
>actually buying this shit
It's nothing special, just 2spoopy noisecore shit. Reminds me of the gabber music my Kiwi friend used to make though obviously slowed way down, between salvia extract smoking sessions kek.
Another location:
45°54'29.5"N 103°37'00.2"E - Mongolia
Apparently a lot of the languages on this site are either extinct or unknown. I'm almost wondering if some of these "Entry Events" are where the languages first appeared.
people really NEED to check this page
As much as I would like to keep checking this out /BSE/ made me wish time stood still because if something did happen I was in no position to survive.
I need a break from /x/ tier posts even though there was too much shilling going on with deep ties to DOD, Minerva, Cicada 3301 tier players and High Level Insider in another thread getting a bit concerned about what BSE was
Assuming Sol-3 refers to earth in this title:
"Higher Levels of Communications
with Sol-3 Life Forms" forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org
>Due to the very different nature of humans the most effective way to communicate with them is by transferring visual information to their brains. The entry point is the eye. Correctly configured, the device ensures that each beam of light, which encodes the information to be transferred, produces a similar response across all contactees. A single photon causes a response that reaches an amplitude of about one pA, it peaks in less than 200 msec, and recovers completely after about 1 sec.
>the rod converts the encoded beam of light into an electrical signal by triggering a G protein-coupled receptor cascade. Hence, the rod generates highly amplified, reproducible signals. The cones operate similarly but with their own set of phototransduction components, and with a lower level of sensitivity than that of the rods. Both rods and cones contribute to the detection of visual information. Cones respond to intensities over a broader range, and lay the basis for color-based visual image transfer to the brain.
>For the case of the retinal molecule, if one assumes that the effective length L, of the optically active part of the molecule is 12,6 angstroms, or 9 carbon atoms, the transition energy is about 2.5 eV. This energy corresponds to a green photon, which corroborates with the absorption curve of the main pigment in retina, the visual purple (rhodopsin), which has a maximum around 5000 angstroms.
>Though no instructions were given to us as to the correct operation of the device, we know these materials present photo induced conductivity that persists after the illumination is turned off. We noticed that the net increase rate of photocurrent becomes slow as the photon energy increases, which explains the observed slower response for more energetic incoming light. In all our interactions with Giselians we were illuminated by a blueish powerful light before the interaction started, which means ambient light must be somehow reduced before the eye-to-eye contact was established.
>The device seems to also work for other vertebrates. Dogs are reported to remain quiet in the presence of Giselians, staring at them motionless. This is not a mind engagement, it is purely the exploitation of our eyes and of the mechanics of human vision on behalf of visual information transfer. This also explains the reported visions seen by abductees while the non Sol-3 life forms stare at their eyes.
I think they are using the videos to experiment with some sort of brain coding.
I don't get what this is. It's a bunch of music videos with instrumental music. What am I supposed to be seeing/reading here?
They are working on the singularity.
Fucking spooky
But unfortunately we need to stop with the /x/ posting until something more serious arises.
Did you see the VIDEO ?
so, something like Point. Emerging. Probably. Entering. PEPE!!! KEK BE PRAISED
"Dysyf lyrelys - On Religious Lyrics"
>What is arguably conjured in the mind’s eye in lyrics evoking moments of the Passion, or indeed of the Nativity, are not so much the ‘real’ events in Bethlehem or on Calvary, but, by an implicitly ekphrastic process, the visual images set up in their turn for contemplation in churches up and down the land.
>Central among these is the planctus Mariae, the lament of the Virgin Mary at the base of the Cross. In this pageant it is set up to intersperse the narrative action with nodes of meditative reflection that are built as a dialogue between Mary and her son on the Cross.
Mental programming through religious lyric to induce dream like transfers of information?!
>audio and video streams which could give them cancer
This is absolute fucking nonsense, the gall to link to the spastics at abovetopsecret is astounding.
>... came out with a way to induce synthetic dreams in patients, dreams that were extremely vivid, pleasant, liberating, relaxing. The synthetic dreams had a lasting healing effect on the subjects and had a key advantage we were interested in: the subjects, for the first time, did not find the world grey, sad, and depressing once they were awake.
>Synthetic dreams that cure depression and make everything feelsgoodman.jpg
Sign me up.
Oh fuck. When I read it like that, it sounds a lot less impossible and a lot more like watching some guy beat Super Mario World by reprogramming the game into Pong by performing a large series of pixel-perfect jumps.
Welp, I am fucking spooped.
Checked. I can see why people thought this was a Gaelic language (one article even had Irish sources,) but looking at the grammatical structure again I do think it's more similar to Romanian... weird.
Having read a page or two on Forgotten Languages that speaks of math as if it were a limited language, I find this post especially intriguing.
That's probably not good enough.
What's going on in this thread
It's either a collaboration of schizos that have been creating an alternate reality for the past 5 years or an illuminati information dump with encoded information
This shit is both interesting and unsettling.
I don't get the vids though, if they were made to manipulate people in some kind, why aren't they spread to a broader audience? So much effort for seemingly nothing.
Also ayy lmao's confirmed.
Seems like they are still in the research phase
it's understandable user
I also felt like shit after the anti-abortion video, but doing something else helps me to ease my mind
This one is really weird, from going through google translate, it seems like they were talking about bait, could it be the bse?
"Beyond Contact: Intercourse - Metacomputing and the limits to our power of understanding"
>"Non-verbal audio patterns and brain wave rhythms have proven the only way to achieve an ASC which allows us to detach the center of consciousness from the physical body while making intercourse possible"
>"Before the discovery of XViS audio stimulation we relied on drugs and hypnosis, but the requirements of these two techniques are different for each individual, while XViS audio stimulation is universal and works for each individual"
>"An analytical study was conducted on the potential interaction between those beings and human individuals. The objective was to identify any undue sensitivities to that intercourse and recommend remedies where appropriate. The first step in this process was to build the facilities needed for the intercourse to take place. We thoroughly studied the penetration of diffused fields into the facility both analytically and experimentally, and we concluded there were no means to monitor what was happening inside the facility once the intercourse was taking place."
I think it is a very bad idea to watch their videos.
Possibly the best pro life video I've ever watched.
Some creepy shit.
I saw one post on site from 2009 so its 7 years at least.
The FUCK is this???? I can't even read some of the articles. May I get an answer please?
So by activating selected cones in our retina they are able to transfer information without conventional language? Am I understanding this correctly?
It's an interesting idea, and if every individual reacted the same way to it, it would mean they have a literal babelfish provided you could carry meaning and intent through this.
It also has other stranger implications about how are people from totally different language backgrounds able to understand, even on a subconscious level, a 'language' without even knowing it.
the first posts are actually from 2008, so it's at least 8 years of work
if anything, we should make a thread on /x/ if people aren't too interested on this, I gues Sup Forums is the better place to do this kind of 'investigative' work since you get a lot more importance (and the 'Irish' poster visits Sup Forums), but if it gets flooded or if people think of this as just another BSE, then /x/ would be a more welcoming board.
lol what did BadSelfEater end up being? I missed it
Christfag crying about abortion. The butthurt was glorious tbqh
Does somebody want to start putting together a general thread copypasta? I definitely agree with that we need one, but I am packing up and getting ready to sleep.
Incidentally, check out what I found:
Very similar to . Of particular interest is that some of the stuff that comes up in this ATS thread comes directly from the same article that triggered the shilling
I agree, at least till we figure out what the fuck is this webpage about
>kinda spooked tbqhfam
hahaha do we have any screencaps or anything? i cant believe i missed the countdown ending
Does anybody have an idea who'd do something like that?
I really don't see a reason for "the elite" to have a site like that. The fact that some of the stuff is in plain enlish instead of their gibberish is also strange. Seems like a bunch of schizo's trolling people, which also doesn't make sense because this site is 8 years old and basically nobody knows of it.