i havent kept up with it all
somebody give me a quick rundown
Untitled Entertaiment
I agree fellow goy.
he wan sum fuk
so is this the "proof" she was raped? because i have sent people messages asking me to meet them places, hope i dont get arrested for rape
Oh man that totes proves rape.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the proof would pretty much be the payment she received and the non-disclosure they settled for, right?
no, again how is that proof? do you know what the word proof means? its shady as fuck, but its not proof at all
because i have sent people messages asking me to meet them places
>hey rachel this is norman, im asking for my friend rufus if you would be okay with meeting him at this hotel he is staying later this evening
are you are retard?
now watch how this samefagging shill goes into full damage control
i texted an old gf of mine to meet me at a bar once, a few years ago. i guess if she accuses me of rape now, that text she could have saved is prrof. fuck me im finished
he dindu nuffin. fuck roasties.
She's so dumb. Now everyone else will be asking for receipts too from all the other accusers.
Please rosa stop trying to prove you were raped
Is this going to be one of those Sup Forums periods we look back on warmly, Anons?
the biggest issue is, everyone is so eager to see that jew monster go down without any real proof, that they dont understand if he does go down, that shit is going to immediatly be ok to do to every man
lol her career will be deader than ever.
Should've took some notes from Kobe.
Hotels are popular meeting places when you're out of town user. Especially if you're rich.
Be honest anons, who else wanked it to this movie? It was on all the fucking time like 5-10 years ago. Prime McGowan.
Sounds like a bunch of high class whores turning their john in to the cops after he's paid them and they've done the deed.
>believing white women
I hope this thing really explodes and even escalates beyond Hollywood and into all fields of society and culture. I hope more and more -actual- victims come out and publicly denounce their perps and they tear each other to pieces on their way down. Then we can chill on here and watch it all go to shit together, user
I think so.
unless he outright buttraped these women i don't see how i'm supposed to care. you're millionaires with fame and careers because of it. i would gladly swallow harvey weinsteins chode for a million bucks
>No that would make me feel uncomfortable why don't we organise a meeting that is a little more formal and in public
Except no she didn't say that because she wanted a career and now that her time has run out and she's got one last chance at relevancy so she's using this against him.
As fucked up as it is (which it isn't), if she willingly went to his room obviously expecting him to sexual advance, then it was consensual. Either she's so naive that she thought they were just going to chat at 5pm in his hotel room or she was getting as much out of it as he was.
This definitely makes him a shady character that was willing to advance the careers of women who slept with him, but strictly speaking that isn't illegal and unless the women didn't consent he isn't legally in the wrong, despite how morally opposed to it you might be.
She's pure poison even to the others 'coming out'.
what does your wife think?
>tfw you get accused of rape, but are a permavirgin
BTFO, Roasties
It would be a beautiful thing. I've seen the same kind of things happen at the last company I worked one said shit, but everyone knew. I couldn't say anything, because I didn't witness any of it. Anyway, it would be great to see the walls come tumbling down.
Did she have a mental breakdown after her car accident ?
she already said "she was the proof", whatever that means to a female brain
Oh she wouldn't mind, user
Have you still contact to some of your former coworkers there? Could sharing articles about the bravery of these women maybe encourage them to do the same thing?
Her feelings. Her proof is most likely that text or similar, circumstantial evidence.
Some of you appear to be unaware of how this is causing excessive turmoil in Hollywood given that MANY of the top guys in there are actual child rapists.
>"i said i was the proof"
holy shit, dont even bother with a trial, with that kind of proof
Maybe they signed an agreement or something? How would that work then, would she still have a document in that case? Bte I'm purely hypothetically asking and out of curiosity for the matter
>siding with a jew
Yeah fat chance in hell
>Please sign this prostitution contract
Maybe if he's the most retarded Jew in the history of the Tribe.
Yeah she has a big fat receipt that sure as shit doesn't say 'deposit for being raped'.
God, I wish this would actually come out.. But it won't. The whole thing is way too well orchestrated; a pedo scandal is a card you wouldn't waste while another shitstorm is already initiated.
If you look at the blind items the last couple of days, guys like schneider and singer are shitting there pants
Schneider has dirt on everyone that nigga ain't never going down.
Singer should have been arrested years ago, and it's a tragedy of the American judicial system that he has been allowed to skate for so long.
>to Lindsay Lohan and 6 more
Who are the other 6?
>realizes nobody wants her roastie ass after burning the coal
>t-they raped me
>gets found out
>goes to jail
like pottery
>Have you still contact to some of your former coworkers there?
>Could sharing articles about the bravery of these women maybe encourage them to do the same thing?
I doubt it. It's an old boy company. Everyone jokes about it, but won't say shit, because they could lose their pensions.
If there's an agreement somewhere for sexual favors it would prove consent.
>muh tinfoil moral outrage
How many of these women allowed this deformed inbred ratfreak to brush up against their genitals again and again until it he squirted his little retard elixer in them/on them so that they could get a "big part" in an up and coming hollywood turd?
I really want this to be investigated with careers being ruined when appropriate.
Never been fond of sluts sleeping their way to the top. That level of corruption has always sickened. Rats using money and status to try and get laid and trash giving them what they want to get promoted.
I wonder if that rat ever took a dump on a willing face. Would you ever look at that willing face the same way?
Fair point.
Maybe someone should anonymously tip off the local press in that area.
yet you voted for Trump I bet
but I agree, rape culture and toxic masculinity has to go
Wow hes a filthy sexist literal rapist exploiting young women. Literally fuck him....Oh hes a huge supporter of the democrats and a jew? Hah well actually drumpf once said grab em by the pussy so weinstein really dindu nufin. Le alt right btfo, hilbitch one the populer vote. Sorry drumpflets.
Providing that he was tested for infectious diseases, I would let Harvey Weinstein massage my prostate with his penis and ejaculate into my rectum for 500k. Maybe even 250.
Ya but youre an antifa shit eating cuck.
Lohan is out in Dubai getting fucked and shitted on for a living
Look fellas, even if she is lying, this a hit against the kikes. Let them get fucked over and see where it goes, and we may just see good movies coming from Hollywood again.
Not really. Jewish people who fit negative stereotypes are especially unpleasant people.
Perhaps. It's a multi-national corporation, related to petroleum.
Wtf I love nepotism now
Illegal no, but you've got to love feminist and multicult logic.
Not hiring enough dindus or women = "sessist rassist".
Not hiring someone because old nosey mcslug can't spin his dreidel in them = fair and acceptable hehe.
I wonder how many little stars had their dreams come true because they agreed to make ol' schnozzy's dreams come true...
Love it when ladies spill this kind of dirt, but on an outed creep, it's not as much fun. I'd like the girls to tell everyone who they know sold sexual favours to him and others in order to advance their careers.
It would be like forcing all the feminists onto an island and forcing them to fight to the death with the grand prise being the right to cut Harvey Weinstein's heart out.
Nice. Pick your news outlet. NY Times or New Yorker? Or something more transnational like the Guardian? I hear they have pretty nice anonymous letterboxes.
She should stop. She's obviously has a mental problem. We all know that Harvey is a rapist, but attacking other people (like the other members of the board) is pure speculation.
I just read an article by some gay guy who says that the opera world is full of gay men in positions of power doing similar things to Harvey. The fire rises indeed.
>Prime McGowan.
Thats when she was getting fucked by Manson, nope.png.
shes not going too.
>Hah well actually drumpf once said grab em by the pussy
Sept he didn't.
Trump said that when you are a star that women will let you do anything, including "grab em by the pussy".
Weinstein is proving that there is a degree of truth to this.
Lots of women will happily bypass the burden of serious hard work and ethical business practice and let creeps diddle their holes for career favours and gibs.
It's called "groupies".
Ever heard of the guns n roses or rick james parties?
>siding with the jew
>siding with the roastie
Tough call.
These women are going "this is a problem of masculinity". They want plebs to pay and be cockblocked while they still enable and suck off whatever producer is still untouchable because they suck up to power
You mean 'gropies'
Anyways, thanks for telling me this. I'll come here and think of you in case this should at some point really make it out there. A man can dream.
This is the most damage control I have ever seen on this board, these past two days.
do they have fast internet in Jeddah, Abdul?
Kek. No wonder Lindsey Lohan sent that insane tweet saying people should leave Weinstein alone and that his wife should stand by her man rather than leave him.
This crazy crackwhore is hoping she can still breathe life into her career by 'helping' (sc)Weinstein
Here literally did nothing wrong. The thots deserved it
I thought she got sold to some russian oil billionaire?
Sorry user, I just hate women more then I hate jews. It was a hard decision but ultimately you have to follow your heart.
>Sorry user, I just hate women more then I hate jews.
That's like fucking impossible
At least the jews fuck me.
Hollywood ends tonight guys
Tfw celebrities start becoming redpilled en masse.
Hollywood is dying.
Not enough memes yet.
Trump and Weinstein are both right though. Only a Sup Forumscuck would worship women to the point of cognitive dissonance
Ha, but, it almost implies that it's distinct or oppositional to groupies.
These girls are there to let the "stars" take big giant turds on their faces, in hope that they will get a free ride to the gold mine.
I wonder how many willing mouths have partaken in the....brown gold of Weinstein?
There's such an amazing strategic opportunity here to attack feminism.
Why are the "muh power" "muh womanhood" feminists not ousting all these (((gatekeepers with lustful peepers))) for the corrupt freaks they are?
Guess all the "empowered women" don't mind inculcating a culture where girls are little more than stupid worthless cum pigs so long as some ugly fat freak is willing to pop a few shekels in their buttholes.
Tomorrow is the new stranger things trailer out
>haha if you dont like the creepy rapist jew you must worship women
Your logic is flawed bud.
Sup Forums was right again
You fail to realize the impact of this. There will be an outcry for WOMEN producers now, and riddance with the abundance of male jew producers who prey on women hoping for a chance of success.
This is like harmageddon for these Hollywood big shots, they love diversity when it's at the cost of the male white goyim, but do you think they want diversity aimed at themselves ? Fuck no.
He tried to rape Claire Forlani five times but was unsuccessful.
Whomever your Hollywood waifu is, not matter how obscure, Harvey either tried or was successful with her. Just throw any name out there. Jaime Lee Curtis just came forward. It's looking like pretty much everyone.
>tv-pol thinks Mcgowan is some redpilled Aryan crusader, fighting to rid Hollywood of the Jews for the sake of the white race
>IRL she's an ultra-left feminist who REEE'd about Trump every other second and sucks alimony from men like a succubus.
I'm laffin.
Stay mad cuck