Yeah I know it's cringe, but how is he wrong?
Yeah I know it's cringe, but how is he wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Water is wet.
The sky is blue.
The sun is hot.
Stating obvious truths is very deep.
Okay but niggers don't belong in Europe
Why don't they all just kill themselves if they hate life so much?
It's beyond pseudo intellectual philosophy 101 bullshit.
Imagine a literal down-syndrome retard trying to recite Nietzsche.
That's rick and morty.
If nothing matters then why won't you eat your own shit?
>Stating obvious truths is very deep.
It's not obvious to most people
because he's wrong on all points
Its just such a trivial statement and said with such a defeatist attitude.
They're scared of dying
It may be dumbed down but the point still stands
Nihilism is irrefutable.
He said it to stop his sister ruining her life
Yeah it is, shit doesn't really matter so do what matters to you the most is trivial shit most people live by even if they don't realize it.
I'm conscious for some reason along with billions of others in a universe full of countless superclusters. who is to say I won't arise again?
maybe you already are but don't know it
Well it may be trivial shit but that doesn't make it less true
>Nobody exists on purpose
>Nobody belongs anywhere
False from many relativistic perspectives(the only kind of perspective a human can have)
>We're all going to die
Technically unfalsifiable.
2/3rds of it isn't truth-apt and the other third is either nonsensical or wrong.
It's cringe because it's a lazy bastardization of a Sartre quote. Literally "let's take something I heard in a 1000 level intro to phil course, dumb it down, and put it in the show!"
it's in there for a reason, it has context
Nietzsche was an existentialist, he didn't even say edgy crap like what R&M pushes.
It's an unfalsifiable, cognitivist stance, so it's actually easily refutable.
Adding to this, "Nobody exists on purpose" is either unfalsifiable in a universalist context or simply false from a relativistic one as many people from many perspectives do in fact exist on purpose as their parents intended.
I'm fully aware of why it's cringe worthy, but that doesn't make it untrue.
The context is "let's make this show DEEEP in the laziest way possible by throwing in something I literally heard in a 1000 level phil course I took at communuty college."
>Nietzsche was an existentialist, he didn't even say edgy crap like what R&M pushes.
Oh please. Nietzsche was incredibly edgy and yes he did talk about meaning (or the lack of it) in the world. It's basically his shtick.
doesn't make it any less cringy or wrong
see and
>fishing for a religious argument on Sup Forums - television and film
obviously you're one of the intellectuals this show is designed for.
the quote is false and 100% there's a god, btw, if you just open your heart and accept him instead of being such a prideful piece of shit.
who is morty telling it to
it is, most people just learn to get over it or choose to ignore it. "smart" people seem to think they're the only ones that care about philosophical issues like that when they're really just the ones that agonize over them instead of choosing to spend their time on other things.
>"Meaning and morality of One's life come from within oneself. Healthy, strong individuals seek self expansion by experimenting and by living dangerously. Life consists of an infinite number of possibilities and the healthy person explores as many of them as posible. Religions that teach pity, self-contempt, humility, self-restraint and guilt are incorrect. The good life is ever changing, challenging, devoid of regret, intense, creative and risky.”
Open up a book and then talk.
His sister
Yes if our specific consciousness is contingent on material configuration then wouldn't that imply one observer can operate from two different bodies given the right conditions?
Not him but that wouldn't multiply the observer in any way.
No most people are still blissfully unaware, they have religion or some other form of spirituality to give them a purpose.
How is choosing to spend times on other things inherently superior to trying to figure out the conditions and bases of your phenomenological perspective?
it's not, i didn't say it was. i don't think it's inferior though.
yeah, but they wouldn't necessarily be aware of each other
if we go on multiverse theory then think of all the infinite timelines that are yet to diverge
every attosecond for the entire duration of eternity
I don't think about this stuff because it's pointless
we can't test or interact with anything, any theory is as valid as another
and none of it will ever affect us
You belong on reddit
Then it raises the question as to why our field of awareness is limited to one body. Why this one and not another. What distinguishes you from me?
Life happens then you die
to have sex
something redditors will never have
Nice try sweetie
He's not wrong. But this is something you should have realized when you were 7. And the fact that your life will be short does not exclude meaning or the existence of a creator.
"You will die" is a meaningful expression, but not in the way reddit and memey fanboys think.
Our sensory information and context of memory appear to have boundaries. I cannot sense what you sense, or remember what you remember.
Well I'm tempted when people assume it's eternal oblivion after death when I somehow came into existence in the first place.
He is literally wrong, though.
Memory. This is actualy a very basic philisophical question that has been answered in different forms since the 1700s. It comes down to memory.
It is trite and overused, but the basis of all knowledge comes from the descarte quote. "Cogito ergo sum".
If we could bridge our brains together through an inter-brain corpus callosum, this subject would move forward and likely raise more questions.
Not really, we'd just become a single entity with shared boundaries on our senses and memories.
> nobody exists on purpose
> nobody belongs to anyone
pure judaism
> we're all going to die
some of us will get eternal life
I'll accept double quads.
our perception is at the bottom of a physical construct of awareness, but it's like a fish in water that doesn't know it's in water
What is wrong? His statement is basicaly twofold. We will die and we have free will. Which of these do you disagree with?
The conclusion that nothing matters is silly, the very fact that the idiot harmon makes the show instead of sucking dick under the freeway means that he thinks things matter. But the two statements are true.
Why comedy shows always try to get all serious and melodramatic? Simpsons and Futurama did this shit too
Jesus died for my sins so that I could be with my creator in an everlasting paradise.
>Nobody exist on purpose
For atheists people is true
>Nobody belongs anywhere
If you don´t have a family or a place to call home is true
>We´re all going to die
That´s true, but again if you are an atheist, is the end of the road, for theist people is just another step.
Thats just retarded. God is real but eternal life is a ridiculous hell.
Because we all exist for a holy purpose beyond our wildest comprehension. Because we all belong everywhere, the loving embrace of nature and nature's god superseding any fear or petty rivalry. Because each and every life holds an infinite value, all beings a unique reflection of their loving creator.
And while we exit this world, only those that choose to truly die.
It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, the fact it's cringe worthy is enough reason to hate it
When does it become so obvious to everyone?
I'm finishing high school (lol get out kid etc) and last week in the philosophy class I mentioned that most people won't achieve anything special and their kids are the only legacy that they will leave, and I got a few weird looks and one guy asked me why am I such a pessimist and why do I think that.
I had no clue how to answer that, I literally stated the obvious and some people had a hard time understanding it. Maybe it's because that's high school, but I'm not exceptional, I don't consider myself more mature than the rest.
Also, I think that the insanely huge fanbase of Rick an Morty proves that nihilism 101 is the pinnacle of philosophical thought to many people.
Do people seriously believe in the afterlife? Your consciousness is tethered to your physical brain, if it dies then your conscious experience disappears with it.
> if it dies then your conscious experience disappears with it.
Prove it.
when they get menial jobs and realize that's all they'll be doing for the rest of their lives
That is obvious to most people they just don't put such a negative spin on it. This is only profound to all of the basement dwelling fucks that waste their life away behind a screen instead of going out and actually doing something with the limited amount of time we have on this earth.
He speaks like a Sri Lanka Buddhist
Aah. A true philosphal asshole. Well how do we know we all must die then? I'm sure you are familiar with the greek proof. Or perhaps that was your intention becuse what is pupose when it comes to existence. But the statement "we all must die" is a classically unproven truth.
"Special" and the concept of a "legacy" are either subjective or relative terms depending on their contexts. It's you who is the brainlet. Sorry.
>When does it become so obvious to everyone?
Never, only virgins believe they dont have a purpose.
Chads know their purpose is to get laid, because that's where his dick fits.
'special' is subjective
People with head injuries/trauma start to lose parts of their full conscious experience. They aren't the same people anymore. It's not a stretch to think that it would completely disappear if your brain died.
atheism is more of a conjecture than theism (just my opinion)
>Your consciousness is tethered to your physical brain, if it dies then your conscious experience disappears with it.
nothing dies it just changes form.
of course death is a change. People who is afraid of change is the one wich is afraid to die.
It is technically unfalsifiable, the statement isn't truth-apt given our current apparatuses. That's all I'm saying. It is technically feasible that our understanding of death is limited, or that one could achieve a form of immortality, however absurd and unlikely these things may seem.
>He speaks like a Sri Lanka Buddhist
Except pity, humility, and self-restraint and are all Buddhist teachings
>nobody exists on purpose
maybe if you don't know who your dad is.
Oh? Considering the infinite complexity and perfect laws of creation, it's a damn logical thing to say some singularly reasonable force created it all.
And what's more, the ability to separate real from ideal and move towards it proves a singular, good force everything is naturally ordered towards must logically exist. And the conscience within us hints very steadily to a world outside the physical, one we can't properly understand but by acting morally or immorally encounter all the time
>"image" as the filename
>posting with an outdated reddit tier meme
>specifying it's your opinion to avoid harsh criticism
Is this your first time posting?
Good thing I'm not identical with my conscious experience, otherwise I would die for a nap.
Rick and Morty is basically a bombardment of cynical platitudes about the world, nothing else.
How so?
But you could only tell what it was like if it happened to you. Like people experiencing afterlife while being dead for 1 second and them revived.
Do you think when you roll double sixes in craps you did it on purpose? Or do you even underatand what that means?
Memes have no expiration date
If nothing matters to you, then how would you feel if someone held you down and forcibly cut off a few of your fingers? Would that act have any meaning to you? Obviously it would.
The problem with nihilists is that you claim that there's no meaning in the world, but what you actually mean by that is that there's no "positive" meaning in the world. You're perfectly happy to accept the negative meaning, because there's no denying it. You actively live your life to avoid painful experiences like the one I described above. In that sense, you're attributing negative meaning to those experiences.
Why do you have such an easy time accepting negative meaning in the world, but not the positive? I'm not claiming to have a good answer to that question, but the point is, if negative meaning exists, it's extremely likely that positive meaning exists too. And obviously it does, because there are certain positive experiences in life that you actively try to move towards.
The root problem is that you have a poor definition of what it means for something to be meaningful.
That's not cringe, it's cool.
Why do people let a bunch of cringey people ruin a show? If I like something, then I find out that a bunch of social retards also like that thing, I'm not going to stop liking that thing.
Venerable Wirathu can ethnically cleanse Muslims from Burma and successfully follow the 3 jewels. Besides that, without getting into a history spanning millenia, Buddhism teaches simply to live mindfully.
Actually this depends on the sect of Buddhism in question, though I'm not familiar with the Sri Lankan variety. Some sects worship and pray to Buddha and relics similarly to an abrahamic religion, for example.
Objectively false
You didn't read your article did you?
fpbp. Retarded fans of Rick and Morty are the same people who think black science man is an intellectual.
>lets use this site promoting budhism as a source
Nigger you are retarded. There are literal bhudist organized crime organizations in se asia. Some are on the terrorist watchlist. I am very skeptical of the existence of siddhartha. Let alone his nirvana under the tree.
>god is dead, and we have killed him
I mean fuck I'm a little out of the ordinary cause I'm a Catholic that loves Dostoevsky, but even I see the meaning in it. Nietzsche was simply pointing out our society, though claiming to love god, undermines any attempt of godliness or indeed a good life. His whole philosophy was just an even more drawn out version of the idiot.
But no, R&M sounds soooooo smart blathering off god is dead and nothing matters. At least it's funny knowing the character was made to mock them