ITT: Childhood Sleepover movie memories

ITT: Childhood Sleepover movie memories

>that one guy who always claimed his parents let him see every violent horror movie, but at his house it turns out to be bullshit
>that guy who started crying if there was any nudity
>that guy who never talked but ate all of the popcorn
>that guy who even after renting a movie insisted that everyone should watch some sports match
>that parent who let everyone get a personal snack at the videostore
>that guy who kept showing his penis

>the dad who molested everyone

>tfw the guy who always flashed his cock had had penis surgery at 6 that had gone wrong and instead of a penis he had a little stump with a few gore-like flaps
It unironically looked like a much smaller version of a leg stump after a grenade has blown the leg off.

>the white whore is appropriating black hair

Speak for yourself.
we have mutual friends and I'm going to see them soon at some events (I live far away) and Abbey might be there too and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP

It's for a movie.

>abbey will NEVER be your gf

godspeed user

tell us what happened

I know this one.


Do americand only eat salty popcorn? Because in my country sweet popcorn is very popular and many fights were had over which type of popcorn should be bought.

how is she so perfect bros?

>drinking while driving
>from Melbourne
>black nail polish
bet she's a based mad cunt

>30 years old
She's an old roastie that will soon hit the wall.

If that means I have more of a shot with her I'm happy.

I'm pretty sure braids are a european invention you afrocentric KANGZ fucktard

Nigger women only put cow piss into their hair in an effort to appear more blonde (aka white) which all the shitskin races aspire to

>started crying if there was any nudity

There weren't any Americans at my school so no.



>me on the left

>sister is having a slumber party
>have a secret femdom fetish
>parents arent home
>want to get "caught" spying so they'll dress me like a girl or make me sniff their feet or just abuse me
>do get "caught"
>they just kick the shit out of me instead and lock me in the pantry
>still pretty hot

anyone have better luck?

>that one guy that turned on the cheater box and flips on The Spice Channel.

>see a famous model/actress at a bar
>damn I have zero chance with her
>why bother
this isn't hard to figure out


>be 7
>be friends with girl next door (according to others she had a huge crush on me, but I never noticed)
>she invites me to her slumber party
>aside from her brothers I'm the only boy
>the girls keep teasing me and calling me a girl since it's supposed to be an all girls party
>get fed up with them
>scream for everyone to be silent
>they oblige
>take out penis
>they react like I just showed them a unicorn
>rest of the evening is spent with them taking turns touching my cock
Unironically the most alpha moment of my life.

for movies, 99% yes. sweet popcorn is popular around the winter holidays though.

>that one guy who lost his shit over a game of Goldeneye, broke the N64 and was never allowed over again
I'm still bitter about that.

How old were you guys?

>the virgin sleepover

>the chad slumber party

she was 15 and her friends were around the same age. I was 12

>that one cool dad who was a marine and would tell you crazy stories and let you have candy and stay up late
>then he has too much to drink and starts telling you PTSD riddled stories and gets really sullen and quiet

>that kid who has a cool older brother who let you tryout his fleshlight

I had a friend with a marine dad and in his house it was illegal to talk about or reference violence (including films) unless it was WW2 or about specific technical modern firearms stuff. He was only allowed to play Battlefield 2 because his dad inspected all the weapons first and it was to his liking.


I've never met anyone with a fleshlight.

>that guy who kept showing his penis

Desu, still don't now why i did that. It wasn't just sleepovers. I'd dangle my penis in front others every opportunity i'd get. In class, on the toilet or even on the way home i would make sure to get my cock out.

>that kid who said he came just from sucking dick
>that kid who let everyone grope her
>that kid who said he met George Lucas at a bbq

>tfw a compulsive liar considered himself friends with you
>every day he would come up with new shit despite you constantly calling him out on it
>would even get so upset at you not believing his lies that he would bring other people in and try to convince them they're true so as to make you feel foolish

stay on topic fago

so every female is bisexual now it seems.

Wow fuck that cunt. I'd be bitter as well

>that one black kid who fucked your crush in your own house

ah the good memories.

>that one kid who stole his older brother or fathers dirty magazines

butter and salt. Caramel around xmas

I knew guys like that.

I also knew a guy who claimed to have fucked all of the women in movies we saw. We were 8.

>that guy who kept showing his penis
There's always ONE.

>one dude claims his sister showed him a video of some guy who individually put his arms, legs, and head in a vagina
>I always believed it was bullshit
>one day years later I go to the most viewed section on efukt
well I'll be damned

>that kid who got jumped because he admitted to fucking an animal of some kind

I have that friend right now.
We're still not sure if those comments about fucking his cat were serious. He also has scratch marks all over his body which he claims were caused by his cats.

Also he almost never talks aside from when he brimgs up cat fucking.

>That one kid who always brought the wrong movie when it was his turn

How do we save her?

>guy crying at nudity
What friends did you have faggot?

>that guy who kept showing his penis
He didn’t stop in high school either. I doubt he’s stopped in college

user 30 is where it's at if they don't have kids.

This is genuinely narcissist behaviour, the actual disorder. Look it up

But that's when you get wasted and do it anyways

Yeah I don't disagree. The guy was a huge piece of shit in many other ways too.

>that kid who hypes up how awesome it's gonna be having a sleepover at his house and the whole gang watching movies/playing N64 all night
>he falls asleep at 8:00 PM

I did it because I was insecure and a lil gay

>That friend who goes to sleep early
>The friend's mum turns the light off and says you have to go to sleep too
>Tfw Lying awake in darkness for hours not having anywhere to go or anything to do
Living Hell

Tell us moar

thats me right now

>that one kid who was always gay at the sleepovers

make sure to let us know how bad it was

Could you sound any more Sup Forums?

You were supposed to meditate. This is why you're stupid and unhappy.

>that one kid who dressed up in your sister's clothes and sucked off you and your other friends

Rate my lizard.

>That one kid who wanted everyone to show their penis and then he would pick which to suck

>everyone who hates shitskin monkeys is Sup Forums
lmao nobody likes you nigger

>watching silent hill at sleepover everyone passes out but friends cousin and aunt
>movie ends and I head upstairs to sleep
>get woken up by friends cousin riding me
>pretend to sleep until she finishes
>she makes out with me before she leaves
> wake up next day early and go home
Was I raped guys?

how can mammals even compete?

>that one bitch who'd always bring Mean Girls, Clueless or Ten Things I Hate About You
>that ditzy girl who'd always bring her plushies

r u grill

can't tell if supreme autism or hardcore ptsd

God damn that is a disgusting image


>staying at rich friend's house for the night
>we watch a flick in his theater room with a projector, recliners, the whole 9yds
>he falls asleep not 20 minutes in
>i watch to the end because I'm not sensory deprived
>flick is over
>I try to turn off the projector
>its one of those shitty multimedia remotes that never work intuitively
>give up
>next morning the multimedia system is on the fritz
>I explain what happened
>rich friend says I broke it
>tells me if they can't fix it then I'll owe his family thousands of dollars
guess who never paid shit, faggot.

I had a botched circumcision that left a brown ring under the head of my penis. Didn't know that until a sleepover dick showing.

>a 30 year old woman that's trying to look edgy by drinking while driving


>those parents who fucked up and got a scary movie thinking it was a kid friendly movie