



Am looking forward to this one












Wonder what that is on the screen.







So many good comics out today.



That is a scary looking Trump.



About time Element Girl showed up.









this is pretty fucked. i wonder what's gonna happen to the actual megan.







I love this cover. Hopefully running the other issues will make the thread last longer than an hour


I think the actual Megan is still inside her body, just repressed/overpowered/dominated by Loma's personality and thoughts.













LOVE this cover.





Well, that has been shown to be flat out false in the comic, but go on thinking that.









>The Yellow Wallpaper



What's the Yellow Wallpaper?



It's a book about a woman who goes mad.





Young Animal has been great so far. Now, if we could only get Doom Patrol to come out on time..



Megan went all Dr Manhattan, and is exploring the universe.




And it looks like she's learning about all the cruel cold and vicious parts of the universe before she returns.




Don't fall for alien girls River.


