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/STD/ General - Star Trek Discovery
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can the neckbeards chill out this show is great its actually starting to grow on me . I get the hate though its much different from other star treks just be happy in this reality trek is back on the air .
I love this new show its the best scifi show ever made. Look at the critics who before even seeing the show gave it perfect scores on Rotten Tomatoes unlike the old treks which all critics universally hated because it didnt have diversity.
Anyone check out the sweet new Discovery merch so they can flex their scifi street cred?
agreed fellow Dis fan !
I love the new star trek show and this image shows all the greatest trek captains to date.
Im a big fan of star trek and this show isnt star trek, except the name.
your a nazi if you dont like STD, in fact the cast even said they didnt want old fans watching the show because most were white and everyone on the show hates white people and veterans.
>pic related
The brave cast of STD daring to speak truth to power by kneeling so show that vets and anyone who supports America is the lowest form of life. Im hoping we get leaked video of the cast spitting on the American flag.
How did the show runners not realize that STD would be the obvious abbreviation of the title?
Because they put just as much thought into the name as they did everything else. Reminder: This is the delayed, tweaked, heavily rewritten and reshot version. This is what we got from these idiots after they got a year of do-overs. Can you imagine the original travesty?
noone on STD even saw or heard of trek before working on STD, even that black woman the main character has been caught in tons of interviews saying she is the first black female ever on star trek ignoring uhura who was present from the start.
imagine a situation where the original version was everything that made TNG and TOS great, but test audiences (composed of mentally deficient 17 year olds who loved 2trek2furious) didn't like it, so they kept fiddling with it until test audience reactions were positive, and this was the result.
I didn't think of that, but that is also plausible. It would be nice to find out one day what some of the reshot stuff looked like, the scrapped designs, the original scripts, etc.
Really? Did anyone tell her that she isn't
No one working on the show knows enough about trek to know she made that mistake.
not that i saw but given how out of touch the media is these days with normal people since their payed like rock stars to pretend to relate to us, im not surprised.
Does anyone have a picture of Javid Iqbal, the guy who plays Voq? He's never done any other work on screen and I can't find a damn thing about him. I wanna know what he looks like in case they do some augment virus fuckery with him.
Why did they ignore them for 6 months?
They likely told her she was and to make a big deal of that.
Actors are coached on shit like that.
Nice to see what it actually looks like since everything is so dark on the show you can't make out shit.
>whoa, the klingons have technology that can make huge ships invisible! Oh damn we're at war with them now
>lets just ignore that ship that's in or territory that can be totally invisible.
>lets make sure to get the captain's old busted shitty telescope though
It's /DIS/, fuck off you fucking Orville/CBS shill.
You must be a shill and not a trek fan because everyone calls the show STD.
No shilling, STD is what it is. There's no undoing that now. If they'd started using their own abbreviation early and frequently maybe, but like everything else it's been poorly planned and here we are.
too busy trying to invent a far more important technology
the artificial wig
they tried to force DIS since the beginning. STD was just more obvious.
Far as I know its oddly only the last few days they tried changing the name from STD.
Kind of too late since people were calling it STD for over a year or 2 since the first trailer of that hideous ship.
How much more fucking pretentious can the writers get?
Either way, it's stuck now so it will always be STD. No point anyone, shill or otherwise, fighting that lost battle. They'd just be kind of fucked if they have the plot involve people getting sick from anything every. In fact, any extras in sickbay are presumed to be there for space aids.
They're going to do the klingon augment virus
Its going to be transmitted sexually.
threadly reminder that michael is going to mindmeld with the space bear and become the navigator for the sporedrive.
I shit you not, if they show was better, people would not be calling it STD. FACT
That's because it's an abomination. It shits on everything that is 60 years of trek. It's a foreign infection, a disease. STD.
Stop using One Piece to personify your autism, it's STD and thats that.
If they all followed that convention it would be:
/STA/ OR / /
They never used a singular convention.
If it was great I'd call it STD, wouldn't even be a pejorative.
why does STD looks like it ripped off Tron visually? Everytime I watch this show literally every element seems blatantly ripped off from somewhere else and thrown together to make some horrible shit sandwich.
its like they took any and everything people thought was cool and smashed them into this abortion of a show.
Ooops, didn't think that one through, did you?
only the most autistic of autismos would recognize this hilarious anime reaction image
consider yourself on notice
I read One Piece, how could I not know that art style?
Its still STD
>Art Style
Pick one
Or is this one of those cartoon books?
Because the expanse happened and they want to capitalise on that.
>fans are actually sticking with the STD acronym
holy kek can this show become anymore of a laughing stock
Did anyone else get a weird Westworld intro meets Marco Polo into vibe from the STD intro? Like they kind of mashed up the two ideas? Either way the intro feels derivative af.
I just want for the season end to see Captain Lorca kill klingons with his twin katanas and teleportation trick
Time: February 2017
Location: Toronto, ON
Setting: STD Production Meeting
Overheard in a stale smelling conference room:
>Aw dude, the Westworld intro is pretty sweet. It's really unique.
>Yah, it really is. We should do something like that.
Implying STD wouldnt go viral
>on the air
but its not
Liberals are stubborn
is this gif from an episode or blooper?
After Daredevil, Westworld, and a few others, these rip-off intros are exhausing
This is like that stupid 'atomic shredding' CGI effect seen in X-Men Apocalypse, a bunch of Transformers, BvS, etc. It's like one studio had a really cool idea and everyone just mass-produced it to fucking death
It's DIS
welcome to hollywood
back away, weinstein. this ass is untouched
Reminder: it was delayed for so they could get Micheal.
Th...this can't be happening.
user let it happen, let fox cancel Orville after one season.
That is how we will know how Orville truely is more Star Trek than STD since the same thing happened to the Original Star Trek.
Watch the shitstorm as our weaponized Autism gets Orville back on the air.
The Orville will sink into obscurity like the piece of shit it is, while STAR TREK: Discover will continue to soar to new heights like a majestic kino bird.
Both will be cancelled.
Dark Matter will remain dead.
And Season 3 of The Expanse will jump the shark.
what have they done with our souls
This, unfortunately, might happen. I would all of them to continue but good things never last.
Oh awesome. Glad they managed to pull that off. Imagine how much this thing would suck without her...
This is most likely, but with the Netflix deal they might be able to wrangle up a second series out of discovery.
in the last episode they said Elon Musk maybe that means now they can force him to pay them since they used his name in the show giving him free advertising and if he doesnt then STD can sue him since he isnt jewish like the creators of STD are.
This seems like a completely legally sound maneuver based on a fantastic precedent. Sauce?
feel like I want to watch this to see how much of the hate is shotposting and how much is real
is the action actually good? Is it still decent past the pilot or whatevr
std means sexually transmitted disease
If it wasn't labeled Star Trek it would be a vaguely passable Sci fi show with a need for casting changes in the next season. That's my honest opinion and I'm a hater because it's mislabeled Star Trek.
Netflix is the only hope for season 2. Frankly, I don't think it's worth it. Do something else each season like an anthology show.
Why hasn't Qx or whoever put up the black badges for sale? It's the only merchandise related to this show I'd buy.
>spinning is a good trick.webm
To be fair, they hyped her up as the first black female lead
But when you realize how progressive ST has been over the years it's just retarded how much they have to be slicing it down to make it down good
>not the first black character
>not the first black female character
>not the first black or black female MAJOR character
>many shows included numerous black people for the entire run
>not the first female major major character with the focus of multiple episodes dedicated to them
>not the first female lead in Star Trek
instead she is
>the first black female main character not even in charge of a star ship who also has a boys name to buck gender stereotypes
The achievement is so meaningless it would be like saying
>She is the first black female lead born in Alabama who moved to New York City who is 5'6 in height who also has a BMI of about 20-24 and has the first name Sonequa
I hate to say it but it's this shit thats a result of the "everyone is a winner" culture. Everyone has to be amazingly special and every achievement is great and unique, even if you are already the main character of a TV series which millions of people would kill for but never will be
This and learn from the hate to make it less of a shitting on Trek lore. Just give what everyone wants, something set after TNG era so the fans can see it moving forward, the casuals have a clean jumping on point, and the makers have the freedom to make it look more modern and devise their own look. No one loses in that scenario.
Well as a non native English speaker, i was surprised by the number of non gendered names you guys have, i just took Michael to be another one.
How to do star trek after the dominion war in the modern 10 ep story ark era of tv: federation civil war between those who are tired of always being on the defensive and underprepared for war and those who want the federation to stay the same.
Yep. And the great thing about an anthology show would be they could hop into stories that wouldn't fill out a 5-7 season run. You could do a season that's political with the Federation President and their cabinet. A Klingon ship season. A Tal Shiar season. A Maco season. An academy season. The Trek universe is fucking massive. You could run an anthology show until the end of time and still have stories to tell.
If Trek needed anything, it's a serialized / episodic blend. We need a Federation police procedural. We need Federation officers on a vessel dealing with politics, dealing with issues, dealing with the problem of the week - but more and more many of these problems start becoming less unrelated. They all begin to unravel, and a Romulan plot begins to emerge. The final episodes of the season lead up to thwarting this plot.
Sort of like a mix between CSI / Law and Order Episode of the Week + 24.
Star Trek is very lacking in grand scale, internal politics. We always see individuals who hold political power or maybe one or two ships, but rarely the fabric of negotiations that keep the Cardassians, the Romulans, the Klingons all on peaceful terms despite conflicts that I imagine would break out all the time (Colony on edge of Klingon space randomly ends up getting destroyed one day and everyone wants to accuse the other, only way to stop it is to investigate with the Klingons)
There are many ways to create longer form shows with longer plots while sticking with the adventure of the week format.
STD! hahahahahahahahahah
fuck you we space battles now and IMMA STAB YOU IN THE FUCKING FACE!
pew pew pew
>I promise you it's more viewers than STD
you cant prove that and Jews have more money since they run all the banks so they can just pay people to watch the show or use their media to brainwash people.
Either way, Orville loses and STD wins!!!!!!!!
I notice the actors at cons talk about how they hate star trek fans calling them losers and nazis and I can see why everyone hates STD.
Then I see panels with the cast of the orville where they talk about how they appreciate the fans and dont want to let them down. Seems Orville is doing alot more to build a community than the people working on STD.
It's called STD. The acronym represents the show's katra.
not even gonna post the meme text, just announcing I'm going to report anyone posting about the acronym from now on. Tired of this shit.
It's weird how they think that everyone has such a boner for TOS that they keep wanting to do prequels and reboots yet don't even want to put forth the effort to connect it to anything every well. Most people would agree that TNG was the high point of the franchise, so why aren't they doing stuff set during that time?
At least Enterprise eventually got off their "originality" high horse and started connecting the series more to the franchise, but all the attempts end up just being a mish mash of conflicting original ideas with established lore with a few token references here and there to make fans think they actually care about the lore.
>If Trek needed anything, it's a serialized / episodic blend.
Honestly the best way to do a show is to combine serialized and episodic story telling. Have stand alone episodes with B-plot that builds into serialized story arcs and every few episodes have couple to few more heavily serialized episodes. Make show more serialized at beginning and ends of the season, with few bit slower periods in mid part of seasons.
No it won't retard.