Dawn > Rise > War
War for the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes of the
how do you tell them apart?
that shit was awful
War > Dawn > rise
The films are named wrong. It should go Dawn -> War -> Rise. The names fit the films much better than the actual names they got.
None of them are great. But "War" is by far the best one.
I hated all of them because I don't like to see humans lose to another species. I hate Avatar for the same reason.
>called "War" for the Planet of the Apes
>the battle was a tenth of the size of the one in Dawn
I cryed a little in the end
sportschan dot org
The Caeser trilogy is fucking amazing and better than it had any right to be due to the power and charisma of the MC.
Rise was a great flick with some good emotion behind it but lacked any real depth.
Dawn tried too hard to have emotional depth but the performance of the all the Apes was so good that it made up for any pretentious.
War really struggled to find its tone. The split later on between the apes in the camp and outside it really clashed when juxtaposed together. The muddied tones and questionable focus are outshined once again by very good performances from the apes in particular Caeser and Maurice.
Taken individually they are decent movies. But watched together they tell the story of Caeser from birth to death and the journey that brought him so much love and pain, from being a coddled child to being an old man content to die.
Absolute kino trilogy. War was the best.
nice spoiler about him dying asshole
but nice review
>implying humans "lost" in Avatar
agreed none of the other ones had a hot 12 year old
Neither did War.
She was 11
every time I see kids in movies now I can't help thinking that some anglo or jew producer has fucked them before they got any screen time
also, the film sucked, Woody was a poor commander, very lacklustre and the noble "monkeys" were not believable at all. Why couldn't all monkeys speak? If they were smart, language is the first thing they would have developed, it is an extremely powerful tool in anything, especially war.
Dawn>War>Rise is the objectively right answer
That guy died you retard.
Fuck all of these movies and fuck the shill who is made to make a thread about these fucking movies every fucking day for the inevitable fucking blueray release god fucking damnit stop responding to this shill and his daily shill thread that last movie was a hack concentration camp/exodus allegory and I was bored as fuck the entire time watching each predictable scene after the other.
>War ends with a sad, but ultimately hopeful ending of the apes finding their new home
>then you remember that the little girl is in fact the first of their human slaves they will take when they dominate the rest of the world because mankind is getting that disease
kind of a downer there.
Doesn't make it any less true
None of these are good.
use spoiler tags asshole
War > Dawn > Rise
I stopped giving a shit about those new movies after the first one with andy serkis and james franco.
I'm a massive fan of planet of the apes 1968 but I just don't see the point of these new films.
Also, planet of the apes 2001 I thought it was very good.
The new ones have just nothing appealing
Rise feels completely different from Dawn & War.
you should leave out the part about the 2001 one being good no one is going to fall for that
When did the "planet of the apes" stop being an analogy for all the niggers/beaners/asian savages destroying civilization?
>Dawn the best
My Chimp !, Its so fucking good
It's been 8 years. If you haven't seen the movie by now you deserve to have it spoiled.
they were all good
War was pretty depressing tho
Why did Caesar kill ape in War?
>From the first movie until the third, go from blue to red
>Start looking for anti-Christian propaganda
>Cautiously viewing the whites as subhuman from the POV of Jews (they actually literally turn subhuman in the last film)
>Be aware of anti-culture and immoral content
Dawn was objectively best but War was shilling too hard, so hard I was expecting bestiality propaganda in some woman finding 'love' with a fucking gorilla.
> planet of the apes 1968 is good
>planet of the apes 2001 is very good
Are any of the sequels to the 1968 movie worth watching?
You can see it coming from the start of Dawn tbqhfamalamadingdong
The amount of Hollywood cliches increased with every movie.
The movie sucked big time. i feel bad for the guys who work on this because the apes are impressive. There was a lot of work on this movie but couldn't have a decent script that isn't a bad joke. The scenes were dragging so much, this film felt like a 4 hours nightmare.
Rise > Dawn >>> War
The first two are solid 7/10 movies
War was more like a 5.5-6.
They're good movies. Serkis is an incredible physical actor and deserves the success he has gained.
Different director, Reeves has nothing to tell. I can't imagine how much worse Dawn would be had they killed Koba in the first one.