Sup Forums I come to you in desperation. It's being talked about that Ash vs Evil Dead is in serious jeopardy of being shitcanned after the coming season. I'm only asking for a minute of your time. Here is a petition that is being signed right now and has more than 10k signatures already. If you would rather torrent it that's fine, please just let the powers that be know that we really do want to see all 5 originally planned seasons.
Sup Forums I come to you in desperation...
My digits demand it!
Dude daughter lmao
Good riddance Stan Against Evil is far superior. Can't wait for season two.
Yeah I'm actually pretty interested to see what they will do with that storyline
Suck my boomstick faggot
I already signed when Bruce retweeted it a few days ago. I would like to think this petition will cause a 4th and 5th season to be announced, but I honestly doubt it.
I know it's probably a pipe dream and it definitely didn't work for Metalocalypse but I'd hate to have to live with the fact that I did nothing and it got cancelled anyway
Good, it's a meme show.
Nah dude Rick and Morty is a meme show. This is actually true serialized kino
Fuck. I had a bad feeling that this might happen eventually, I'm in.
I watched it. Felt derivative of Ash vs Evil Dead in every way.
Thanks for contributing dude!
I really hope they dont cancel it. I enjoy watching it a lot
If no one is watching it why the fuck shouldn't it be shit canned?
But it is being watched
Yea by pirates
Signed it. Bruce Campbell is based.
Unfortunately you're right about that. And more unfortunately it comes on the goddamn starz network because of the content they could never get away with on regular cable
Why the fuck would they put this on Starz and not Netflix? Normies don't fucking have the Starz channel
Just cancel American Gods and keep AvED
Problem solved
Nail on the fucking head
Did everything I could to support this show. I usually torrent shit but I bought the seasons that can be streamed on amazon then fucking bought the blurays when they came out. I don't do this shit at all for a television show but fuck I love the character and I'm disappointed this is cancelled.
Not cancelled yet! Just something they're talking about the possibility of!
They should have brought the show to Netflix instead. It would have been exposed to a wider audience. I don't know anyone who even has a cable package anymore
>all i wanted was the Brucester kicking ass and hitting one liners
>annoying secondary characters i don't care about
>now he's getting a daughter
>who knows how many more worthless characters are going to get tacked on dragging the Bruce down
I don't know how to feel about all this honestly. I kind of just want this to be put out of it's misery now sadly.
Should just be him, Xena and Joxer desu senpai.
The secondary characters didn't bother me because the overarching story and episodes still made Ash feel important. They can't get shit done without him.
That's exactly what i want give me this and i'll sign and buy whatever you want.
There is actually existing precedent where a network has decided to cancel a show to have it picked up by another network and continued. Would love to see Netflix swoop in and save it.
You best believe I signed. I might not be subbed to Starz, but I'll buy a thousand blu rays and figures if it means this show stays on.
Alternatively, this.
>making a show without army of darkness rights
>that godawful s2 finale
the ash vs evil dead was dead on arrival
If only. Wonder if they'd be allowed to have the same content and language since Bruce Campbell made it seem like starz was the only network that allowed them free reign of their show
They had army of darkness references in the second season and ash confirmed through dialogue in an episode that the film is canon
it's canon retard BUT THEY DON'T HAVE
they can't do shit with it. you get it now? they can show the footage from e1 and e2 but nothing with army. oh ash can make a joke about the good times in medieval times. that doesn't mean shit. it's well within legal rights.
i enjoyed the humor but the following made me drop the show:
>no young and handsome
>the monobrow guy is so disgustingly ugly every time i see him i feel like puking
>they killed good xena
i would have continued watching even without young and handsome good guys in main cast because humor is relentlessly good. but monobrow guy made watching the show relentlessly difficult to watch. when they killed good xena, that was last straw, not watching again.
pic related mfw monobrow guy face appears
Who the fuck cares if they don't have the rights dipshit. just fucking fire up the film in your blu ray if you want to watch it. Pretty sure they showed a clip of him and his car free falling in season 2 as a flashback but they didn't show extensive scenes from the other films anyway unless it was for a few seconds or less.
Bruce Campbell is handsome enough but you're in luck. They have some young chad thundercock joining the cast for the new season
go fuck yourself you dumb cunt. they shouldn't have done this show without the rights. it's so fucking stupid. go suck bruce campbell dick, I'm sure he love it. that cock sucker raimi and his brother can go fuck themselves right up the bumhole.
now i'm relentlessly interested. who is young and handsome guy joining them relentlessly?
Nah that's like saying they shouldn't have done the other movies since they never owned the rights anyway. Stay mad, bitch.
if you mean lindsay farris, he's ok-looking but not attractive enough to overcome pablo making me feel pukegusted.
Some blonde dude that belongs to a group that they claim was referenced in the original films. They're obviously pushing him in the promos to be some kind of draw for the female audience.
This. Evil Dead is still a fairly cult franchise and putting the show on premium cable was kind of a dumb move, since the audience is limited. In some ways, it's kind of the perfect project for Netflix.
Don't think Pablo was ever meant to be attractive anyway but that is probably the joke
yeah, but they've gone overboard with the ugly makeup or whatev and instead of funny it's now hard-to-watch-disgusting.
Maybe try a show like Supernatural if you're looking for eye candy. Evil Dead is the wrong place to be looking for that type of thing
How can Starz afford to cancel this when they have no other shows that anybody knows of. It's like showtime cancelling Ray Donavan.
They should cancel Outlander instead because that show is boring as fuck
not looking for eye candly. would watch ash vs evil dead even without eye candy. but pablo making it difficult so dropped it.
i prefer stan against evil. no pablo-tier ugly.
That's my wife's favorite show. I only saw the pilot, and it was not my cup of tea.
Shit. Starz is even owned by lionsgate now. How can they sit on the evil dead franchise and let it die. They could pump out movies like the chucky schlock that people keep paying to see.
Probably to make room for a Saw tv show if it's Lionsgate's property now.
i don't see why lionsgate can't have two separate horror franchises without favoring one over the other from a business standpoint
maybe they only have budget to relentlessly produce only one franchise?
Honestly I watched the first 2-3 episodes of season one and Ash was on point, even surprising me how well he was handled but then the show was loaded with two really lame sidekicks, some random black detective woman (?!) and Xena hamming it up.
And these side characters just ate up screen time while offering basically nothing of value.
Too bad. Should've made it just about Ash vs deadite of the week.
That doesn't make sense. They own other properties as well but if Ash vs Evil Dead is kill I'll accept it. No one fucking watches Starz anyway
yes true but the good news is the black cop gets killed at the end of season 1, and hasn't returned
Cop character is killed off and his two coworkers are there to be mouthpieces for viewers and provide ash with something to interact with as well as flesh him out as a character. Nothing really can get down without him anyway but I see where you're coming from. Don't care for the party members either but they serve their purpose
why would the possibility that a company not having enough funds to relentlessly produce both franchises relentlessly not make sense?
I like both shows, but they're pretty different outside the surface similarities of "older guy fights supernatural".
Probably the better question is does evil dead have enough fans and casuals for lionsgate to care about it
Ray's ripped as fuck in real life. Probably moreso than the new guy.
Yeah saw some of that when he was doing all the shirtless stuff in season 2. Saw that and was just like damn dude I had no idea
No homo of course
Get a room you two.
I hate to say it because i love the movies but this show is mostly shit. Only the premier episode has any value.
i thought that was already cancelled
stan against evil season 2 premiere this november (fuck when i wrote that i heard it said in that tv guy's voice)
wtf? Starz used to finish what they started, they're not syfy. How does cancelation come in mind this time? oh i know lionsgate or who bought them , this could be the cause ?
yeah, 'cause libshit netflix would totally alow racist slurs by Ash and all that gore
do they sell Ashy Slashy plushy yet? that alone would make enough money to make s4 and s5
>>they killed good xena
being good she was pretty boring tho.
lul what
you are a faggot AND racist? how's that working?
>tfw cheryl killed joxer
Reddit: The Show
>gore and jokes are reddit
you missed the thread, bitch >>>/rick&morony/orville/
It’s a garbage show that shits on the movies and the Ash character. I’m happy it’s getting cancelled.
Should have ended after the first one. S2 went sour halfway.
should have known it would get shitcanned the minute it was announced.
we never get anything good. just more seasons of a lethal weapon tv series or some normie trash
done. doing it for chin god
Dropped it after the first season. Couldn't stand the supporting cast. I'll check it out again once it's over.
>It's being talked about that Ash vs Evil Dead is in serious jeopardy of being shitcanned after the coming season
why? what the fug happened?
>campbell keeps talking about how the finale will make your jaw drop
>throughout the season pablo keeps complaining about nightmares
>kelly keeps finding unexplained scratches on her arms
>after the evil is defeated they think everything is safe
>when they wake up pablo has been blended by his own bed
>freddy laughs over the ending credits
>robert england is announced to return and play freddy one last time as the big bad of season four
>show gets cancelled and season four is never made, england dies one year later
one of the reasons I keep watching it is the hope of seeing whatevers her names jewbs
how is hating someone with ugly face racist?
I just watched the pilot and I spent the entire show repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy epic chainsaw hand lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place
That user only mentioned monobrow and ugly and did not mention any race. It is you who equated monobrow and ugly with a race. It is you who is racist.
This sums up my feelings exactly. The Evil Dead has always been a meme series (so are the Rami Spiderman movies especially 3) but this series went full reddit.
Seeing threads about this on Sup Forums just confirms that viral marketers are real.
This pasta is never not great
strangely Outlander is the only show that effects me emotionally
I'm waiting to start this season until I have confirmation that Claire and Jamie get back together literally can't watch until that happens. I can't stand them apart.
How does it shit on his character? Ash was insane by the time Army of Darkness happened and was a one dimensional quip spitting machine who suddenly made lady panties drop when he was a fucking nerd in the last two films.
they got back together in the last 3 mins of sunday's episode
Welp time to catch up
I would sign it but I don't want to give my personal information to the internet.
Just use a junk email and initials
Love Love Love TED but the show is kind of ass. The CGI is super shitty especially when it has Raimis name on the billing. None of the supporting characters are worth a shit. The chick is annoying as fuck and jorge is getting tiresome. Lucy Lawless was ok but the whole plot is starting to get dumb as shit. TED was always about ASH not about 2nd stringers. I didnt even watch the finale last year. Lost interest and I was stoked as fuck. I wet o the musical thats how much I love TED and the show lost me.
They changed the showrunner from the last two seasons but who knows. I saw his supporting characters as a way to get more dialogue and character development out of him. Makes sense that he's kind of grown soft in his old age while his younger self wouldn't have been so attached to Kelly and Pablo.