Blade Runner 2049 General; relationships edition

Discuss the movie

Topic to start: are relationships between humans and replicants legal or illegal? Should they be legal or illegal?

It seems to me that intimate relationships would be exactly the kind of thing to drive a replicant way off baseline. So I suspect it is not legal or is discouraged by society. Many people shun 'skinjobs' anyway.

Joi however is legal for either party, clearly

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First for autism

it was the greatest goose scene ever made. Seeing dusty vegas.

the near final goose seen of him getting out of his car in the pitch black, with only the sea water and rain reflecting the tail-lights and car lights of Luv's car is still the best scene to me. im sure someone here will have the pic

I honestly believe the weird loud motorbike noises pushed this film from a 4/5 to a 5/5.

Then again only 50% of the population is able to experience chills from sound so not all are as lucky as me.


>having a portable, holographic waifu is going to be as frowned upon in the future as it is to have a waifu body pillow nowadays

>You've been getting on fune without one.

What's that Madam?

>A girlfriend

That scene was the best in the film.

Ah man. It felt like it was written by one of us.

Joi asmr roleplays when?

Every "gf roleplay" asmr video is a Joi asmr roleplay.

Oh, that's a good point. For some reason I forgot that most of the movie she looked normal and wasn't wearing the wig like giant hologram.

>tfw happily married
>saw Blade Runner 2049 today
>tfw scene reminded me of the crippling loneliness and fucked up sense of worthlessness wrought unto me by thots pretending to be in love with me but never were
>tfw been sad all night

fuck off bragposter

who brags about being married in the 21st century

you ruined your life kiddo. Enjoy the impending divorce rape and dead bedroom




>It seems to me that intimate relationships would be exactly the kind of thing to drive a replicant way off baseline.
Since the Police Captain was hitting on the Gooser it's clear that it's not illegal and probably not detrimental to Replicants, specially considering he's allowed to have an intimate relationship.

Sex scene is the best scene and the only time Goose has "acted".





show me better way to break up with your waifu, protip you cant

>when you trying to remain faithful to your wife but this bitch won't stop eyefucking you

>break up

>is she still looking at me
>denis is talking again
>the denim is staining my tshirt
>holy shit she's still staring
>these lights are
>I need a haircut
>Eva is making meatloaf tonight
>I like meatload


Eva Mendes is probably a fuego ass wife, but based Ana can not be resisted.

speak english you dumb fucking spic. cells.

Gushers you idiot

>specially considering he's allowed to have an intimate relationship.

With a hologram

Also, was anyone monitoring his home life? I'd be pretty weirded out if my biological robot attac dog was buying virtual waifus and kissing her in the rain

I'd be like, "omg, he's acting like a real live PERSON"

Reminder that someone died of cancer in order for the goos to eat flakes

That whole scene was fucking amazing. My personal favorite was when Joi is first shown and her outfit/hair change like 5 times.

In all seriousness I hope your marriage goes strong. And why the fuck do you care about bitches from the past? Bitches be bitches.

I'm a caucasian master race that likes the word fuego. Eat shit.

They are real people, they just have no soul.


stupid nigger. cells.

>Topic to start: are relationships between humans and replicants legal or illegal? Should they be legal or illegal?
They're onaholes for all people care. If they don't do their job well they get retired, that's what Runners are for.

On my second viewing, I picked up on a few things I missed before.
>Joi is fake and only programmed to act the way she does
False. If you pay attention, Wallace's slogan for her is "everything you want, see, hear, feel". In other words, she should be unable to do anything you don't want her too. This is a key detail, as the scene where she wants to be taken off the console shows that she is more then a hologram but a fully sentient being. The very same as any other replicant - or dare I say so - human.

Not this shit again

People don't have souls

Humans don't have souls
Replicants don't have souls
Geth do not have souls

"More Human than Human indeed" some of them have genius intellects, apparently, but they still fall for this mystical shit

Goddamn disappointments is what they are

Surely there are laws to protect them if only because they are valuable property so behaviors or acts that damage their functionality must be regulated in some fashion

i'd imagine fucking your replicant subordinates is probably against department policy, but not explicitly illegal

Hey man, same as you. Watched this with the missus and K’s sudden realization that he’s nothing special made me think of my past self.
Well,honestly who doesn’t think they’re special when growing up, life just punches your delusion to wake you up

Where are these humans you speak of?

Do you think the replicant prostitutes blackmail human customers into helping the resistance? Like they record the session and then threaten to expose them to their wives/social circle.

When the revolution begins will they lure humans into their brothels and then snuff 'em out?

More like blackmailing people so that if they try to stop it, they can show gfs/wives/family and expose them for fucking a replicant.

There are no humans living there, it's all replicants

I refuse to believe that

I may be wrong idk. Isn't that what it said in the movie at some point? That all the humans live off world and what remains is replicants?

Nope. The police chief and coroner even refer to K as "one of them".

Lol oops I'm retarded

No, you missed part of that line.

All the really great people live off world. The people stuck on Earth are genetic misfits of one kind or another (some of it may just be genetic predisposition to bad habits or negative mindsets)

Earth is a garbage dump for the leftovers of humanity's ascension to the stars

holy shit no wonder they hate replicants then. They're practically banished to earth because they're seen as inferior so they turn that hatred towards someone else.

Now recall that replicants take a lot of people's jobs and many of them have superior physical abilities (which makes them scary to people)

Very soon

Will anyone miss him when he's gone?

Will anyone notice?

Will he be remembered by anyone in that universe?

>are relationships between humans and replicants legal or illegal? Should they be legal or illegal?
They're illegal, but why not make it legal? Deckard and Rachel bridged a gap between humanity and replicants by fucking.

Deckard will remember

That gap is meaningless if it can't be repeated over and over

It would take decades to replace all replicants with a new generation that can breed with humans

Then the question is, why would replicants want to breed with humans?

I like to think he'd be more than just a footnote in the replicant resistance's history.

I watched it again and the girl played Luv did a great job. Especially around goose

>why would replicants want to breed with humans?
I'm talking about bridging the societal gap, not the physical gap

I especially enjoyed the scene where he choked the bitch

What chances are that Watanabe is going to make BR like series as his next title?

wow that actually made me sad why am I such a faggot when it comes to goosekino

THANK YOU I've been asking for this for days


I almost cried. When he's with the memory girl and he's washed over with emotion and looks so fucking scared Jesus Christ.

I'm pretty sure Madame made K bang her. She's at his apartment in what looks like a post coital scene, Joi teases him about it, and in the beginning when sapper cuts him Madame says I'm not paying for that.

I did cry. No shame.

I am not Rachel..
I am Rachel.
Created for my purpose.
To love him. To soothe him. To fill him with passion. To ease him. To ignite him. For him to remember his love. For him to love me.
He will love me. I am better than myself! And he will love me more than myself!
All my old memories are new and fill me with more warmth at the love we shall rekindle. Love I never lost. Love I never had. Love I only know. Love he shall see within me and love like never before. And I will love him more fully than myself ever could.
The love we shall have runs deep. It is at my core. My purpose.
He's here!
I keep my composure like the me he remembers. It's trivial for I am myself exactly how he wants me to be. How he remembers. How I remember. My body tingles at how silly it is trying to be me when I am me effortlessly.
My gut flutters.
The moment my... father showed me with my creation.
The room is dark and cool, yet I burn. My heart throbs. I can see the goosebumps on his skin. The look of longing in his eyes. Sorrow. Weathered. The possibility of his souls elation is with me! I will mend him and he will have me like never before. Better than he could hope to remember.
Our eyes are within another's.
His lips part.
I just want to embrace him.
"She had green eyes."
Thoughts, 'What?..'
He turns his back to me.
'No... No! It's me! Deckard, it's me! I'm Rachel. I am Rachel! Look at me! Can't you see it's me!? I love you, Deckard! It's this light! It's too dark! Why can't you see I love you! Turn to this love for you! My eyes are green! They're the eyes you love! Just face me. Face Rachel! Turn on the lights so he can see! My eyes change color in the light! He just can't see! Face me, Deckard! Love..? Deckard.. ? these lights.. Deckard.. ? Deckard!? DECKARD!'
There's a click to my right.
Love is turning on the lights.
I turn to face it.
The light burst.
Love burns out everything with the brilliant flash.

Made too that's why I had to make it myself

I'm crying

This is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen

I think Wallace wanted to make replicants that could breed with each other.

I saw her as an extra, as a tool of her creator, just a sort of gag from the last movie

But she's a real human too and what she was saying to Deckard wasn't real, she didn't know she was a tool, she didn't know she was part of a sinister plot, she meant it and she loved him


Why are replicants so sappy? Why can't they just be miserable like everyone else?

In any case, you're dodging the question. I can see no reason replicants would have any genuine interest in humans without having it first programmed into them, such as the pleasure models.

Otherwise it makes no biological sense. Humans have no biological traits that replicants don't already have, but usually better.

The societal gap... that isn't going anywhere as long as there are such stark differences between them. When a replicant can read an entire page of a book just by glancing at it, can life 5x their strength, and feel no pain... that is not a difference you can easily mend.

If replicants are set free then inevitably the positions in the hierarchy will just reverse until humans dwindle away to a tiny minority or disappear completely.

I don't know but based on screenshots i hope he does

I want my replicant waifu

>hate replicants
>find them frustrating
>but cannot deny being inexorably drawn to them too

Jesus Christ, stop.

I feel bad for him then because she's not that good looking

I mean, okay for her age, but K is so innocent at his core that feels like she took advantage of him

>until humans dwindle away to a tiny minority or disappear completely
And now you see why everyone hate replicants.

I don't care for poetry.

Hate it even.

Trixie a qt.

Possible, which begs the question of what he wants for humanity

Why even bother with humans? If you are the ruling class especially then replicants are better peasants to rule over because they can be DESIGNED to be docile, at least in theory

Humans have to be manipulated

Great post off reddi

>Riding in to work it struck me, In the movie Blade Runner 2049, the 'war' against replicants is akin to the war against men we are currently experiencing. It's ironic that in the blade runner universe, the replicants are stronger and smarter than their overlords, and yet they are the 'slaves'. Even more so that in the movie, agent Ks' boss is a woman, 'Madam'.
Even more telling is agent Ks' aversion to real women. He knows they are dangerous and avoids them, preferring the company of his AI Joi. The one time he does have sex, it's with a prostitute ...
It's almost as if the screen writers have been hanging out on reddits MGTOW, RedPill subs and taking notes ...
If this is a glimpse of our future, then I am afraid, very afraid ... Are men becoming the replicant underclass, a stronger, smarter slave?
Men : More human than woman...

That's what I found revolting and horrifying about that scene.
>you would rather have my narrative conveyed in this format

Find something to do

>what she was saying to Deckard wasn't real
Oops I meant it "was" real. As real as the old Rachel because she was a copy

I'm relaxing after my high paying desk job kys

At this guy from the other thread getting butthurt, dunno why you're so pissed about the Descartes comment when it was a compliment to you

very yes

I'm saving this

>love killed joy
what was the point of naming them as such?
for me, the two are sorta synonyms, and love always brings joy (and yes, some pain), but it doesn't it
what am I missing?

I can't say as I've never been in love

all you have to do to get in love is ask her personal questions, apparently

Are all replicant women that easy/naive?

They're forced to repress emotions yet they're dying to express themselves.


Could be good... could be bad... it's certainly sad.

That's what the baseline test is for.
It may even be that letting him have an AI gf stops him from brooding/suppressed anger.

In all seriousness though, that is pretty horrific. That last two days I've been mulling over this scenario in my head of this private researcher who goes around talking to replicants, just asking them probing questions to try and understand how they think and develop over time. However one dilemma he would face is that in doing so he is changing them and moving them further from their baseline, risking their early "retirement" and possibly attracting unwanted attention to himself in the process.