Let's talk about my favorite film


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Don't listen to the edgy children. A Clockwork Orange is a top three Kubrick film

One of those movies you like as a kid because it's edgy and you like as an adult because of the dystopian/anarchy themes.

>completely missing the entire point of it all

>A Clockwork Orange is a top three Kubrick film

Fuck, what? No. That would mean that one of the following would NOT be:

* Full Metal Jacket
* 2001
* Dr. Strangelove

Clockwork Orange was about as good as Lolita or Paths, and aged just as poorly. The three best are all rather timeless.

what's the point then, friend

Full metal jacket is overrated bullshit

Seen all three of those and clockwork is easily my favorite

Went to business school but took a sociology of film course cause film's what im actually interested in. So this wasnt a mandatory part of the curriculum but was on the sylubus so i gave a presentation on symbolism in the movie. My prof starts spouting off about how i forgot to mention that the reprograming is a metaphore for the effect of capitalism on the masses and i was like no it really isnt. We actually got im a pretty big argument over it in front of the whole class where i as like no it is not about capitalism i really think your off base. I didnt say this explicitly but implied he was incerting anti capitalism stuff into it because of his politics (this guy had carl marx quotes on lecture slides uncited). Was i being autistic, or was my prof full of shit?

welly welly welly welly welly welly well

all of Kubrick's films are great pals, little point arguing.

FMJ isn't in the same league as 2001, not by a long shot. Replace it with Eyes Wide Shut and you're golden.

>Full metal jacket over clockkino

I dunno about all of that, but I took a Film As Lit night class my final year and the theme was WW2 movies. Just off the top of my head:

>Der Untergang (Downfall)
>The Pianist
>Come and See
>Europa Europa
>Au Revoir Les Enfants
>Nowhere in Africa

I got Bs on all my movie reports because the profs graded like Nazis but best fucking class I took.

Yours too?


brilliant on so many levels

truly made by a master at the height of his powers

>DUDE im an incredibly insecure faggot virtue signaler who hates this movie cause it's the mature thing to do


if you ever get the opportunity to watch it on LSD, do, it becomes transcendent


was a black comedy? a commentary? it excels at both and becomes better with age like a fine wine, pleb

great taste in film, OP

My son, my son. When I had my son I would explain all that to him when he was starry enough to like understand. But then I knew he would not understand or would not want to understand at all and would do all the veshches I had done, yes perhaps even killing some poor starry forella surrounded with mewing kots and koshkas, and I would not be able to really stop him. And nor would he be able to stop his own son, brothers. And so it would itty on to like the end of the world, round and round and round, like some bolshy gigantic like chelloveck, like old Bog Himself (by courtesy of Korova Milkbar) turning and turning and turning a vonny grahzny orange in his gigantic rookers.

But first of all, brothers, there was this veshch of finding some devotchka or other who would be a mother to this son. I would have to start on that tomorrow, I kept thinking. That was something like new to do. That was something I would have to get started on, a new like chapter beginning.

That's what it's going to be then, brothers, as I come to the like end of this tale. You have been everywhere with your little droog Alex, suffering with him, and you have viddied some of the most grahzny bratchnies old Bog ever made, all on to your old droog Alex. And all it was was that I was young. But now as I end this story, brothers, I am not young, not no longer, oh no. Alex like groweth up, oh yes.

But where I itty now, O my brothers, is all on my oddy knocky, where you cannot go. Tomorrow is all like sweet flowers and the turning vonny earth and the stars and the old Luna up there and your old droog Alex all on his oddy knocky seeking like a mate. And all that cal. A terrible grahzny vonny world, really, O my brothers. And so farewell from your little droog. And to all others in this story profound shooms of lip-music brrrrr. And they can kiss my sharries. But you, O my brothers, remember sometimes thy little Alex that was. Amen. And all that cal.