Accusations are now coming out against Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone pleaded with people today to leave Weinstein alone.
Is he the next domino to fall? Will we witness all of Hollywood implode?
Accusations are now coming out against Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone pleaded with people today to leave Weinstein alone.
Is he the next domino to fall? Will we witness all of Hollywood implode?
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Oliver Stone caressed my boi pucci
Grabbing a tit at a playboy party? Lol nothingburger
>in sweden, migrants molest and rape girls at music festivals
>in britain, pakistanis and bangladeshis operate grooming gangs which have abused THOUSANDS of girls, many of them very young
What a time to be alive
If anything this is just revealing that human beings are imperfect, even rich and successful ones and do sexually inappropriate things from time to time.
Shocking, really.
>all these f-list roasties trying to make it about themselves
America too
Oliver named the jew
What is up with this culture where you can just post libelous, slanderous shit like that online and everyone believes you?? Guilty just because some roastie says it happened. This is too much power to give women
>in sweden
>in britain
Sorry you live in an irrelevant 3rd world country.
Why are there always this subsequent cascade of accusations after a major figure gets accused? Why do women ALWAYS do this
Oliver Stone is legitimately nuts, having turned his brain to mush with cocaine over the years. You could lock him up for the rest of his life, and he would spend it ranting about Vietnam and Nixon.
If this actually happened and the girl's family DIDN'T respond by killing the boys once the law failed them then it's really hard to sympathize with them
>cocaine over the years
No wonder he has recently been bro-ing it up with Putin
Oh wow an infographic says this happened so it must be true!
He was checking for breast cancer, he found a lump, luckily she got it operated on before it became a major health problem. And now she turns it around as if he's a bad guy
JFK is one hell of a great film. Gave me chills
>You could lock him up for the rest of his life, and he would spend it ranting about Vietnam and Nixon.
It's almost like he was a vietnam vet or something.
Oliver Stone once flipped my foreskin inside out and stuck his big toe into my asshole as we were on the red carpet of a movie premiere thirty eight years ago.
Where's muh lawsuit?
I bet she remembers it happening in slow motion with Adagio for Strings playing over it
yeah if you're willing to believe known liars like Stone was then it's very compelling
shitskins preying on whites is the price of multi-culturalism and the liberal agenda
Liberals never do or think anything that the media doesn't tell them is ok
rejoice, o man, in thy youth
Thanks for putting all those refugees in the middle of nowhere Obama!
the Deep State strikes again
Calm down Mr deep state
All this shit and people never shutting the fuck up about politics feels like a giant distraction. It's got to be some secret shit like Aliens communicating with us and they're teaching the secret class how to make gold out of water and a fountain of youth.
What doth tho meanith by thine statementus, good sir?
you're an idiot
>literally no source
>the text is different from paragraph
>spacing is fucked up
>seriously acting like a 5 year old white girl's rape would EVER be covered up
Yeah, looks legit.
Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
Last week I was watching a movie in a theater when Oliver Stone appeared right in front of me and grabbed me by my iPhone and pressed it so hard with his index finger and thumb the screen cracked. He leaned in close and told me to turn my "fucking phone" off or he'll "JFK me".
My phone was broken so I couldn't turn it off and out of shame I tucked it into my jacket for the whole duration of the movie. The kid next to me played some japanese game on his phone the entire length of the movie but I was so shocked I couldn't even move a muscle.
>implying america need refugees to raise its absurd black crime
It would be like a bottle of water in the ocean.
He's dead?
If this happened in Texas, or anywhere else in the south where this sorta bullshit wouldn't fly, those boys would've been strung up on a fucking rope or dragged behind some rednecks truck before the judge even passed the sentence.
>the south
That is how you get fucking shot in Texas, son.
Texas isn't even 50% white, don't taught shit you fucking beaner
everything people post on twitter is TRUE
I'm sure they are accusing him of that because of this
you're retarded. kill yourself paki subhuman.
>literally no source
your favourite search engine broken?
Libtards suddenly making allowances for this behavior when their own are caught.
>bump into woman
Stone did nothing wrong
This is why Trump won
All women should be heard and listened to
Liberals created this world, they should suffer in the consequences
there is no excuse for this
this family MUST unironically and literally kill the animals responsible
Not really, but the more of these accusations are made the more their importance is diluted.
That said, yeah this behaviour is pretty shitty and shouldn't be allowed.
>Pamella geller
great source lad
This is getting old and sending the wrong message to normie roasties. It's teaching them to be victims and to never forgive anything. (Like a drunk boob grab) I mean do you really gotta throw someone under the bus for something like that?
>neil barron wirdbird • a year ago
>I tried chobani under pressure because it was great and better than Yoplait which I liked. Talk about gagging like a maggot never touched it again. Now the problem is I can't boycott them and go to Yoplait because the CEO - Chairman of General Mills backed the LGBT people when Minnesota was going put a law in effect to prevent special rights. He's a flaming liberal skunk and the employees where not happy at his position which at the most should have been neutral. My brother worked here in Reed City ,Mi. which used to be the largest yogurt producing plant in the country, now it's a has been. For some background Yoplait is co-owned by General Mills and French Sodiaal and other French co. is in the mixture. Is there a ideal here called stupid liberals.
My fucking sides. There's no way this site is real
I can't believe I'm really watching Hollywood crumble. Could it be?
>It's teaching them to be victims and to never forgive anything.
You mean like Trump? ; ^ )
its incredible that you guys actually want more flims directed by women, written by women and starring actresses that look like lena dunham
enjoy the future
It's a real story, though all the details in the image posted are false. Both sides have used it to play into their agenda. Alt-Righties are turning it into some kind of torture porn by adding all of these false details while Communist lefties are acting like the Alt-Right's manipulation of the story means the event itself didn't happen.
Send these cunts a copy of the Scarlett letter.
So basically /ourguy/
Hollywood will crash, I'm sure there will be more Ghostbusters and feminist crap
But American movies will spring up again, maybe not in commiefornia this time.
damn the riverdale girl looks like that?
Well call me a commie if you want, but I don't see how lefties are wrong if it literally wasn't a pack of muslim men that raped the girl.
>The incident touched off months of turmoil in Twin Falls after the story was spun into a fake news account that exaggerated or flat-out falsified many of the details, including that a knife was present, the attack was perpetrated by a Syrian gang of adult men, that a rape had occurred and that the attack was celebrated by the perpetrators’ families as city officials orchestrated a cover-up.
>In fact, police and prosecutors said, there was no rape, no knife was present, and the incident involved young boys. Officials characterized the incident as a sexual assault and say each say each agency involved followed proper protocol
Whats wrong with Sup Forums that they want to spin what happened to this girl into a talking point?
boo hoo
im really hot but i have zero talent. give me a job that pays me millions and makes me famous so i can marry and even richer and more famous guy
poor them
>muslim rape is fine as long it's standard muslim rape
state of you
What's the joke about Mark "Suckerberg"?
She's a Playboy bunny! Is being a sex worker now consent?
i was the third post and i wasn't baiting
NO thats the last straw i could shrug off the shitting on ben affleck matt damon and jason mamoa bit this it no way
In hell am i gonna let them attack him
What are you talking about? I live in Houston and we have Confederate flags all over the place in the White areas and I swear everyone White family has a portrait of Robert E. Lee somewhere in their home.
When gang crime leads to sexual assaults it's a law enforcement problem. When gang crime runs an entire industry and uses it to commit sexual assault it's a systemic problem.
Yes, it is a much bigger problem when a cabal of wealthy oligarchs use their power to molest women then when a bunch of hoodlums in a ghetto do it.
1. civilization has higher standards
2. you know he didn't "graze" her tit, it was more than that and if he's that type of guy there's a lot more buried ...for the moment
>Hollywood is a town full of degenerates and heretics
>somehow claims to have the moral high ground
This being exposed is hillarious.
I bet Colbert won't hesitate to drag Oliver Stone through the mud like he did with Harvey.
Hatchett men for the establishment.
It's a little more than a law enforcement problem when the government defends the criminals (as in the case of Rotherham et al) and keeps bringing in thousands more of the same in pursuit of their third-worldist ideology. In addition, taking advantage of children and young teens is far more destructive and morally reprehensible than some grown thottie sucking Jewish cock to get into show biz.
The solution is both these problems is to expel all Jews and all Muslims from our countries.
People are actually listening to this type of story due to the names being involved which will have a greater outcome as apposed to sami the swede raping some chick at a music festival. Both are pretty terrible things but the masses won't be able to relate to that chick who got raped at some music festival as closely as they can relate to some movie stars who have made some of their most favorite pieces of entertainment.
This whole debacle also brings up a massive issue regarding how men treat women in the workplace which depending on the industry, is down right deplorable. Coming from a website full of losers who declare women they have never met their "Waifu's" I can understand why some of you don't understand the larger implications of these types of actions since no one is doing this type of shit to you (for obvious reason). I'd fuckin hate to be a sexually attractive women in this day and age with the amount of creepy fuckin losers out there who can't seem to deal with the idea that women have the same rights as they do... Id be creeped out every time i went outside and every creepy ass loser would eye me up without a single inch of respect of my own private space, meanwhile not a god damn soul is looking their way because they don't have anything of value to offer in ways of physical attractiveness.
It's only a problem when widespread corruption is exposed and enablers try their damnedest to safe face by making accusations, real or not.
now is the perfect time for women in hollywood to "remember" people they don't like doing supposed acts in the past, since presumption of innocence is out the window thanks to harvey
Hope so. Stone is incredibally overrated desu
>suddenly remember you got groped by Oliver Stone after defending someone you don't like
I don't buy it even though I fucking hate Stone.
In an interview with The Times newspaper on July 25, 2010, Stone claimed that America does not know "the full story" on Iran and complained about Jewish "domination" in parts of the U.S. media and foreign policy, notably his view that Adolf Hitler was misunderstood due to Jewish control of the media. When Stone was asked why so much of an emphasis has been placed on the Holocaust, as opposed to the 20-plus million casualties the Soviet Union, for example, suffered in World War II, he stated that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was an overly powerful Jewish lobby within the U.S. The remarks were heavily criticized by Jewish groups, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Yuli Edelstein, the speaker of Israel's Knesset and the leading Soviet refusenik, described Stone's remarks as what "could be a sequel to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion",[78] and the American Jewish Committee,[79] as well as from Israel's Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy Minister.[78]
A day later, Stone stated: "In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret. Jews obviously do not control media or any other industry. The fact that the Holocaust is still a very important, vivid and current matter today is, in fact, a great credit to the very hard work of a broad coalition of people committed to the remembrance of this atrocity—and it was an atrocity."[80]
Two days later, Stone issued a second apology to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which was accepted. "I believe he now understands the issues and where he was wrong, and this puts an end to the matter," said ADL National Director Abraham Foxman.[81]
>Accusations against Oliver Stone
The dude is literally Hunter S. Thompson tier.
It's meaningless with Stone.
I remember reading the book by the guys who produced Natural Born Killers. He was literally drug fucked and insane on set.
Also his son works for Russian State Propaganda and Stone went in on the Jews during a Colbert episode and they edited it out.
He literally does not give a fuck.
He apparently treated Jennifer Lopez really badly (not sexually though) and also the hot crazy chick Brad Pitt used to date that's a scientologist.
He get himself an Asian waifu too.
>Grabs boob
How fucking far are we going to lower this bar? Twitter Sexual Assault will be a real thing within in my lifetime.
Oh yes, I hope more women band together to purge the jews out of Hollywood
The schadenfreude is overpowering!
Those documentaries legitimately turned me into a Putinist, his little wink when he was pretending to not understand that Oliver wanted to have him walk forward for an intro to a scene was very cute.
>Grabbed the tit of a literal whore at a literal whore party
I mean, Hollywood deserves to get rekt, but this is meant to be an issue, while Bryan Singer sodomizing little boys isn't?
Also, if you're after straight (((white))) guy who will fall next?
Jerry Bruckheimer, but not because of his behavior.
Ever watch the Making Of Natural Born Killers?
Female producer said stone rented a car and told them to come with him for a location scout. Just before they left he ate a bunch of mushrooms. A policeman tried to pull them over, while the female producer was driving, Oliver Stone flipped out and started screaming, grabbed the wheel from her hands and jammed his foot on top of hers on the accelerator and made them flee from the police. He said "they" were coming to kill him.
Oliver Stone told me he's gonna be Putin it in my pooper. This is not okay
Sup Forums here
this is just the beginning, we are taking down the entire zog machine
Vietname Vet (actual Vet, not pretend Vet) > Whore.
Sorry roasties, but he's earned the right to grab the odd boob, especially when it belongs to a literal worthless whore.
>this is meant to be an issue, while Bryan Singer sodomizing little boys isn't?
>implying anyone cares about males
>Taking down the Zog machine
>Literally target a director who is basically banished for Naming The Jew
You're doing it hilariously wrong.
this is the tactic to get ahead of this mess
they're going to have people accuse anyone and everyone of misconduct to dilute the story
the real victims are going to be drowned out by bogus claims that get discredited and it will all quietly disappear once the heat dies down
>Stone "reached out and...honked it like a horn," she said
only when you pay them.
this is out of control. Most of these people are lying to sound like victims . its the newest trend until the next story. this is the actual fake news.
say what you will about his movies (they're shit)
oliver stone goes against the wars. the establishment that harvey weinstein represents doesn't want oliver stone around. they'll take him down themselves, but pretend it was part of the new right's attack on hollywood.
Jesus, did Stone take the bogpill?
>oliver stone grabs your boob
>it' ain't me starts playing