Nathan for You General

Anyone have a link to ep 3? Can't find it anywhere

Other urls found in this thread:!1bxjDYKB!beiNqOhbIsz7j_8FR5J-1Hz00hnyjojUhUX2Iqf74o0

same. been having trouble finding a lot of shows recently

Here you go!1bxjDYKB!beiNqOhbIsz7j_8FR5J-1Hz00hnyjojUhUX2Iqf74o0

Would you join Nathan’s sleeper cell?

Based user. Thank you!

is it legit?

It's from here

Watched the uber ep tonight. Never seen this show before. His deadpan seems to work well

It’s worth watching just because of how well Nathan carries the basic concept to places you don’t expect, as well as because of how good his deadpan pathetic-ness is

What are some other good Eps? Didn't realize the shows been on since 2013

Almost every ep. Start watching from s01e01 b/c there are a lot of recurring characters.

>not waiting for the amazon webdl

Ep 3 has been out since last week.

if by last week you mean 4 hours ago i guess that's right

It was out last week you absolute gronk

No. I watched it last week immediately after the second one.

You're dumb, dude.

it wasn't even good anyway

Was better than the second.


Looked on Zooqle, btdb and Sky Torrents and nothing. Which public tracker search engine do you use?

its on rarbg


Neat, gonna start checking that one from now on too.

I love how they are pushing one idea to ridiculous limits now like with the Diarrhoea Times and the Chinese marriage ceremony.

I love the humour, but it's slowly developing into a pattern with things like that. Soon it will lose its absurdity and that means a major part of what made it funny will be gone.

the internal got released like an hour ago

was yesterday's episode the one about UBER? (that leaked/got uploaded last week)

Bad news from Uber:
- rape
- rape
- puppy delivery.

so the latest one was the uber one right? no new one?


I'm not seeing a correlation between making a real newspaper called the Diarrhoea Times written by a NEET and faking a marriage via a Chinese food restaurant. The level of autistic detail he is taking into every little thing seems more "new" I would say. But it's literally something completely different and creative each time.

That's like saying "I don't like the content they're putting out = it's really creative and innovative each time and it's becoming pretty repetitive."

The episode felt like an accidental satire of rebellion against corporations and progress. I never know where this show is going, and its fantastic.

>the guy from craigslist with the burners
holy god that part slay me

i know it's staged but how much would you have to pay a real guy to do that haha