Can we talk about how this absolute HASBEEN is getting all the YAAASSSQUEEN support on twitter? Fucking bitch fucked to get roles and now she's ugly and doesn't get it anymore and whines. FUCKING BITCH
Can we talk about how this absolute HASBEEN is getting all the YAAASSSQUEEN support on twitter...
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>she's ugly
no she's not i'd fuck her if she was generous
>when you hate women so much you side with (((them)))
This could all be made up and I couldn't give a shit desu
true dat
at the con in houston last year she was/is stunning
and was fun to talk to.
would wife in a heartbeat.
I'd rather we talk about how she Mickey Rourke'd herself, so now she looks like a melting wax sculpture of Sinead O'Connor.
This is the ONE thing that makes me question the current narrative against Weinstein, why all this is only coming to light now specifically, and why it doesn't seem to be going much further than Weinstein.
Rose McGowan is literally insane. A trip through her social media history should be enough to prove that.
being raped makes bitches crazy and shave their heads
wifes are too expensive for a young guy like me
what was it?
Pretty funny seeing Sup Forums turn SJW. I knew they would since a lot of them are cucks from reddit.
Outrage against Trump seems to be the general consensus. Bitches be moaning on Twitter, and since all of these powerful Hollywood moguls are actual betas, they are absolute shit at defending themselves.
>implying she didn't coordinate this twitter onslaught with the writers of the articles to maximize virtue signaling exposure and increase her cred with the SJW crowd to give herself a career bost
I'm pretty sure JUST'ing her own face and the realisation she only ever got roles because she was fuckable did that. Whenever actresses like her complain there aren't roles for older women in Hollywood it's like they choose to forget Judi Dench, Susan Sarandon, Emma Thompson, Meryl Streep. etc all exist. If you can actually ACT there isn't a problem, if you're nothing but a pretty face and body why would you expect anything other than being dropped like a hot rock past the age of 30?
You see the same thing happen with male film stars too, except they usually struggle on until 40-45. You think Zac Effron's going to have the same kind of career trajectory as Clint Eastwood?
Found the hollyjew. You mad right now ?
So they finally realised they didn't have a leg to stand on being critical of Trump working in an industry where career advancement comes via rape and pedophilia?
>why all this is only coming to light now specifically
Because there was an investigative exposé and several famous actresses have since come out verifying Weinstein's behaviour to have distinctive pattern. Like with Cosby, people no longer fear about getting sued by libel or automatically getting labelled as a solitary gold digging whore trying to get a settlement now that it's out in the open and talked about and several people testify it happening to them as well.
fuck off feminist shit
I guess that makes sense, but the problem doesn't begin and end with Weinstein. This shit is an open secret, it's how Hollywood's been run for the best part of a century.
I'd have a lot more respect if they cleaned house fully instead of just tossing Weinstein to the wolves and calling it done.
Women and Jews are two sides of the same coin. What's your endgame white knighting these hookers? HW goes underground and western civilization remains a cucked joke.
Hey kike.
Hey Tumblr.
she worked with a convicted pedophile. she belongs in jail.
>I'd have a lot more respect if they cleaned house fully
Easier said than done.
to be fair you have to have a very low iq to shave your head as a woman
>Women and Jews are two sides of the same coin.
We need to make hollywood feminists expose each other and identify the jewish Mac-daddies as well as the "empowered ladies" who were fucking them just to get ahead of the game.
Feminism IS rape culture.
t. Harvey
ImWithHer! HeForShe!
I'd take her more seriously if she didn't shave her head. she just comes off as a crazy raging feminist bulldyke and I don't care to hear her nonsense
yeah she'd actually be kinda milf tier if she had long hair
>not realizing women are the vaginal jew
she was
Why would right wingers have any sympathy for Hollywood? Hollywood has basically been the propaganda wing for the democratic party for the last 60 years. Pushing an anti white, anti male, anti christian agenda. Hollywood cultivated and celebrated this masochistic liberal purity culture. And now its biting them on the ass. Every award show with Hollywood shits turning it into a Yale sociology lecture, every late night host shitting on trump or republicans, every time you replaced a white character with a nigger or a woman, every time you made fun of Christianity. You kikes dug your own grave.
Hollywood is also a propaganda for the CIA. Most of movies shows american military in a good light. Tries to push the Pentagon agenda by legitimizing torture and military coups. How many WWII movies about how the US save the world without remotely any mention of other allies? Even when the movies are supposed to show the US in a bad position in Vietnam, the story is always about the good american soldier.
The anti christian part is actually well deserved. Christians are just as bad as muslims.
She's getting people to boycott twitter, what's wrong with that?
>exposed hollywood
>exposed amazon
she's literally our girl
they seem to be making this all about women being sexually abused in hollywood, not sexual abuse in hollywood in general and especially not about pedowood
pretty disappointing
i get that it's probably mostly women getting sexually abused, but why ignore or pretend men don't get sexually abused?
plus pedo sexual abuse is way worse than any adult getting sexually abused, why the fuck aren't they focusing on this? they know this shit happens just like they did with weinstein
>And now its biting them on the ass.
I don't really how, people are finally applying what they preach, rather than just virtue signalling while actually not doing anything about the issues.
she looks like a porg
meh i loved her on charmed