An email sent by Colin Powell show how the members of the Bohemian Grove see Donald Trump to be "A Disaster."
Does this prove, without a shadow of a doubt, he is /ourguy/?
An email sent by Colin Powell show how the members of the Bohemian Grove see Donald Trump to be "A Disaster."
Does this prove, without a shadow of a doubt, he is /ourguy/?
What else would you expect? Everyone knows the Republican establishment hates Trump.
They only ever considered him a disaster because they wrongfully assumed somebody with his demeanor and platform could not get the nomination, or win the election.
That and the neocon globalist cancer permeates those kinds of clubs.
Trump is literally the death of the Democratic Party. Of course it's a disaster,,to (((them)))
Oh noes, the forrest faggots that go butt fuck each other in the forrest don't like Trump? Oh noes!
A disaster 4them
They hate him because he worships Kek instead of Moloch.
as long as trump praises kek he'll make a fine president
lol this isnt even real,((( donald trump ))) attends bohemian grove you retarded fucking kike cucks.
well that just about seals it. As if we didn't have enough proof the establishment hates trump.
This is great news
Oh noes a bunch of gay owl worshipping pedophiles that meet up once a year to milk eachothers decrepit old prostrates out in the woods think Trumps a disaster. How's he going to live with himself?
Yes it is real you fucking cunt. Don't try and confuse people with your Jewish sheningans.
WTF I really 100% love Trump now
No he doesn't
>The Bohemian Grove is the faggiest god-damned thing I've ever seen in my life!
>t. Richard Nixon
He has betrayed them. It's why they're so angry. Hillary was to win the election this time.
> calls people jewish
> worships a jew
fucking idiot, save yourself before it's too late
okay prove it then, prove that this picture came from a real email sent between Colin Powell and whoever this member is.
shoot thanks for reminding me to check out a properly kike controlled website to get the truthful story
On a personal level, Nixon would be the one president out of the last 100 years that I would absolutely love to hang out with and chat for an hour with.
He seems like a cool guy.
Hillary was never going to win, she's controlled opposition, Trump is going to win, that is what the cabal has chosen, it's what they've been working for for at least the past few years if not much longer. This entire election is a facade and I promise you not one of your leaders or the other sides leaders are authentic genuine people, every single influential force in this world is subverted by the kike cabal.
Um, guys....
Newt told us months ago
That fucking faggot. Is Hiroshima or hotwheels on the list
moot doesnt have the k, look up the full name it's some owner of some law firm called JAMS this list is fake anyways
CEO of Elite Information Group
you would know if you were elite
Many would correct you in saying it was the death of the Republican Party.
No! It was the resurrection.
Do you have proof it's fake? Can you rebut that?
Yes, of course. There was never a doubt.
(((They))) hate Trump.
We love Trump.
Trump isn't Jewish you mo. His daughter converted for shekel cock, though.
Thank you for Correcting The Record
>Fred Travalena
wew lad
You would think the Grove could rate someone more than a shit-tier Carson act.
They are the ones with power/money to prevent him from becoming president ya dip
kek, go sacrifice some children dirty canaanite sympathizer.
All the world is a stage user
You don't think Sup Forums is apart of the stage?
Back on the plantation boys.
It proves that he's not a part of the (((Neocon))) agenda, yes
He's not a part of the (((DNC))) agenda either
stephen harper is one of them?
well fuck him
They're all on the same team, Democrat or Republican or fucking Labor for that matter. We haven't had a president who wasn't "one of them" in a very, very long time.
I'm too lazy for a link to OP but I need one to share with normies please.
>it's the most faggot goddamn thing you can ever imagine
The DNC outside of the Neocons are the same too
They're infiltrated by the Israeli Lobby
I always knew moot was a faggot,
lol complaining about fag fashion designers fucking up womens shit, 'flat chested' etc.
ehrlichman:hot pants.
nixon:jesus christ
lol based nixon
Thank you for just now starting to pay attention
Nixon was based as fuck. There's another clip from the Nixon tapes where ole Richard talked shit about the Jews.
Shame that he let that kike Kissinger fuck his shit up.
He created buzzfeed.
He was the biggest kike boot licker this country has ever seen. The ultimate cuckservative.
>The Jewish cabal is out to get me.
>You know, it's a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana are Jewish. What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob? What is the matter with them? I suppose it is because most of them are psychiatrists.
>Many Jews in the Communist conspiracy. Chambers and Hiss were the only non-Jews. Many thought that Hiss was. He could have been a half. Every other one was a Jew—and it raised hell for us. But in this case, I hope to God he's not a Jew.
>The Jews are irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards.
>But by God, there are exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on us.
On Jews, to H. R. Haldeman, as quoted in "Nixon: I Am Not an Anti-Semite" by Timothy Noah, in Slate (October 7, 1999)
>As long as I'm sitting in the chair, there's not going to be any Jew appointed to that court. [No Jew] can be right on the criminal-law issue.
>I can't ever say that, but I believe it.
Responding to Rev. Billy Graham's assertion that the Jews have a "stranglehold" on the media that "has to be broken or the country's going down the drain." Quoted in The New Yorker (15 April 2002)
>I'm not for women, frankly, in any job. I don't want any of them around. Thank God we don't have any in the Cabinet.
>I don't think women should be in any government job whatever. I mean, I really don't. The reason why I do is mainly because they are erratic and emotional.
fucking moot, you faggot.
>you'll never fuck moot's twink ass
h-hold me
fuck off kike faggot
not on wikileaks thats wikipedia
lolol you think THATS IT
why dont you do a little research you fucking child
kike loving faggots
>a bunch of power players hate Trump
>implying this is bad
Thanks for correcting the record