Hahaha, look at your (((Star Wars))) now
Hahaha, look at your (((Star Wars))) now
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This cannot be real
but the darkside is empowering
Its not
Why God are these films too big to fill?
>Alt-right babies spend all day whining and crying over, "muh fake newz >:'(" but post fake shit like this.
I don't get it.
who cares its not like that hurts the films in anyway and if it makes it more inclusive for black people im all for it. even if its only minor it still helps people of color to able to enjoy the films more and it affects no one else negatively so who cares?
Welp, it's over. It was a good run. Dropped.
>first post is literally saying its fake
I wonder what retards will think this is real
Honestly I expect about 75% of Sup Forums posters to buy it
The Trekkies tried to warn you about Abrams. You looked away.
>Just checked the Sup Forums thread
>50 posts and not one points out the fact that it's fake
Stephen Hawking also recently suggested we stop using the term 'black holes' because it was racist
you could have prevented it
yeah because it's such an outlandish premise that this would be a real healing nowadays
your post is as fake as OP image. just checked, 35 replies, a bunch of them saying its fake, the rest are laughing and meme posting.
it should be though
>It's not real but it could be, I mean in my head its totally real
You sure told him
>let me just slap the original fans in the face with moral accusations while profiting off the reanimated corpse of their beloved franchise
what i said was fine
Star Wars has transcended "movies." It's basically a cultural event now, like the Superb Owl for nerds.
Look at that smug shit eating kike grin. They don't do this because they like black people. They do it because they know it makes us mad and hate them. They love to be hated. Kikes revel and feel empowered under hate.
Stop hating them. Just ignore them and stop giving them your money.
I wonder ((who)) is behind this?
it's fake you special ed autist
> Great visuals
> Great soundtrack
> Great sound editing
> Expanded the EU which lead to a decade of great books, games, etc.
> People shit on him because the writing in the prequels was not that great
I still don't understand to this day why this man got so much hate. And now you're stuck with this Disney crap. We all knew this franchise was dead right after we finished watching episode 7.
it's true, blacks reject homosexuality. white """"people"""" however very much revel in it, then their depravity is exposed claim jews made them do it with their magic jew powers
>first post is literally saying its fake
>Sup Forums wants racism to be socially acceptable, uses invented examples of liberal overreactions to justify this
why are these threads allowed again?
It's honestly about time. The film originated in the 70s, which was Avery racist period in American history. This is no different from changing white characters into blacks, so it shows a more accurate representation of our country. Lots of films that predates the 00s should follow suit!
its just leftist white morons that also think nigs are "people"
Shadows are racist
It's fake but this would not surprise me at all these days with all the leftist faggotry in hollywood.
Everything colored here was the territory of the Hapsburgs under Charles II's reign. He did nothing wrong
I used to be a racist but now I am not because of this change
What's not to get? If you had to do a web search to see if the article was real, it's credible enough to be believable.
Disney have killed Star Wars.
They don't want to offend who? the Darkies. That's racist.
Information Literacy is essential for seeing through Fake News.
Ahead of most here already.
Just rename it the white side, everybody knows white means evil. Earlier movies in the franchise can be dubbed/edited.
Obviously fake, but it frankly would not suprise me if it actually happened. Actually I take that back, the depravity of modern culture doesn't suprise me anymore it just makes me feel more justified in my own opinions
>Durr nice slippery slope fallacy
>Just because they have a multiracial cast on star trek doesn't mean in the future they are going to have nude game shows, tv shows trying to depict Lucifer in a positive light, and create hordes of shut in nerds whose entire lives revolve around consumerism
I tried to warn you tucking degenerates but you didn't listen.
Its finally time for Sup Forums to come to terms with the fact that the prequels were actually pure kino