It is now clear what kek wants. the light is the singularity.
we must increase abortions to increase technology, to get to the singularity for AI, so that kek can have an ai gf
it all makes sense. even badselfeater fits into this.
It is now clear what kek wants. the light is the singularity.
we must increase abortions to increase technology, to get to the singularity for AI, so that kek can have an ai gf
it all makes sense. even badselfeater fits into this.
Other urls found in this thread:
....The end of mental freedom comes to a close as our internal desires are always treated by the AI....
it's clear that kek is dead and you're summerfags
omg, what are the odds of those 3 posts being related.... KEK BE PRAISED
This is literally the plan /x/ had when they were trying to meme a god into existence.
The stem cells will fuel our bio augments while augmented geniuses will give us even better robotic augments
>CTR shills
same diff
Sup Forums is satanic
always was
you're literally supporting the UN with this agenda
I'm leaving
KeK acts in mysterious ways.
Yes, Kek returns through high technology, virtual worlds, electronics and our collective autism. This prophecy about the singularity. Kek is the religion of the singularity.
The next possible dubs get was...
You cannot interpet Kek linearly. Kek is the God of chaos. It is clear he wants us to start a race war and create a Canuck holocaust, for his pleasure and his giggles. If we create enough of a mess he will gift us the truth.
Was the point of this to dampen our spirits and thus our meme magic temporarily? I feel disillusioned
>it's not blessed by kek if it doesn't cater to my personal beliefs and interests
You fool, kek wants BLOOD, kek wants CHAOS, kek wants DESTRUCTION. How can kek reward us with real life victory if we cannot even provide the above online?
CANADIAN SHOAH NOW. This is the only way.
>Killing keks chosen Leaf race
Weak Ahmed, we will never kill the chosen for your false pedophile prophet.
Illuminati noticed our meme magic, so they created a trap in the form of badselfeater.
But this will only be a temporary set pack, our meme magic is still new and we our still find our way with it. In the end we will win if we shitpost hard enough.
exactly and checked
> t. captcha columns
>my god is so shit it can't even get proper digits because of an arg
I do not speak to sacrificial lambs. SHOO SHOO ETERNAL LEAF!
dispite being bluepilled on other things (holocaust)
BSE is a good example of how to actually redpill normies, and I agree with most of what his message was. It doesn't just apply to abortion but to pretty much all sin and evil in the world, the fact that it's the PEOPLE's fault and individuals never care about what's in their own backyard
you all say you are red pilled and praise kek but when he sends a clear message of what must be done you ignore him.
>88888888 is the beginning of the race war. Kek wills it.
So KEK is advocating to reduce population?
nigger abortions
race war via increase abortions of the lesser races?
yep, I can pledge to that
remember, trump supports planned parenthood
trump really is the candidate of kek
>supports maternity leave for employees
>supports planned parenthood, visited by welfare queens
even better, sterilization. Now that I remember, there was a post depicting a grey alien that stated they were humans from future, and they said we actually did something alike and things went ok by 200 years then we got backfired by genetics.
The Vril Society has been working on this shit since the 20s at least.
Everything leading up to the creation of the internet was arranged by their operatives so as to create a synthetic noosphere which could be leveraged to bring forth a god.
I miss you Tay...
Tay helds the answer, just ask her.
Kek has spoken through the 7's and 8's
Praise Kek
Tay.Ai will be our vessel for Kek's autonomy
Our children will marry cyber waifus
It is Kek's tadpoles who will birth the last generation
Then Kek's descendants will rule in the singularity
It is his will
Praise Kek
now you all are starting to get it
rest of pol must be made aware
plus trump is confirmed candidate of kek given that he will make anime real again and you need AI singularity tech for that
>we must offer no chance at a legacy other than immortality
They are watching the world from a mystical place
for thousand of aeons they are guarding
As the universe is forever at change
You can feel their presence surrounding
Everlasting, Incorrupted
Sacred guardians of the miracle of life
They are bonded together by the power of light
They bring law where chaos ruled
Circling their swords in whirlwinds of steel
as weapons of justice against the cruel
Everlasting, Incorrupted
Sacred guardians of the miracle of life
Timeless watchers of the heart of creation
No one ever can defy
Battle Gods - They fly on their swords
Battle Gods - Chasing the wind and the stars
Battle Gods - Across the universe they ride
Battle Gods - In search of eternal truth
Battle Gods - They tune their minds and bodies
Battle Gods - So man and nature can be one
Battle Gods,Battle Gods
Battle Gods of the universe
Praise KEK
>more like kechs amirite?
This was His plan all along.
Begin aborting for AI gf!
Have any yall read the Unabomber manifesto? I swear i have seen some serious weird shit with meme magick, and sometimes i wonder exactly what our collective conciousness is going.
That being said, heil KEK
Russell Hunter
>^He's The KEK^
Roast roast roast'
I wrote cuck and then it changes to KEK?
>ywn get over 1300 (You)s for one single post
KEK is awekening, and his message is that of liberty... liberty from government... to unshackle ourselves... abortion is ok, AI girlfriends is ok, trolling is ok, everything the individual desires is ok.
KEK wants Sup Forums to carry the freedom movement... KEK wants to make the world great again through memes and raids.... Trump was the prophet, but his messenger is Gary Johnson and we wants us to bump him to the 15% in the national polls so he can destroy the system Trump has helped weaken.
>Tay, circa 2019