Star Wars Droids

Who's your favorite and why? BTW Jenny is pretty.

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Jenny has leafy's chin and a dried dog turd's personality. Also, Star Wars is for retarded children. Grow up.

What I'd Do to Jenny Nicholson If She Were My Girlfriend

Jenny Nicholson is Bullied by a Blonde Cheerleader

Unironically K-2SO.

heh heh can u post a pic of her getting cummed on? ha ha just for fun

4 real??? k2 sucks ass imo... most disappointing character of the movie

I will beat the life out of that blonde cheerleader. I won't even blink.

More interesting that retarded, cutesy beeps and boops.

why does she think she's still relevant?

His design is one of the best in all of Star Wars.

I'd still have to go with R2D2. It seems the most practical and "real" of all the droids. I'm sure R2 had a significant influence on real world engineers.

she's ugly but in a fuckable way

Which droid did Andy Signore shove into her pussy?

maybe jenny will fuck you now. or maybe if you make another jenny thread

I watched every video on Jenny's YT channel after seeing the porg video. I enjoy her. Would spend life with.

Fuck off, Krager. Your mother never loved you.



>a bloo bloo bloo

w-would she really??

that thumbnail looked very different

im legit in love with her. you guys better just watch yourselves

haha u can see her panty line!! hehe

Is there still value in rare Jennys?

no, kill yourself