Celeb user

So the actor will dump the redpills tommorrow. Any guesses as to who?

>hints he gave
>pic related shows 4 movies he wasn’t in, and 1 he was in.
>worked with bruce willis and Shia.


Other urls found in this thread:



Anons may have had narrowed it down to Owen Wilson, Jon Hamm, Josh Gad, Chris Pratt, and Ansel Elgort

A liar who fools phoneposters

There's ways to search for all actors who were in a movie with both Shia and Bruce Willis, I'm too much of a brainlet tho. You'll need to use sql queries or some shit

Seth MacFarlane?

Plz be hamm

Probably some nobody extra

Tom Cruise

Probably Pratt desu

Pratt is based, but he is too normie to use this website


>hey guys i'm going to do something *tommorrow* oh my gosh

ignore LARP threads

It happens so often with no results, really proves who's the newfag

>falling for Sup Forums happening threads

It would probably be Gad if this were real. I'd love it to be Hamm or Pratt though.


Hey guize my dad works for microsoft and I have info on the next Xbox ask me anything


Fuck off

>bothering with a larp
>bothering with a larp that will be proven or disproven (read: disproven) today/tomorrow

In before nothing happens so people come up with excuses for the larper or think that the powers that be have silenced him.



Why couldn't all the nuts stay on /x/ and Sup Forums

/x/ has just been shut in 16 year old s for around 3 years now. No mental illness or weirdos, just friendless teens.

Thought Jon Bernthal.

Was in Baby Driver - none of the others.

Was in Fury with Shia Labeouf (Labeouf was reported to have fought with his co-stars on the film) but nothing with Bruce Willis.

I got nothing out of reading that fucking thread

>get rid of unwanted fleas and ticks

>Jon Hamm
I hope it’s him. He can just post pics of his monster dong, with timestamp, and we’ll know it’s him

I'm going to fucking rage if it's hamm and he doesn't post his meaty cock

what the fuck is wrong with you guys

I don't see that many differences in those groups

Imdb does that

Enter name of actor you suspect is user that worked with Shia here


What this retarded faggot doesn't realize is that when he comes out to reveal this shit, we'll know exactly who the fuck it was that posted this

>But you fuckers used me in a few memes

Don't rule out this guy.
Trust me.

It's not Josh Gad, Owen Wilson, Ansel Elgort, or Chris Pratt. None of them fit the criteria for having worked with Shia/Willis and having been in the movies listed.

Gullible retards

its obviously someone who doesn't work in hollywood anymore.
Marc Warren was in Wanted.

Dan Schneider is a pedophile, the truth will come out before November, prepare for the Meltdown of Hollywood

>Autismo who secretly Sup Forumsposts and has the second greatest meme following here.

I could believe that.

Paul Giamatti

Nope. Doesn't match the OP criteria.

Is it Monica Bellucci?

Nope. Didn't work with Shia.

>idiots believing this
Whatever helps you pass the time

there is nothing wrong about cock lust

Nope. Never worked with Shia.

its Ben Foster

>Monica Belllucci hands out on Sup Forums

I never said I believed it.

it's ryan gosling

Never worked with Shia.

I wasn't talking to you, faggot. I just clicked on your post number for the reply box.

He said "a few memes". This is just a reaction image

he replaced Shia in some broadway play, they hate each other

said actor not actress

Kek god bless Sup Forums

He didnt say he worked with Willis only met him

Didnt say he worked with Shia either, only spent time in a room with him

All we have is he was in 1 of the 5 movies listed

Its a waste of time

it's either ryan gosling or aiden gillen

Do you think fucking normies knows the difference between memes and reaction image?

>he doesn't want to see Don Draper's infamously large schlong


>goose is actually a jannie

if CIA is the guy that would get me so rock hard

>believing LARP threads
>Actually staring a thread on another board linking to said LARP thread



Considering the way he talked in that thread he is obviously more familiar with the distinction.

Spacey is more likely

I was thinking that but probably just because he looks like Subway Jared

didn't work on drillbit taylor, wanted, 21 or baby driver

so this actor did or didnt work with both bruce willis and shia?

Didn't, only says he met Bruce/ was in a room with Shia

well he could be anyone.
shia been doing random shit all over america i bet even a relative of yours met him already

yeah didn't lebouf do that artsy thing where he sat in a free-entry room with a paperbag over his head? it could be anyone.

how is paul giamatti a meme

She is probably going to accuse that guy from “Irreversible” for rape

Who actually cares what celebrities come here? You faggots think this is some kind of exclusive and cool club that only the most elite of elites know about, but it's more mainstream and shitty than Reddit is.

>zero proof
>just someone claiming to be famous

this is "dane dehaan" on Sup Forums all over again

So this was Nolan's real message

lol at anyone wasting their time on these threads.

this is like when i used to pretend i was an snl insider and would tell people who is most likely getting fired and who is leaving.

people eat this shit up. in fact, brb starting larp thread

>Amazon Studios chief suspended after harassment allegations and ignoring an actress’ claim of assault by Weinstein

>i said i was the proof
your tears say more than real evidence ever could

>actually falling for the most obvious roleplay of all time

I don't think goose fits the criteria does he?

So shes shopping shit, gets rejected repeatedly and then uses social media to propel all this shit? Kek

Yeh he seems autistic as fuck

She should just make more bate videos. She hasn't been good for anything other than cummies since Adams Family

dan schneider outs himself as a pedophile but has proof that everyone else is eating babies. all is forgiven.

If that happened, it would be some kind of singularity event.

Pratt has been getting twitchy about Hollywood lately, and doubling down on his conservative/trad values/Christian foundations, so my money is on him.


What, what?

Paul Giamatti has never worked with Shia.

That article doesn't make a single mention of them working together.

I think you need to learn to read user.

I think these were the tweets that got her temp banned.

Weinstein and Affleck is one thing - but a major, MAJOR Democrat player and government influencer like Bezos will have twitter fucking rekt within a month.

Who cares? I WANT to see the Portman/Kidman anal scene, even a trailer will do

I can't believe people still fall for this. Really shows the incredibly high turnover on this site that so many users have such an apparently short memory.

yes, although they used the lame excuse of her posting a publicly searchable phone number being considered "doxxing"

I got Sherlock fans to believe there was a secret episode coming on after the series finished at the beginning of the year. When it looked less and less likely, I reinvented myself as a BBC employee who, whilst not being one of the main players, still had access to basic info like schedules and rosters. I can't remember all the details, think I said a Halloween special had been confirmed and there were ongoing discussions for a fifth and final season. I had people believing there were tensions on set between actors, and that Benedict Cumberbatch had a habit of talking down to Martin freeman because he believed he was genuinely the more intelligent of the two, which is why he was cast as Sherlock. I also said the gay storyline was meant to go ahead but Martin pulled out Because of deeply held religious beliefs that homosexuality is a sin punishable by death. Was good fun. Think some of his fans abused him on Twitter.

i can see it. from everything ive seen of him, he seems to be a quiet, reserved guy that might actually go on Sup Forums. it also helps that Sup Forums fucking loves him for some reason

Pratt wouldn't come here. He's a good Christian lad who gets sensible chuckles from Reddit.

This. How many fucking LARPers have we seen now?

brad pitt?
fury and twelve monkeys

not saying weinstein didn't diddle her, but does she seriously expect someone to take her word as if it is legally binding?
why didn't she start legal proceedings? then people would know whether what she is saying is true or not

What was posted?