Push for women's rights and benefits

>push for women's rights and benefits
>get called a sexist

You can't make this shit up.


>give women what theyve asked for over decades
>no I dont want it because its from HIM

Trump could end world hunger tomorrow and the media would say what a horrible effect that will have for charity organizations.

This article was injected into my phone's news feed this morning. It made me physically ill.

when are you gonna realize that nothing will ever be enough for women

they are going for a full matriarchy


Pretty much this.

I have a new proposal

>women must be pregnant at all times
>women must drop everything and serve a man on request
>women must still work 40-60 hours a week
>women may not under any circumstances interupt a video game, sports game, or hunting/fishing trip

Im sure there are more to come but any woman violating these rules will be sold to saudi arabia as sex slaves so the women can experience being truly independent and strong.

>msm is shitting on trump
wow omg call the fucking police or something this is so new and scary i cant eve omg

>that beak

Serious question here, is the huffington post that one company completely run by women? I feel like it is because everything that comes out of that site is opinions with no facts, pointless name calling and garbage bullshit biases.

>he only provides leave for women!
>sexist against men!

The comments are even worse, old fucking idiot women who are fat as fuck commenting about Acts that allow men and women to already get leave when they have kids. Says Trump's new proposal would "rewind time," yet they interestingly fail to point out that these Acts ONLY prevent them from firing you when you have a kid and need leave time, THEY DONT EVEN PAY YOU.

How the fuck can people be so stupid?

It is sexist because he does not want to offer equal paternity leave.

>insult to women in the title
>by paying women for being away from work, you're making a statement that they belong in the home caring for the child instead of working

I wish Russia would fuck us up, we deserve it.

Everywhere I fucking look, PC this, Racebaiting, new buzzwords with -ist- on the end.... I really don't know what I'll do if he loses the election, this is already spiraling out of control.

Peck is a jewish name. I know an entire extended family of kikes with that name, as just one example. Pretty sure its a shortened version of PECKENSILVERBERGERSTEINWEIS or some shit.

Look at that picture. that broad is the hebiest kike I've ever seen in my life.

I hope you white males are waking up to the fact that women are insane if not lead by a strong male influence.

The past year with the Trump campaign has proven to me that women should never have been given the vote.

All iv seen from a lot of white women is "OMG He is going to make it harder for me to kill my unborn children"

Seriously fuck women. They are destroyers of everything good when men don't stop them.

ADAM AND EVE. God was trying to warn us to keep women inline.

Trump could walk on water, and the legacy media would say he can't swim.

What's the gist of the article? I really don't want to wade in those fishy waters.

Whats their reason? All I can think of is its not enough paid time off?

Are they really trotting out "it's sexist against men"? I was certain by now that that was impossible.

No, it is too much time off. They think that employers will not want women, and that they will be more apt to say at home if you give them loads of time off and benefits.

Embrace Islam famalam.

Why? Because women are crazy.


>actually getting western women to be mothers now impossible, sources say

Can anyone deny that God has turned His back on the USA?

>Emily Friedlander Peck
so, kike or not?



He must be really shit at inciting political violence if it's his peaceful supporters who constantly get beat on by antifa cunts.

>The Trump scheme is really just a hazy fantasy in which white men drink scotch all day at the office while a woman at home tends to all the details of life.

Sounds pretty awesome to me, where do I sign?

There is literally no reason, i have never heard of any workplace telling you to come to work when you are pregnant. This is just another fringe issue like gay marriage

The Huffington Post is saying Trump is sexist against men. Wow.


Huffpost never disappoints.

MSM going full retard, when the power, water and food run out because they cause ww3, guess who they'll beg for help from, alpha males, then I will kill them with a shovel and leave then in a ditch

If he had included 6 weeks paid paternity leave, they'd be complaining because women have to go through the physical and mental trauma of childbirth so they need more than men.

Any amount of paternity leave from zero to 5.999... weeks, they complain about enforcing gender roles.

Cannot possibly win.

More critical theory time wasting.

fucking white men
>t. (Friedlander Peck)

>bragging about your own get



Yeah they are all fucking busted as fuck, that's what I noticed.

These idiots don't deserve to live in the glory of Trump's empire.

>no archive, screenshot, or even pastebin
This your first day m8?

no jam container open in sight.

social commie liberalists are sick in the head

So much for parity, feminism is openly supremacist.

It's run almost completely by white women with three token asians. There's a picture of them sitting at a table talking about diversity somewhere.

Mine too. I look up the policy speech and the first thing was this bullshit huff article, people wouldnt hate the media so much if it didnt force itself on you

It's almost like these kike mosquitoes are paid to smear him no matter what he does.


If the world goes to shit I'm going to start eating liberals

Looks like a little Syrian mixed in

I screenshotted the title and linked the article

TLDR; Here's my daily lack of brain capacity to create a political argument on paper, all in the form of the word sexist. see you tomorrow for more great female """""journalism"""""

Using Jewgle OS

Mine came up when I slid my ((((iphone))))) screen left after the update. Has a (((((news)))))) section and that was an option along with "Hillary's deplorables comment: explained"

We know how the doublespeak works. And we won't fall for it.


>Gets called sexist.

It's because he's on the right. If Hillary or even Obama presented a similar plan, it would be met with praise.

>All busted up white women

Muh diversity.


sounds about right.

Bunch of lesbos


literally no such thing, anything beyond savage tribal society does not survive under matriarchal power structures

Civilization= patriarchy
Savagery= Matriarchy

>suddenly standing up for men
Isn't Huff Post going to get cannibalized by feminists?

They want a society where women occupy all positions of power, while men do the actual work and pay for everything but no-one ever mentions this.

>Let’s repeat that: Trump’s solution for struggling American families leaves out men.

I didn't know Huffpo cared about men.

yeah, I was just thinking she reminds me of a Leb I know. Many kikes are like this.

That never has and will not exist, even if they partially implemented such a system the society would collapse as men would not put up with it.

Shit we are partly there and western society is practically imploding.

>Men are not included in the leave plan, the campaign confirmed to The Huffington Post.

>Let’s repeat that: Trump’s solution for struggling American families leaves out men.

Wow, it only took the mainstream media 40 years to start caring about men again. Trump is working wonders in this country, in the weirdest of ways.

Keep reading.

They still conclude women are worse off.


LOL that is exactly what is going on.

Highlighting yet again that women should not be allowed to vote in national elections.

I said that's what they want, not what is possible.

Many of them also want to have their seasonal iPhone upgrade somehow, after the workers have seized the means of production and abolished money.

I fucking hate apple.

You just know there is social pressure to use their products in that group.

Women are fucking sheep.

I don't know why Trump is even trying to get the black, Latino, and female votes. All three are foregone conclusions, and he wouldn't even be able to win them with Bill Clinton as his VP pick.

He needs to focus on his white, uneducated male fanbase.

>Shillary has her 47% moment
>Huffpaint is desperately trying to pin a "binders of women" on Trump

I love it every single time.

What is this from exactly?

>The Trump scheme is really just a hazy fantasy in which white men drink scotch all day at the office while a woman at home tends to all the details of life.

Wait, isn't that what feminists think? Isn't that why they begged to be part of the work force?

Even if you don't get the majority of women, it still helps in certain states to pull a few to your side.


all those groups love trump, eat it fagger

>tranny degenerates make a fuzz about bathrooms
>Trump says he's ok with them
>issue hasn't been brought by the liberal kike media since

I am fully on the Trump train but that is wishful thinking.

Was Trump's maternity leave plan just a ruse to get women on board with advocating for paternity leave? If so they're literally dancing to his tune. The absolute madman.

Dem comments tho.

They are the most ridiculous comments I've ever read. There's paid maternity in most Europe countries, does the USA not know this?

Yeah they're all fucking ugly with kikebooks.

>. There's paid maternity in most Europe countries,

Why the fuck is this a reason for anything?

What does it matter what Europe has?

I swear to god, if I read one more clip bait headline from a journalist website, I'm going to puke.

When did it become acceptable to front load the emotion of the news onto the headline?

>Trump announces new plan for maternity leave. Ya, it's bad (and insulting). Yes. For real.

Yet (((android))) OS made by (((Google))) serves you with fucking ads in the OS at random

Is there any good phone OS? At least with Windows 7 on PC I can modify the hell out of it so they can't watch me

It's run by Arriana Huffington, a former wife of a former openly gay Republican politician. They eventually divorced, but it's easy to see how shameful she felt.

She went full retard and joined the regressive left as a result. The Huff Post is like reading a tabloid magazine. It's not reputable whatsoever.

smells like pennies

The Strain, but fair warning, the way that WebM was cut together wasn't actually how it happened in the show.

Ever since people stopped reading articles and only looking at headlines on facebook and twitter I'm assuming.

>Wow, it only took the mainstream media 40 years to start caring about men again.


They only give a shit about "real" equality when it can give a woman more power.

I'd sooner take trump giving some women some preferential treatment, than put up with that bullshit.

We've been deprived of basic rights for too long; forced circumcision, alimony and child support with no say for ourselves or rights as parents, paternity leave.

And we've complained, only to be shot down as sexist neck-beards because we weren't complaining about the real problem; "women in videogames"...

It's to the point where I don't give a shit about more rights anymore, I don't give a shit about even real equality anymore. Not when I can deprive the feminists of their goals instead.

They could offer us the world, I'd still tell them to go fuck themselves, it's what they're best at.

We at least tried tolerance, they never did.
They don't deserve any authority or power.
Even a man-hating trump would be preferable to voting in a woman.

It didn't include paid maternity leave for men. The HuffPost think tank was up all night thinking of a way they could spin this

>Trump save a baby at the zoo from a lions den

Huffpost: "Serial Racist Donald Trump Takes Food Away From Hungry African Immigrants"

God if only the world was still like that.

>serves you with fucking ads in the OS at random
No it doesn't

>It particularly insults gay men who become fathers.

I seriously think Ms. Peck has never been preggers, or has had a friend who been so. Also gays rarely adopt infants unless the're next of kin.

The day you came on Sup Forums is the day you signed up.

I have one here that does

Anyways it's (((Google))) should explain itself


>huffing: as in huffing glue
>ton: the weight of the average feminist

So feminists-who-huff-post?

Of course its sexist
Women want more work since work makes you free

This is awesome. Trump may be able to bring back traditional values. These bitches will do the opposite of what he proposes. Next I hope he gives tax credits for gender studies degrees and tax credits for raising your wife's son.

I mean, they're right, except they make it sound like a bad thing.
They believe incentivizing women to actually be mothers is an afront their fruitless movement of trying to creat a false reality where men and women are the same.

I don't think you realize this, but once Trump is elected he's going to let Russia come in and skullfuck the retard out of the west.

The Russians will be so grateful they'll build us a giant Gulag in central park to reeducate and civilize our retards, kind of like how the French gave us the statue of liberty.

I for one can't wait to take a trip with my family to the National Internment Camp.