Jewish man comes around and just decides that the word dark (or actually black) magic that was used for centuries and...

>Jewish man comes around and just decides that the word dark (or actually black) magic that was used for centuries and never had anything to do with race is racist
>ruins your favorite movie franchise
What is going on?

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, AMERICA? Is this real life? Is this actually satire?

Other urls found in this thread:

not a real article

Could be, though.

Lol shitty thread just give up


No, it couldn't be.


take your shitty fake news back to Sup Forums

Empire Strikes Back Disney™ edition
: Luke....Luuuke. Komm join me on African-American side.

how sure are you?

Sup Forums in one post

But is he wrong?

Wtf man...

they're going to use sith more often

characters will yell "these fucking sithskins are violent, stupid, and destroy property values"

Could you suck dick all day to pay for your internet?

Its possible, sounds true to me

yes, google the headline

This isn't real you fucking mongoloid

This always gets me thinking how much of the hatred pushed by hate groups like Sup Forums is fueled by their own lies. Seems to at least be 85-90% of their total content based on looking at their .jpgs. It's fucking scary how unintelligent people are.

look at these butthurt kikes with poor reading comprehension holy shit

>it's all in your head goyim!

>make up some stupid bullshit
>no one believes it
>blame the jews
Sup Forums in a nutshell

these all are though, google them
>No, it couldn't be.
hello JIDF

I stand by JJ, this hateful terminology needs to be erased from our culture.
"The Force" need to be the next hate word to be eradicated imho.
It evokes images of Hitler's march through Europe, as an unstoppable "Force"
It also brings back (literal) painful memories of being raped as a child with "Force" by a family member.


Does this mean that the dark side will from now on be described through a chintzy sci fi sounding handle like "Terrorax" or "Evil juice"?

wtf, I love jews now

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!!!

>It is now named the evil side when the jedi are just as evil and mmanipulative

Light Side and Dark Side are just how the Jedi and Sith differentiated each other in their religions. In reality there is no light or dark side, it's how you use the Force in its entirety for good or evil.

Though it would be dumb to do it to be progressive, it's one thing that George Lucas himself failed to understand especially when he tried to make Anakin seem sympathetic and justified in his actions. He couldn't bear the Jedi being anything but good and the Sith being anything but bad, but that's how he tried to write the story which is one of the reasons why the prequels suck.

Joke. But best to head these retards/cultural saboteurs off at the pass.

-Craptcha just asked me to click on all buses. One was clearly a van.

>I go to gas station washrooms and suck men's toes to get off
woah there man no need to tell us your life story

I love Sup Forums. Whenever I feel a thirst for beta white trash tears I can always find it here on the first page.

Reminder, Boyega is cancer to everything. Despite being cast in some roles he should not have been if only because he is black, he still complains about other shows not being black enough

>J.J. Abrams went on to say that in future Star Wars films, the term "Dark Side" will be replaced by the term "Toxic Masculinity"
>He also said that both the original trilogy and the prequels would be digitally altered to fit this new policy

Jesus christ, Abrams


Fuck off Donald

fucking creepy shit


Isn't he a little short to be next to a storm trooper?