Lets see some rare flags posting in this thread.
Also post your collections.
Mine isn't that good cause I only started recently.
Lets see some rare flags posting in this thread.
Also post your collections.
Mine isn't that good cause I only started recently.
Here you go since you don't have me
Here's mine
Just got you in another thread
Thanks anyway
Where is best Korea?
Bump :(
I might be retarded but how do you save these things?
Double click the flag and it'll open in a new tab, then save it. That's what I do at least
here is mine
thank you
Colonial States of America?
all legit except Nazi Germany.
Not been seeing many rares lately
Ignore the colors, I use that for dating. Although I've been pretty lazy in actually revising my timescale. Now I just use green.
here's a map
What's going on in here
sharing rares
Nice trips double n trips man. I'm American but stationed in guam.
Thanks for the rare, man.
What ever happened to Somalibro?
im jealous
This one's really rare
Have a fucking pineapple for your collection.
Right click wont let me save flags
Oh wait, I got it
Here's my actual collection, forgot to rename Norway
Reminds me of moot
Surely this day can be made better w/rare
Have my non-country user
Serbia looks like a pokeball
Here's my set, started early August. It's pretty interesting seeing how diverse pol's community is.
I wonder how many times I've missed that faggot.
Here is a China flag for everyone who doesn't have it
Fuck you
r8 my collection
They actually count that as a country? Gaza or do they count the west bank as palestine? Also how do you know english or have internet? And good luck with the jews mate.
Antarctica is the coolest. It's just white.
I'm at 110 flags. Started just over a month ago.
7/10 no nest korea
Where the fuck did you seen Antarctica?
Portoia one is fake
Lmao, I watched like 4 jollywood movies every single day of my childhood.
I live in the West Bank, not sure what Gazans have... never met a Gaza poster on le4chan.
Also thanks m8, I'm banned from travelling thanks to my speaking up against Israel's shit. Black listed, cant even go from city to city or I'll get imprisoned.
PK proxyfag posts from there every now and then.
>not saving full post
this thread is full of fake flags
it's Colombia, you piece of shit
Hello from Wake Island
Here's another Leaf. Can't have too many'
LMAO sorry
>already have you
Fuck off you dirty shitskin, I hope you get hit by white phosphorous as you're walking down the street.
Fucking leaf
you proxy? i only want to save a genuine terrorist's flag
Antarctica and dubs
Do I look Arab enough? Me on the right
you look like a full blown towel head
it does, how can you not see that
You have pretty eyes. I'd fuck that hairy boipucci.
plz be my ai gf
Finally, I see Chile with any importance in Sup Forums.
Stop shitposting on this board son.
Also, Faeroes for anyone who needs it.
ive never seen a nepalfag here before.
Someone posted with a North Korea flag once, not sure how but what matters is I didn't save it and I feel bad.
desu I only save them if I see the post myself. Posting the tiny gif file is just cheating.
I'm sorry.
Not as much as the guy on the left.
Thanks, wasn't saving flags last time I saw you.
With those quads, consider yourself forgiven.
Kek forgives you. Checked.
I'm pretty lucky that I found mine early on. Only saw him once.
Also this. Please don't ruin the flag economy.
I have a pic wearing a full-blown towel head if you're interested.
Thanks, which is better, beard or no beard?
Yeah, he's a full-blown ISIS buddy of mine
r8 m8
Who is grill?
what is that? aliens or some shit?
She looks kinda jewy.
PK doesn't count you doublenigger
Danks for ISIS
Yeah but an attractive kinda jewy
A girl I should've never rejected
Rip, sucks m8
You're lacking a few but overall I give it a 7/10
I don't take screencaps because I'm not an autist
Yeah, we're kinda of "friends" now, but I'm thinking of trying again with her, I'm actually seeing her in something like an unofficial date 3 days from now. Hope it works out.