Hey Sup Forums. I seriously doubt many of you watched all of the badselfeater video as soon as you saw that is was a anti-abortion video but that's not the point here the point is that all of you and Reddit are mad about this and want some type of revenge because he apparently wasted your time and that he may have different opinions to all of you? I heard that people are gonna dox the badselfeater guy and all I can say to that is... Really? You guys bash places like tumblr and Reddit because they are all easily triggered but you don't understand is that you are exactly like tumblr and Reddit as soon as you hear about different opinions all of YOU get triggered. Your all hypocrites.
Btw the badselfeater guy is completely right. abortion is evil out in the open.
>inb4 but he is a le christ cuck Xdddd
Look at yourself in the mirror Sup Forums.
You are what you all hate.
Reddit is butt hurt and so are all of you
Other urls found in this thread:
nu/pol eternally btfo
Only newfaggots and reddit queers fell for that. I've been here since 2008 and you see shit like that at least 4 times a year.
If you have two braincells to rub together you don't give a shit what these countdown sites say.
It's all reddit butthurt.
Have you not noticed that they come here now?
The faggots need to go back to their site.
Sup Forums doesn't care.
I'm FAR more upset about the awful get
>people still fall for this shit
Whose mad? I'm pretty happy, sounds like a good man. Abortion is terrible and dumbasses who get pregnant should deal with it.
>no ublock
I'm more butthurt about that.
>tfw we are reddit now
The whole fucking r/the_donald is here. We need a purge.
Nobody on Sup Forums ever questions that Sup Forums or the internet is brainwashing them even more strongly than TV
image boards are actually MORE effective at indoctrination than TV or MSM because they give the illusion of freedom and "community"
computers are objectively worse for the mind and spirit than even TV, and the kikes KNOW THIS and are actually promoting a transition AWAY from TV to Internet as the main medium.
You are NOT "redpilled" until you leave Sup Forums and the internet for 99% of your life
I agree with him
Abortion is state run murder of kids
It'd fucking beyond comprehension that it's seen as "normal"
I only stepped away for a couple of hours. What did I miss?
no, Sup Forums is inherently full of the same degenerate values, in fact WORSE than reddit even back in its early days
reddit is naive
Sup Forums is deliberate and unrepentant
Sup Forums's attitude is far more like the Rothschilds and Elite in nature.
We're the bad guys. Redditors are just misled.
>Look at yourself in the mirror Sup Forums.
>You are what you all hate.
I just looked.
>trying to get people to be pro life
>showing black abortions
>Sup Forums chuckles
>reddits gets massabortions
>inb4 naked public masturbation
>everything wnt better than expected
I saw some of the comments on plebbit
"lol what right wing conspiracy nut job!"
"I'm going to get my pregnant just so we can have an abortion"
like wtf is wrong with these people, sick in the head
>not a christfag in the slightest
>didn't know about it until today before it dropped
>preachy christshit but otherwise good video
>all this feminist buttravaging
This guy is great, 10/10 trolling. He got EVERYONE good.
Quit being such a nigger faggot
But he is a christ cuck, that's actually a real problem. He's the scientifically illiterate type that is the main problem facing the US.
i second that
Who's disappointed? I'm having a jolly good time laughing at the faggots that fell for some viral marketing bs :^)
Would love to leave.
Problem with that is that I also want to know what is going on in the world without it being filtered out by a few elite owned news stations.
Leaving Sup Forums makes you bluepilled by cutting yourself off from the data flow.
Closing your eyes and ears is the most bluepilled thing you could do.
>"I'm going to get my pregnant just so we can have an abortion"
That's literally the people we are up against.
Being a racist is the worst crime in the world but literally murdering babies is socially just. That's where we are in this battle.
this. i haven't believed a word of it because NO ONE HAD PICS OF THE SO CALLED FAKED CURRENCY CIRCULATING
fucking retards
I'm right winged and hate reddit too, but this guy is a pretentious piece of shit.
Why is that?
>This 2 year old copypasta
Nice. Had pretty much forgotten this one.
Yeah, I'm fucking angry. I don't know what you're talking about but I'm always angry.
What is this about?
I sat there and laughed for 10 minutes straight and than laughed some more.
Abortion kills so many spics, niggers and dune coons that it's a necessary evil at this point, I'd rather have those races killing their babies than pumping out 500 kids each who all grow up to do the same
A bunch of reddit fags are pissed that they got tricked into watching a antiabortion video.
Some newfags and redditards fell for clickbait-tier doomsday clock countdown websites.
Abortion is murder
Women are absolutely awful creatures that would kill their own babies for convenience if it's socially acceptable
I posted a comment on plebbit a while back that at the very least people shouldn't take abortions lightly - a person shouldn't be having 3-5+ abortions, birth control isn't difficult, and if you are needing to ever have more than 1 abortion there is something seriously wrong and irresponsible with you.
They all downvoted me and I got flamed pretty hard, just for saying abortions shouldn't be a casual thing. I think they're fucked up altogether, but I was at least hoping people over there could agree an abortion is a serious thing. Nope, I was wrong.
People are fucked over there.
We need to outlaw abortion, excepts in cases of rape or health, as abortion encourages degeneracy
Why is Sup Forums pro-abortion these days?
Do you guys not care about human life?
lol okay I'm not angry. If reddit got tricked and is pissed off I'm happy.
Had a feeling that would work
that's your addiction speaking
>>quitting heroin makes you bluepilled by cutting yourself off of the high
you're literally treating this porn and entertainment site like it's your only TV channel.
why not listen to people in real life, go to libraries, read books, etc
I just made this today, it's just that chan brainwashing makes you instinctively reject things you don't agree with as "pasta" or bait" .
you're programmed
Because the vast majority of abortions is done by niggers and hispanics
Nice evaluation, Armchair psychologist.
>I just made this today
What did the guy want me to do exactly, march down and start ripping instruments out of peoples hands?
I dont have a problem with him wanting to end abortion, I vote for people to represent me that aren't for it and wish to cease federal money for it. He says hes all about peace and God while simultaneously urging me to take some sort of physical action against these people.
And for that reason, just to piss him off, I am #mentallyHill now
Reddit is shit, but abortion is literally a constitutional right
>b-but muh killing kids
So you want black babies and ingrates to live? Because take a guess who abortions "help" the most
Exactly. And reddit is kind of the middle ground of leftist beliefs. Their extreme is completely fucking insane.
Their middle ground thinks abortions are akin to wearing a condom. The real left wants Leninist russia 2.0. Complete with the colapse of the nuclear family and free abortions for everyone.
Our enemies are completely fucked in the head. That's the hardest redpill to swallow. These people don't just have different views. These people are literally trying to destroy our society.
I guess we should ban all forms of birth control because it encourages degeneracy. Virgin loser
The majority of abortions are niggers.
I support abortion because of this.
It's not like you're forced to get an abortion.
As an Athiest, why should someone of religion get to decide what to do with my body or my kid?
This is true, not surprised reddit queer fags support baby murder.
It's funny because you are right and wrong at the same time.
We are more like the "evil" elite because we are smarter, cynical and we shit on emotions.
That however doesn't imply we are evil, because emotions and ethics do not go in pair.
To defeat a more powerful enemy you need to learn to think like him.
I stayed for the full 27:34...it was one giant projection. It was also a zealotrous call to wage a "war" on abortion which is implies a never ending struggle (war on drugs, war on terror, war on hunger, et all) with. Going directly against the very "prayer hands" symbolism that he used in some of his marketing. A poster child for the Masonic infiltration of Churchianity if ever I saw one.
"Stay in the duality! FIGHT against the EVIL! Yes yes that's it! Let the hate flow within you!" Tale as old as time, song as old as ryhme...Divide and Conquer
What the fuck is it with Reddit and wanting to give people their money?
>abortion is literally a constitutional right
Get the fuck out of here faggot.
Yeah, "privacy" extends to a womans right to murder her child.
Here's your (you) queer.
Are you retarded?
There are tons of pictures, and a video of a mannequin covered in them on a street corner.
Today is fucking amazing.
>reddit BTFO
>nu/pol/ BTFO
Best Day
>Best Day
Best Day
>Best Day
I actually started that thread to troll people this morning.
My proof is that the sunrise pictures are pictures I took. Here is a photo of the numerous pictures I took in my gallery.
I seriously got lucky that those numbers led to the SEC.gov website and some forgotten language site.
what viral marketing? he didn't try to sell anything
>you're programmed if you don't believe what CNN and your friends who all virtue signal say
I guess you're a butthurt liberal over this issue because you like abortion or are pro-"choice".
I'm assuming you're calling us programmed because we believe in the child sacrifice aspect of it? Did you even see Hillary Clinton's emails about Moloch and do you know the significance of what Moloch is? Are you even aware of the connections between the Dems and Planned Parenthood funding? How is that being "programmed" to analyze monetary connections and things that our most powerful politicians have said and done?
Having identities means that they have to virtue signal.
Reading that screencap is quite disturbing. These people spent hours of their life around a timer and cryptic messages, and when it's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID
>The truth, but it will be uncomfortable
(not the exact quote, I'm sure someone has a screencap)
they freak out like a bunch of fucking idiots.
I'm done with the internet for now. Yeah of course I was hoping for something else, but he's right in the most basic sense. We demonize societies for committing sacrifice, and do the same shit simply out of inconvenience.
There are cases where animals eat their young.
I've seen a cat fucking bite the head off of one of her kittens.
Wheres the outrage?
Remember that meme the shitlibs were pushing a while back.
>Safe, legal and rare
What a load of shit, now they have twitter shit like "shout your abortion".
>slippery slope is still a fallacy
how long till this video ends? i think its been more than 20 minutes. Now he offering me the red pill with opera music in the background
>It's not like you're forced to get an abortion.
Shit argument
It's preached as a method of birth control, making it a major win for feminists and leftists in general
It's another chalk mark on the board for trying to reduce the value of children and the family
>Fuck up and get knocked up, have an abortion, don't be more careful next time!
Watched it all. Wasnt a waste.
The only people who fall for this shit are religious cucks
As an atheist you should kill your self for being degenerate filth
What is it with Brits and Karl Pinkerton?
The guy's a cuck m8.
and yet, here you are, still talking about it.
just stop already
Only tryhard rpfags fell for that shit, just like all the 8/gag/ stormtards that left because they think they're actually going to form a Natsoc nation.
>Fuck up and get knocked up
Rape? I guess that innocent frail white lady who got raped by the thug nigger should have to raise the thug nigger hate-rape baby
can someone explain to me what happened and why everyone is arguing about abortion today?
>Out of spite, I'm going to get an abortion tonight.
What kind of fucked up person says that, Sup Forums?
This guy is so full of shit. For any of you who still dont know, Most religion is absolute bullshit. You can't feel pain after death, because pain is a bodily function. You shouldn't set your morals based on what will make you go to heaven and shred jetskis with Elvis Presley, thats retarded. The harsh reality is that most people are selfish, and absolutely petrified of dying. Thus the need for a god who made you for an exclusive purpose, that will grant you eternal life if you make him happy. It's counter productive. It's an all-purpose answer to the unanswerable. It's the single biggest problem with the world. The cancer that turns science stagnant. Fuck you Russel Hunter.
Because modern society dictates that small cash value donations are seen as moral building blocks to a 'healthy' individual.
Go pray to your Jew God fedora tipper.
Maybe he can help you with this but I doubt even he could relieve an ass as sore as yours
>I heard that people are gonna dox the badselfeater guy
has happend like 10 mins after
>as soon as you hear about different opinions all of YOU get triggered
people are beeing triggered because they feel betrayed, rightfully so
>muh abortion
quote from your reddit screenshot
"dont worry about larger issues, the true evil is people having choices in their own lives and deciding what to do with their own bodies"
>if you had two brain cells to rub together
Holy fuck I'm dying
I'll admit that his more recent stuff is pretty shitty, but the original Ricky Gervais podcasts and idiot abroad where pretty fucking funny
Science is a Satanic invention and Christ will condemn you for your vile ways
I'm butthurt about that Canadian faggot
That's one argument, and I'd agree with you there, but we both know that is a small percentage of actual abortions
I don't even what abortions to be illegal, but there is no SHAME attached to it
Probably a soros initiative to distract people from all of hillarys fuckups and divide americas against each other.
The reality is that these edge cases about abortion or tranny rights or whatever are drummed up by media to take attention away from actual important things, e.g. new round of DNC leaks, obama handing off the internet to globalists etc
>nu/pol/ and reddit
>see badselfeater and fake bills
>see occult symbolism
>see globalism and greed
>nod your head at this fact and all agree about secret cults ruling the world
>the countdown hits zero
>it's a video about abortion
>Im mad, lets kill children!
Thats actually pretty nauseating. No less than the people in this thread though. You morally corrupt people dont even see the hypocrisy of hating mudslimes and niggers for their barbarism while condoning this form of slaughter. Only in this case the killing of innocents.
The video had good points about abortion, but the creator hyped it all up like some special documentation would be released or something would be revealed. You are a fucking schizo if you thought it would be something with CERN or some apocolypse shit.
Just disappointed since he had a great thing going with BadSelfEater being an anagram for Federal Beast and all this stuff that seemed to point towards government corruption.
Instead all we got was a typical "you're all idiots, only I am the smart one" video telling us that the real evil is the thousands of babies killed each day, because we certainly need more people in this world.
Not really mad. Just disapointed. It will be funny to see what happens when he gets sued for using all of those copyright logos.
>but the original Ricky Gervais podcasts and idiot abroad where pretty fucking funny
Aye. I like the parts where he was making fun of China and India for squatting and shitting in a hole.
Idiot abroad was breddy gud.
You fucking worthless degenerate little cunt. I'm sick and tired of you bastards using this as an excuse for everyone to kill their baby. How often has there been an abortion involving the incestuous rape of a 16 year old girl by her troglodyte nigger grand/father.
You redditor shit head faggot, go back you Jewish gypsyshit!
Have you had an abortion? The vast majority of people I know who have had an abortion, even if it was a fuckup and they did it just because they didnt want to have a kid, were emotionally torn for a long time, mainly because of shit protesters at the fucking clinic screaming about how they're a baby killer or a fucking murderer.
Who in their right mind would want to have a kid if you're stuck doing a McJob? You can't raise a kid on minimum wage, and the foster system fucking sucks. A right to live in a lot of cases is a right to be fucking miserable.
spoiled rich white college students make up the majority, remember the Bernie matching fest?
I didnt say incestuous, underage, or anything else like that. If you honestly think rape doesnt happen then you're just as much of a nigger yourself lol
>Lets nearly double the nigger population and triple the retard population
No thanks christfags
birth control and contraception is literally free
I don't know man, maybe stop being such a fucking idiot
Well thanks a lot, now I need to grind the whole damn first season.