makes you ponder huh
Makes you ponder huh
Almost as if the democrats have a hidden agenda with abortion
Who needs black votes when you can import Mexican votes?
It is fucking glorious. Every nigger baby killed is 1 less prisoner or welfare ho.
Should I be a #MentallyHill then?
Fucking weasel words.
not seeing the problem here
A fucking leaf!
Also, why are there so many abortion threads right now?
Half way there
wtf i love abortion now
fuck we need to increase abortion access for niggers and other trash.
So almost halfway it seems.
it's a long story but basically Sup Forums got punk'd by some kooky pro-life christfag
We need to ramp this up
Shut the fuck up you leaf piece of shit.
Jesus fuck, imagine if abortion hadn't be legalized shortly after the 1965 immigration law. We would be literally drowning in mudskins. People who oppose abortion are fucking nuts.
im pondering about how ai gfs and abortions are linked freindo
Why would democrats want to reduce the population of a group that votes for them almost exclusively?
Good. Imagine if twice as many were born
this is why I'm pro abortions
In fact, I would PAY nigger preggos to get abortions
It does make me wonder how we can spike the abortion rates in the black community even more? Or going further, could we offer some sort of payment to men/women willing to be sterilized voluntarily for some relatively small payment? Such an amount that it would disproportionately be a program used within the black community?
Because they are subhuman. Do you know anything about fascism?
>1965 immigration law
sounds like this is the real problem
Because even they realize too many would turn us into Africa and the limousine liberals would be thrown in with all the other "white oppressors"
Hispanics are much less violent but still like gibs
And yet people still wonder why the crime rate has kept consistently dropping every year since Roe v Wade.
It's actually more than are born. Planned Parenthood is one of those weird things. On one hand, the Democrats finally have a pet program that is shockingly effective at accomplishing what it was established to do, and Sanger make no bones about it being a nigger control program. And, that function is an important piece of a good future for America.
On the other hand, I detest the idea of murdering children, don't want my tax dollars to subsidize the practice, and they've deflected the conversation to gussy it up as a women's health issue which only holds water as a rape prevention program.
Almost as many? Damn, those abortion doctors need to step up their game!
IF you denounce this, you are fucking cuck.
Better murder them in the womb than let them murder you when they leave it.
Because of christcucks
They're replacing them as quickly as they're dying off. Latinos are the next democrat plantation stock--though I think that's a serious miscalculation, because their grip on the Mexicans is far less strong.
This clinics are doing God's work.
Wtf I love abortion now
>Latinos are the next democrat plantation stock--though I think that's a serious miscalculation, because their grip on the Mexicans is far less strong.
Trump wall will take care of it, these spics will be deported, and English will be USA's official language.
This, they keep just enough around to be politically useful, the rest get sacrificed. The nigs belong in Africa, but the Democrats use them as tools.
I'd rather set up a program to let any man volunteer for an irreversible vasectomy and recieve a one-time payment of $2000.
That would fix it cheaper in the long run, but having a permanent hole to throw money endlessly into is the Democrat way.
Fuck this MR. Teeth cunt. We should make his life miserable. (BTW pic is his)
And im sure that's somehow the white man's fault
you ruin lives and give 0 fucks about it. trying to explain to you why abortion should be allowed is like talking to a cow.
>bans teaching about safe sex, and believes that unless she dresses in a burqa shes a slut and has it coming
Why do you think the government can force a women to pay $180,000 on average and 18 years of her life because she got drunk one night.
> She can put it up for adoption
Thats a great idea. Im happy you want to raise taxes in order to pay for those adoptive services.
>fuck that shit im not paying for some sluts mistake
Well then if we as a society are not willing to pay for those services your screwing the child by putting them in a broken foster system.
> she shouldn't have been a slut then
You ruin lives. You lack the ability to understand that. You perpetuate a broken system.
[citations needed]
Just fuck off. Niggers getting abortions is an objectively good thing, means there's less poor niglets running around slinging dope and robbing white people.
... what exactly is this supposed to convince me of?
In america today slightly more negro children are being born than aborted everyday. How Can we stop this.
So question:
If there are fewer abortions, will I need to wait longer for an ai gf? Or will I receive a sub-par model?
I'm under the impression that there's a correlation between number of abortions, and the quantity/quality of ai gfs.
Please respond.
More should be aborted desu
Why aren't they all aborted and none are born?
I think you mean
>WHY would we stop this
pro-lifers never offer to take care of/raise the babies they want to save
ever notice that?
Don't use the word sterilize user, the (((medical community))) has already come up with a wide variety of euphemisms for sterilization.
for women
for men
Getting nigs on board with free vasectomies is easy, they have absolutely zero foresight and will absolutely jump at the opportunity to be able to fuck dem white wimminz without paying child support. (a problem in of itself that will undoubtedly have to be tackled at a further date)
Getting nigresses on board with getting their tubes tied will be considerably more difficult. They genuinely believe that if they manage to get Jamal pregnant that they'll have a man and a baby to love them unconditionally; and I don't believe they have the mental fortitude to handle a red pill potent enough to make them think otherwise. Psychological conditioning aside, there would be far greater of a backlash from feminists, SJW's, and cuckservatives if there were significant portions of the black female population getting their tubes tied.
We need to fix that fucking ratio, then!
Should be more tbqh
Simply give those who get vasectomies or tied tubes $500 a month for a year. More for blacks to encourage them to undertake the process more.
Stop patrolling their ghettos as much, and murder rates will take care of the rest.
Keep it that way
As with any product, it makes no difference to the consumer when the product is damaged - it's damaged.
>I wrote that on reddit
We aborted my wife's son.
almost every cuckservative has one
Wtf I love abortion now
>literally the reason why I am pro-choice
Why are republitards against abortion?
and thank god for that
Could you imagine nigger birthrates if sheboons didn't grind up their niglets for shekels?
Why would he post this?
It's just evangelical cuckservatives. We can still retain traditional western (which yes, is largely derived from Christian ideals) without adhering to the the text to a T.
Too many are escaping the womb.
bullshit minorties are the smallest amount of users who even get abortions
*High five*
The more I think about this the more I'm pro abortion. The smarter/higher IQ black people wouldn't even be the ones having the abortions anyways. Just the nogs.
>'ll have a man and a baby to love them unconditionally; and I don't believe they have the mental fortitude to handle a red pill potent enough to make them think otherwise. Psychological conditioning aside, there would be far greater of a backlash from feminists, SJW's, and cuckservatives if there were significant portions of the black female population getting their tubes tied.
Why? Their whole platform is "my body, my choice"
So you WANT there to be more niggers? If what you're saying is true, shouldn't we be supporting Hillary?
I'm totally ok with this. Less niggers born, more niggers aborted? Hell, for my third wish I'd like a coke, please.
So they want Roe vs. Wade overturned? No wonder Trump spiked in the polls with black people.
It's as simple as this folks, if you are anti abortion you are for are country being overrun by niggers. You are a KEK if you don't support it
It didn't make me care more about abortion, it just made me care less about conspiracy theories.
I am a Christian. I think that the pro-life thing is unfairly sold to us as some sort of theological non-debate. I don't agree that Christians need to be necessarily pro-life and I don't think that pro-life is a solely Christian stance.
All that being said, OP's image makes a pretty good argument for pro-choice imo.
could you imagine if they were born then?
how many fucking niggers would we have?
Abortion is wrong and I would never do it but at a point you have to realize and accept that the world has en extremely high population that needs to calm down. We won't have enough food being produced in the future if the population keeps fucking rising like this. That's why companies are researching machines that take bugs and make them into meals, literal machines that churn maggots to be edible.
wtf I love abortion now
This is why abortion is so important.