What is the greatest Goose kino? Drive? 2049? Beyond the pines?

What is the greatest Goose kino? Drive? 2049? Beyond the pines?

Holy shit, that guy on the left

is literally me

Half nelson is his best

seriously don't reply to my post if you've haven't seen it

Drive, and Only God Forgives.

Blade Runner 2049 is even worse than Gangster Squad.

I haven't seen it but he does look a lot like David Arquette on the poster

i haven't seen it

Shit bait

I was going to post this

Respect my rules

Only God Forgives.

No mention of this?

Pure kino.

Oh yeah, totally forgot about it. This and OGF.

all of them.

I remember some retard on /fa/ posted a pic of some guy dressed like this. He looked like absolute trash

well yeah, you have to be /fit/ as well.

It's more about fits than the actual clothes.
And on someone fit, good fits look 10 times better.

>no love for Blue Valentine


literally the virgin walk vs the chad stride

you just know

Gosling was an asshole in this movie
>carell's depressed, sitting at the bar drinking
>hey man nice clothes lol, I mean there are people who leave the house without wearing a $200 tailored tee? Holy fuck you're a fucking loser

>plebeian: BR 2049, La La Land
>patrician: Nice Guys, Drive, Blue Valentine
>contrarian: Only God Forgives, Pines, The Big Short

Obvious choice is obvious.

>Blade Runner 2049 is even worse than Gangster Squad.

fuck he can't act

Never seen that film


>patrician: Drive

The Believer
bonjour réddit!

He threw a wine glass at someone

Drive and The Nice Guys
haven't seen the new Bladerunner

Song to Song

Truly /ourfilm/

>me in the back mirin hard