My professer talked about Sup Forums today.
He confirmed that pepe is a white nationalist symbol.
And he pronounced it "paul"
My professer talked about Sup Forums today
Other urls found in this thread:
Also called memes "casual racism"
>implying this is casual
Nope, its real.
>not pronouncing it pool
How's the liberal arts degree coming?
>not even being a /paul/ack
Its the current year you fag
What the fuck class was this?
You sure, it wasn't the janitor
"Please be my ai gf"
-Sup Forums 2016:88888888
I need to find a new college.
Maybe another country.
I agree, it's pronounced 'pole'.
tell him that canada wants an ai girlfriend
>american education
What level calculus? What college? State?
How'd this conversation even start?
which calc? there are like 15 courses
it's pole you dumb cunt
A monster comes over the Hill
Why is he talking about pool in math class? I would complain to the office.
What sort of retard pronounces Pepe as "paul"?
Oh tay
Redpill your entire class by asking why Pepe only got media attention when people with Pepe avatars harassed Jewish users on social media.
You were supposed to yell cuck at him and then hit him with your EDC pocket spaghetti
The reading comprehension of this site never ceases to amuse me.
Sorry, but I didn't see it yet.
Its pole you fucking degenerate
Your professor is a cuck.
He should be fired.
Pepe is not a white nationalist symbol
Pepe is an avatar of Kek
Just leafs being leafs.
OP worded the post terribly, mentioning that his prof pronounced it "paul" last made it sound like that's how he pronounced Pepe.
Can't blame him for skimming the posts, it's not like most posts on Sup Forums are so profound that its worth reading that carefully
You should've told him Pepe can't be a white nationlist symbol because he is a frog of color, and that Sup Forums is a board of peace.
I loved this movie as a kid
>all these Sup Forumsarinas triggered as fuck that someone would mention politics in a class
My old high school teacher emailed me a pic of Pepe today.
"Isn't this the frog you taped on my white board over and over?"
"Are you voting for Trump?"
"Me too, why have I never seen this frog?"
I didn't know what to tell him.
link him to Sup Forums
ask da joos for a refund for having to listen to political advocacy in a math class
It's polè with a flourish
>Because you're a normie.
"Paul" is the proper pronunciation
>Say "politically"
>The first syllable sounds just like paul
No. He will want a run down on how to post. Know what? Fuck it. He would love Sup Forums.
Where the fuck are you from? The o in politically is a schwa.
Nothing casual here senpai.
Where tf are you from man?
These guys told me Trump will Sup Forums prez. son. Gitwid et`
What did he mean by this?
He's 54. So yeah, it's typical for him to be a normie.
I pronounce it, poll
>he doesn't know how to pronounce paul
MD, it sounds the same to me
Come to class early one day before the prof gets there and leave a little frog statue on the lecture podium.
it's always been "pole" cocksucker. literally everybody pronounces it as pole.
lol I've always called it slash-pull-slash
The L is silent faggots.
It's pronounce "poh"
Go back to Canada with your obscure vowel pronunciation. They sound nothing alike.
Pole is how I say it. I'm less and less sure that keek is the right pronunciation of kek.
It rhymes with peck, then?
Yes. Or at least that's how I say it.
We both agree on poll/pole.
I pronounce "Politically" with a "paul"
But "Sup Forums" is "pole"
Im in MN
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I prononce pol as in pol pot
You saw pawlitically? I don't believe you.
Those are some weird fucking accents, and I say that as a provincial Brit. The first syllable of politics just sounds like "pol" (rhymes with "doll") that's how I pronounce it.
How do you pronounce Paul?
I say it "Pahl"
not calling it new
newfags everywhere
[pə] is the first chuck of politically.
[pɔ] for Paul. Pawl. Rhymes with shawl.
>(rhymes with "doll")
No it doesn't.
thats how its supposed to be pronounced
No it's fucking not.
First response meant for:
it's dash paul dash
quiet untermensch, the midwest has the most pure expression of the english language and you will conform
And when was the last time you visited there, Ctirad?
Tuition well spent, eh?
>Sup Forums flags determine your nationality
Please be real. The containment is failing.
I don't know where this leaves us.
There's no E at the end. Hence "paul"
fucking retards saying "paul" go fuck off
>this is how they beat us Sup Forums...
>not by shutting us down
>not by out-memeing us
>but by using the only thing that could destroy us...
>the fucking pronunciation of our own board. On this day, Sup Forums killed Sup Forums
holy fucking kek my sides
Any other answer is wrong.
It's not poh. It's puh.
>not greentexting
>le reddit
This. Any other answer is inbred common speak.
I'm not pronouncing it puhl (ryhmes with lulz), faggot. kys.
>he didn't stand up and scream PEPE in the middle of class
Here's how Sup Forums quotes, newfag
>Please be my ai gf
>t. Sup Forums 2016
You misunderstand.
It's puhlitically.
But it's abbreviation is pole.
The only person I can imagine pronouncing in "Paulitics/Pawlitics" is bloody Foghorn Leghorn. I've heard Americans say "Politics" on TV, they generally pronounce it much the same as Brits.
Which raises the question - How the fuck do you pronounce "doll" if it doesn't rhyme with the "pol" in politics?
It is pronounced "paul-atiks", however...
Sup Forums is short for "Pole-tically incorrect", therefore it's pronounced "Pole"
that would make me legitimately depressed
If I was expected to show up to a class like that I would have to contemplate leaving college
Dahl. Like the author.
Pahlitics. Puhlitically. Pole. Respectively for Politics, Politically, and Sup Forums.
Received pronunciation pronounces it slightly different than the US.
>pronouncing the first syllable of "politically" differently from the first syllable of "politics"
What? This just gets weirder. We're going to start needing voice recordings to settle this soon.