Making a fallout 4 psyops mod

So I'm currently in the process of making a huge overhaul of fallout 4 that in my opinion will reach a very large audience of people. (underwater overhaul)

>Why is this on Sup Forums?:
It will have injections of statistics involving race, crime, anti-globalist propaganda (aka truth), population, religion, etc that will be deemed "racist" by the useful idiot majority. My hope is that these injections of truth will literally create a controversy that will get people to talk about it after they are slowly discovered and create an outcry from the more liberal game media and fans of the game.

>How the fuck are you going to do this?:
Simple. There are many ways to do this but one is most important to me...
When you play the game and enter a new area you must load said new area. In the loading screen there is a game model and a description involving said game model shown.
I'm going to both edit existing loading cards AND introduce new ones with my new enemy models that will have these racial statistics and comments on world affairs.
I will also use any means available to introduce red-pill material through the use of my mod.

>Why will this work?:
Because at this moment there is no real mod done that actually overhauls the games major portion of the map (lakes, ocean, water) and I am currently in the process of both adding sea creatures (see reference model currently working on ) and overhauling underwater combat and questing. (adding new content in a large overhaul that will be downloaded by hundreds of thousands of people)

Long story short (TL;DR) I am hurriedly trying to finish a mod that will be very successful in gathering hundreds of thousands of downloads and exposing all of those people to information they normally don't have access to through their blue pilled lives. I am going to both release it to Bethesda's website, and other modding sites like Nexusmods.

good luck

What are you going to call the finished product?

Sounds cool but feel like it'll fail.
People don't play games for political commentary no matter how honest it is.

Now if it all fit in the universe yeah that's pretty sweet.


Make it subtle with the redpills or you will violate the Terms of Agreement on whatever mod site you will be using

your doing gods work user

god speed

I doubt it, one of the best mods on Skyrim was a mod with next to know combat that revolved around a timeloop and interpersonal relationships

are there fuckable fish?

tell that to original Deus Ex, subtle enough and it might work.. now thats a big if everybody notices it but even one red pilled person more is always welcome

First thing that popped into my mind was,
Dark Shores of The Abyss

But I didn't really think of it past spending one minute into it. I have a whole lot of documentation on what I'm doing step by step and I have models made (the mantashark thing above is the newest WiP) but I'm not good with names.


Well my numbers confirm the name then. Never mind... that takes care of that. Thank Kek!

Checked. Looks like you've got your name friend.


Name? I only ever did some immersion mods.
I'll give you that. Also a game about conspiracies and shit so it makes sense. Not so much for Fallout 4 unless you draw parallels to railroad and Institute imo

I sort of have plans to do this with the new Battlefield game for private servers.

I'm going to make a "historical" mod which rebalances gameplay (makes tanks slower, more bolt action rifles, etc.) but replace all the non-white skins and models without saying so.

>teleports behind you

you should add debuffs for genders, that will truly enrage the normies and i havent seen it be done yet

you can always take the Tolkien/LOTR route, different clans/races fight for common resources/land/whatever with different tactics and mindsets and ofc CULTURES

Make Fallout great again!

check my digits

kek wills it

sounds pretty gay

have fun never releasing anything

>It will have injections of statistics involving race, crime, anti-globalist propaganda (aka truth), population, religion, etc that will be deemed "racist" by the useful idiot majority. My hope is that these injections of truth will literally create a controversy that will get people to talk about it after they are slowly discovered and create an outcry from the more liberal game media and fans of the game.

Gods work, our side needs more people like you.

Make sure it ends up on TBP because a lot of people refuse to buy cuckout 4.


I'm a bit dubious about this. How do you work in race stats into a mod about underwater post-apocalyptica?


shouldn't have posted the mod name here senpai

consider adding redpill material in an update though after you already have a lot of users

make a new nexus account for this cause you're getting banned obviously



Nobody gives a fuck about Fallout 4

What are you going for in terms of gameplay. Is it going to be fights with giant fucking fish, maximum spooks or something else?

How is the redpill going to be applied in the mod?

Fallout 4....hundreds of thousands of people.... Hahahahahahaha

Sound legit you should ask fallout genral for help though

It's overhauling the water to add mutated seacreatures. So it will add enemies, add underwater content (areas to explore), and I have to include ways to fight underwater.

Overall I'd like it to be a bit terrifying. That shark I posted for example has nothing but teeth for days in that skin flap for a mouth it drags around. I will add glowing bits or other visual indicators for each creature but maybe a couple. (due to murkiness of water)

I already mentioned one way. Loading screens have text. I will edit them all with racial statistics on crime as an example.

There are MANY ways I can do this.

user, asking the hard questions...

You fucking hero, I've been waiting for mods like this since the expected disappointing release.



f i s h

(echos fish)

Your doing God's work mate. I'd go with Dark Shores. It's short and sweet and will attract all sorts of attention. Just feel like adding the last part makes it sound tacky but that's just my opinion.

>Hey there Niggly

Okay, but how do you do it without it being a jarring out-of-universe thing. You want it to blend seamlessly with the rest of the game otherwise it'll just make people think it's a mistake or some sort of obvious propaganda. The best propaganda is invisible.

You can bring a horse to the dark shores of the abyss but you can't make it drink.
Real question though,could you elaborate on the statistics and how they will red pill people?Blue pilled people aren't usually prone to critical thinking.

b e s t
e s t b
s t b e
t b e s



I play Fallout games and love mods. I'll keep an eye out for it m8

It wouldn't even be sexist though, because in the fallout 4 story the female PC was a lawyer and the male PC was a soldier.

In-game there are posters. That's one subtle way.
In-game quest dialogue through the quests I have planned is another subtle way.

I have more ways to think about of course.

Not so subtle is editing the loading screen text. But I was hoping to go for a controversy that would force people to talk about it. After all a huge overhaul of the water areas in fallout 4 would be a "must download" and if people want the mod they have to deal with the other shit I inject.

If they all cry out against it then a huge controversy on sites like nexusmods will erupt forcing people to discuss things like, "why 7% of black males creating 666% of US violent crime is or isn't racist when it's true" and "while these statistics are true I believe we shouldn't allow people to put truth into mods on this site" ...
Game media sites actually cover huge mods that come out and I could easily see this getting articles.

>libtard with average modding skills removes the info cards from the mod, and then reuploads it.

How are you planning to counter that?

so cold and slimy

but so so hot

How will you prevent someone from just removing those title cards and reuploading and distributing your work without the redpill material?

i can't take it anymore

He can get them removed if he doesn't give permission. Beth itself would have to put a stop to it

Those libtards have strict rules against reuploading other people's work.

You couldn't take my mod and reupload them onto another site for example because all real modding sites follow the rules of needing strict permission.

Further more while they could upload a patch to my mod if they wanted to so others could download and avoid it they are always extremely small in download size compared to the actual mod people make. Patch mods for other mods.... like 10-20% tops of download count on actual mod.

Further more people have already seen the mod, seen the content, and if all goes well they are both subtly having the truth being put into their subconscious all the while arguing like the idiots they are about said content in a mod they don't even have to download.

the "catch" is they want the mod because it will add so much content in areas that are lifeless and devoid in the main game.

>He can get them removed if he doesn't give permission
If there's a media backlash against it and its content someone could upload it to a pirate site with liberal (pretty much all game "journalists") publications covering it. Complaints and bad press might even get the original removed from the modding sites.

what you say to this? it is my only request

pretty impressive for the shitty version of Zbrush imo


>I'd go with Dark Shores

I was going to say exactly this. Dark Shores sounds pretty fucking badass on its own.

A suggestion for (you)

Can you add a vepr-12 into the game plz!

Make sure you finish the game before Duke Nukem did.

New dlc already adds a very customizable ak

allllllll night long

do any have a shotgun variant?

Maybe you could add story mods into this.

Such as a reclusive jewish community that has ties to influencing the resource wars. They plan to release a neurotoxin against the wasteland gentiles for the sake of forging a 'new Israel', and the player has the ability to use the gas against the community to save the commonwealth instead.

you shouldn't do it by changing cards or something like that. do you remember the fallout 3 enclave bots? just put some of those motherfuckers in and have them shout propaganda. what you need to do is make a faction in the game overtly racist but not make them particularly hate-able for it.

Please make Jimmy Neutron's dad and start the caption out with "Heheyy Jimbo!"

Shit meant for

>underwater mod
>will redpill people on blacks

But blacks cant swim. Will the ocean floor just be littered with pavement ape?

I guarantee people would make an SJW version with that stuff edited out.
Most major mod sites would also refuse to host it.

>take Preston as companion.
>swim in lake
>Preston drowns

what you need to do is make a faction in the game like the ghouls into the IRL people you want to represent, rather than give any IRL statistics.

That's a good idea after you blow up the children of atkm in far harbor tons of ghoul refugees come to the major cities

Why mod such an awful game

>get chased by black raiders
> lake
>raiders drown

Hi, reading still and taking advice and consideration to all but the guy who wants to stick his micropeen into goldfish puss.

Thanks, Sup Forums.

Also adding that I particularly like the eyebot suggestion and that I plan to use things other than sculptris for 3D modeling.

if you can insert an idea into somebody's head that can then be re-angled or re-applied in the real world without them noticing it's more valuable than base stats.

an example of this can be seen in star trek, they apply various different cultural stereotypes to different races. obvious ones being ferengi in DS9 or the guy in "the most toys" TNG - but the klingons and romulans were originally supposed to be russians and chinese.

I may start playing that game again.
I dropped it shortly after release.

and this guy brings up a good point, if you can make it so there are occasions where you are ganged up on by X race regularly you might start to get annoyed.

oh, and you could probably add in some storylines about executing ghouls to ensure radiation purity so people are inserted into the mind of an einsatzgruppen squad




Godspeed user, may your mod redpill millions.

Also can't wait to shoot up BLM ghouls in my armor.

you could add a story where the institute is going to spread FEV chemtrails

you could change the story where you launch a boat into a tower to be a "bush did 9/11"

make it so you can be a cop and put in lots of places where there are seemingly unarmed people who'll attack you unless you shoot first, but if you shoot first people react like it was your fault

Maybe a quest mod based upon a treasure hunt in which you must track down a location of a bunker made by a pre war political party.

Throughout the quest you explore their headquarters,and the home of their leaders in order to find the key to their armory that they planned to use in the case of a happening.

You could make it similar to point lookout's velvet curtain quest.

Be sure to knock feminist whales who are trying to police gaming.

[[[[[[[[[[THIS]]]]]]]]]] much autism

You can't just smash statistics in people faces and expect it to work, that's autistic as fuck.

When you try to spread your ideals in a video game like this it has to be allegorical or symbolic. You can't just put "HEY BLACK PEOPLE COMMIT WAY MORE CRIMES THAN WHITE PEOPLE!" in the loading screen and expect to bring people over to your side.

Are you fucking retarded? Why did you even consider that as an option.

With a shit ton of mods and survival mode on, its not half bad.

so like, you're going to write
"niggers r gay n shit"
on the bottom of the ocean

sounds fucking fantastic

God's speed user, you have my support you glorious bastard.

i am with the subtle school of thought.

if you basically put jarringly politicised posters around that have nothing to do with gameplay or story, youll just be known as the mod with the political bullshit ads. like would you play a game or be swayed by a game that browbeats you with jehovas witness dogma in blocks of text?


what you do is put in storyarcs or allusions to events that play out in a very believable way or fit within the story and just so happen to get in an anti pc message. its the same way the left has been doing it to everyone so far. it works.

remember that one fo3 part where the ghouls wanted to move into tenpenny tower, and you are made to think the right thing to do is convince everyone in the tower to let them in. only to find out that if you got them in, they kill the occupants. do shit like that

>fo3 part where the ghouls wanted to move into tenpenny tower, and you are made to think the right thing to do is convince everyone in the tower to let them in. only to find out that if you got them in, they kill the occupants.

this needs to be the nature of the entire thing, and you need the option to help the ghouls, but they should fuck people over


Do you need any voice actors?

another thing, you can do. present characters that you would normally consider "bad guys" in just about any other setting. make em look paranoid and irrational on the surface even.

But even if you dont side with them, sprinkle enough information in bits and pieces to show that they have a legit grievance. and humanize em. sprinkle their living areas with things families would have.

hell, you can easily show the consequences of failed communities where humans tried to get by with mutants, or got overrun. and/ or depict the most virtue signalling bleeding hearts as being naive and toxic. lots of ways to go about it to make a good story without seeming like a political soapbox

Thought she was an (lol)engineer(lol)