Reminder that his is a Christian pro-life image board.
Abortionists BTFO
Reminder that his is a Christian pro-life image board.
Abortionists BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
Atheist will go "Huh, huh, Christians are stupid". But if you look at this generation, particular the U.S., we have become self-centered, distracted consumers. We overindulge and drown ourselves out with alcohol and drugs. We have a president who implies Christians are bad, but Muslims are good. Etc
I am surprised that reddit and /x/ got so butthurt about it. Pretty funny
hopefully with the election of Trump, the cultural pendulum will begin to swing back and we'll be a nation that upholds Christian values once more.
All that with a heavy Christian majority population. There's not even a correlation to even imply a false causation.
mfw fetus
>muh feels
someone fill me in with the deets on this im late to the party
I bet you're really gonna be "pro-life" when your fucking pinhead baby epidemic really gets to poppin'.
>wanting more niglets running around
Get the fuck off this board m8.
kek newfriends really thought its gonna be some big thing stop taking alex jones seriously you idiots
Are you kidding? Those fuckers can live well into their 30s. We can't wait for them to join the favela wars, it's gonna be hilarious.
Donald Trump doesn't care about God; And if any of you did you'd vote an ascetic into office and bankroll his campaign out of your own pockets.
Or would that be unconstitutional?
Jesus said - it is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
>Donald Trump doesn't care about God;
that's not what he says
>it is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.
thank God for Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
Pedos should be given the right to adopt kids that are going to be aborted
Being molested is better than being dead
Banning abortions would cause the nigger population to swell. It's abortions that actually keep the nog population in check dumbass.
i'd rather my nation be full of niggers than have it tolerate and subsidize the wholesale slaughter of the unborn.
>Evangelical retards trying to appeal to niggers with "abortion is just like slavery!"
Hilarious, these cucks would rather pay for more niggers than let some coon get down scissors shoved up its vag.
Fuck that Christcuck
>wholesale slaughter of unborn niggers
sign me up
as long as i get a hazmat suit to keep the AIDS out
Wrong OP
This is a pro White life board.
Blacks can kill as many of their babies as they want.
And yet this guy trolled tons of people by making it an abortion statement.
I'm actually pissed I thought something big might happen. I hope someone fucks with his shit, such a missed opportunity
What about whites? Whites aren't even producing enough kids to replace the existing white population, we're literally a dying breed. All the while other races are on the rise with massive population growth.
To think abortion isn't one of the major factors contributing to white genocide is foolish.
In a few centuries whites will be like circus freaks, ie abnormal.
Right? How many of these assholes have engaged is risky sexual behavior, but have 0 plans/savings for the possibility that their child will be disabled?
I'm sure everyone preaching pro-life here has the financial means to care for a disabled person for 30+ years...
Seriously. Look at the numbers. Abortion is the only thing keeping America from becoming south africa with more Mexicans.
>fucking christcucks
If we are pro white we should also be pro pagan. Who /varg/ here?
He's based as fuck and the fact Sup Forums doesn't agree shows how far leddit has infiltrated this place.
Told you.
>be Sup Forums
>be antijew
>worship dead kike on a stick
>cease all rational thought
>literally worship stupidity
>magic sky daddy
>ruin most of civilization multiple times
Yep this actually checks out. Continue being worthless.
Christcucks BTFO this is a pagan thread now
post pics of the gods
I do not understand how people can just accept abortion. Then they turn it into a religious issue and how they are not like that makes their actions anymore justifiable.
The dude did great work, and is my brother.
I have his dox
Why is some vapid retarded sheeple breaking parts of a vibrant culture that surpassed their's in every way a good thing?
The number of black babies aborted is WAY more than that of white babies.
So it's true that it contributes to a reduction of the white population, but in relative terms it's actually a net gain. We need to find a way to get the mudslimes in on it too.
they're dead, their magic trees were chopped down by Christians
Thiiiiiiiis!!! Stop killing beautiful black babies America. You're literally Hitler wtf?! I mean come on, it's 2016 and you're metaphorically dragging Jews to their death in the furnaces ffs! Don't forget to circumcise your boys in Yeshuas name! G-d bless.
Would post picks but am on mobile with limited data
We should meme this but with Sup Forums's views. Drop redpills about the Jews and communism
Nope, gotta agree with the other guy. Blacks are five times more likely to abort than whites. Sure, banning abortion would raise white birth rates - but black birth rates would fucking soar.
MOST whites are smart enough to wait until they are in a financially adequate spot to have kids, and use protection if they aren't. That's honestly why I believe white births are decreasing. As the middle class disappears, more and more whites feel they aren't capable of raising a child. I know that's the reason I don't have five little white babies this very moment.
Help out the middle class, and boom, more white births.
The "Eye of the Needle" has been claimed to be a gate in Jerusalem, which opened after the main gate was closed at night. A camel could only pass through this smaller gate if it was stooped and had its baggage removed.
praise jesus
suck his dicks huehues. or go execute a man for what he has in his pockets
I'm glad of the growth of Christianity on this board but honestly, I don't know what defines something as a board of a specific ideology.
>banning abortion would raise white birth rates
which would put us above a fertility rate of 2.1, which is needed for us to not die out.
There shouldn't be niglets in a White Nation. Period.
But killing a child before he has the capacity to do Good or Evil, is morally bankrupt. Even if statistically he is likely to be worthless as a Human, he might be that 1/100,000 that becomes a decent perhaps even outstanding human being that improves the lives of others.
You are denying that possibility of self-realization.
>telling a bunch of virgins on arfcom, Sup Forums, and reddit that abortion is bad
i think he targeted the wrong group
Your god literally died in the cross in some deceptively complex act of cuckoldry. If you knew anything about Norse paganism you'd know that so long as the ritual is done there will always be gods far older than yours
>people are trying to bring back Christian values
>nobody is trying to bring back Roman values
Once the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, they fell apart
>wanting degenerate women who would willingly murder babies to become mothers
But then we're all the more likely to get nig'd to death sooner rather than later. It's a lose-lose situation.
>Every white in the world lives in the United States of America
>Your god literally died in the cross in some deceptively complex act of cuckoldry
nah, stop trying australia.
after today canada has dethroned you forever.
>gods far older than yours
there is only one God, and his existence is eternal, nothing can be older.
yeah we're like the last group of people that even have a chance at getting a bitch pregnant, let alone forcing her to have an abortion.
I finally get the Matthew 25:45 reference now
Originally didn't fit the story but now it does
"Truly what you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
We didn't save the babies, as they are the least in this scenario
but all in all, i will say he's a good guy and I agree, killing babies because a Woman wants to be free, be young, and not have responsibilities is immoral and wrong.
However, if there is medical reasoning for it - such as the baby will only live a small time because of birth deformities, or the mother and baby may both die at birth, I can see that a Woman and Man should have the right at that point.
However, not for some 17 yearold girl who gets Preggo and wants to keep being young and free.
>not understanding the social effect making abortion illegal would do to our society
>not understanding the social effect making abortion legal has already done to our society
Yes a Christian majority. Problem is government caters to the smallest minority of people ideology thereby gaining more support over social issues that don't matter.
And? Pastor told us the same thing in church. Doesn't negate the message.
Yeah. The fedora tippers have been especially ass hurt lately. I guess they're starting to notice they're wrong and need to gloat until they feel okay again.
janus and athena(?)
goddess of shekels
like jewgod hasn't done that
Fucking delusional series of assertions. You god is a cuck that wants you to be a cuck.
top 3 now is probably:
1: Canada
2: Norway
3: Turkey
Why do you think I care? Pointing at my flag doesn't make up for your lack of argument.
how could anyone on Sup Forums seriously be pro life
>tfw pro-life atheist
Pro-tip: "abortionist" means the person who actually performs abortions. "Pro-choice" is the term for people who don't oppose abortion.
and how many of you schmucks listened to the whole spiel??? how many? and yet you still don't give a hit. hehehe abortionis murder what a chirstfag!
its not that you are asleep as much as it is that you are dead in sin. only god can breath life into your dry bones.
the only error of this guy is his chilliasm. his hope to restore things here and now. there is no judgement on this earth. there is no paradise here. that is in the world to come. you cannot fight the evil that is here. you can only warn agains it.
i would recommend to you all Father Seraphim Rose.
>afterlife meme
you're the problem
If it wasn't legal it would be right back to the coat hangers and fetal alcohol syndrome.
>The United States of America is the only majority white country in the world experiencing economic recession as a result of incompetent leadership
nah bro its you who are the problem. wake up to the evil that is around you now. the man is right. you complain about evil done in secret when right int the open down the street babies are murdered at abortion clinics.
if you can't care about the evil done in front of you why should you care about the evil done in bohemian grove? YOU are bohemian grove!!
the fat lizard on the dollar note turned out to be an upset pro-lifer
ohk so we have to legalise baby murder beasue people gonna murdere they babies anyway. its safer to murder your baby in a clinic than with a rusty coat hanger.
lets just legalise child-adult sexual relationships. its gonna happen anyway. might as well give them a safe legal way to operate in.
imagine if we were talking about 2 year olds.
>if there weren't facilities set up with professional medical staff to make the killing of this 2 year old child clean, then mothers would just bash their unwanted children's heads in with a shovel
sort of what traditionally happened: unwanted children were dropped at the "asylum" (like boarding school, often run by churches) and sometimes were raped by visitors.
Which would be tremendously less in scale than abortion today. That people try to do illegal things despite it being illegal and that making it more illegal means it gets less funding is no argument for it being legal, especially when the legal status is a means of cutting down on people doing it generally.
This guy is the one who filmed and edited the video. The company he works for is Brothers & Company. Call/email and ask why they support such a hateful religious group as AHA.
...what... my 2 year olds or someone elses?
Is the 2 year old black? so maybe questions.
Why the fuck do I care. Most abortions are for niggers.
The difference is that abortion was always done illegally and regularly when the facilities were not available. Your analogy doesn't hold up.
I don't masturbate, because that would be sinful, but when I have "wet dreams" I mourn in the morning; the genocide of millions of tiny potential me's, wasted in a pair of cheap briefs. I don't know how anyone's conscience is supposed to handle it.
So we're just going to continue the single mother fuckery forever?
No. If you aren't in a mother/father household, you literally don't deserve to be here.
Destruction of the family begins with legitimizing single motherhood.
What the fuck is this dude on?
>Help out the middle class, and boom, more white births.
pretty much, but you also got to help them out morally by giving the right advice.
childless middle class with (more) luxury wont really help.
Heh, if this is a cuckstain pro-life image board then I'm the Mahdi.
were not faggot leafs