>it ends up being a screamer
The magic of a more primitive internet experience...
Other urls found in this thread:
>dolphin porn
>he didn't read the comments
>he didn't understand file sizes
must suck being a stupid kid
good times
>read the comments
Hi underage b&.
I don't mate. Even back then you would know that no one reputable would contain the entirety of a TV show season within one AVI file
Remember when winamp first got videostreams? So much Simpons, DBZ, and porn.
member realplayer!? member buffering blocky porn!?
>directed by r@ygold
Whats this ?
>search for thundercats theme
>see results
>Convicted hunk grabs skinny boys neck and punch his face
>Francophone getting rained on by his thunderstick
>Pretty sexy chick enjoys smashing her enemy's car with her baseball bat
>Lovely chick fights for her boyfriend to someone who abused him
>Psycho man puts a bullet on pretty young slut
>Gangsta black dude throws spicy words on white ass guy
I can still remember the CP i came across on there. Being 13, I didn't know better at first, but at some point it clicked that this girl was extremely unhappy and being forced to do these things with these boys... and that made it hotter desu. luckily I continued to only like age appropriate girls and nothing too weird in sex.
>my fellow americans, I would once again like to say that I did not have sexual relations with that woman
If you browse new scene release threads you'll find that people are just as stupid now.
I had napster on dialup in the late 90s
those ideepthroat videos were like 30 mb and they took and hour, but well worth it.
my favorite is the one where she wears the black bikini in a personal office
>downloading questionable porn
>some chat window ive never seen before pops up
>it says "I think we are interested in the same thing"
>freak the fuck out and delete everything
There's a Simpsons episode called 'The Wettest Stories Ever Told'. Needles to say 11yr old me didn't stop to consider what I might witness if I downloaded that.
Looks legit
This was so confusing until i realised it wasn't Keisha Castle Hughes
>Limewire was in my house thanks to pirate step dad
>I was too pussy to ever use it
>never got to accidently download CP
>trying to download the phantom menace
>takes 2 days
>finally all done and I click on play
>it's a gay porn called "my cousin danny"
what a place the internet was back in the day
>user, get off the internet I need to use the phone!
That primitive internet taught your gullible ass not to download stupid shit, also made you an expert in cleaning your mom's PC
>internet speeds get better
>capacity gets cheaper
>everything you can pirate now gets taken down instantly
Oh well, still pretty okay if you have a lot of private trackers, still those were some wild wild west days
i miss it so much. i don't even care about the slow speeds or any shit like that
>at grandma's house
>download a tv station tycoon game
>literally just jpgs with symbols to represent shows you air
>still jerk off to airing a cartoon and then immediately an erotic show on my channel
>game infects her computer and I feign ignorance
Guess I was always a pedo freak.
who /emule/ here
the one by the pool?
pure kino
>not WinMX
get it together lad
I know it was at least a thing on emule and winmx where there were comments for files you just had to right click on them I think.
>It's actually a Black Sabbath track anyway
>using limewire to download limewire pro
>Download comedian show for parents
>Turns out it's LA nigger porn
>Download Once Upon a Time Life to get better grade in science
>It's hospital pornography
>Try to download female WWE
>Dad catch it in time and grounds me even thought WWE was popular in my school
Fucking Emule
who could ever forget the Bob Marley classic, Dont Worry, Be Happy
(You)'ve earned it my friend.
there actually were comments. sorry you were a dumbfuck kid not all of us were.
>he was wearing undies under the towel
>want to listen to Red Red Wine
>it has a screamer in the middle of the song
In hindsight considering the title said it was a Bob Marley song, I should have expected it.
No joke, I got vanned because of downloading dodgy shit off limewire years later
Still good for non-english content
>years later
thats scary
I did that, felt like the most elite hacker and criminal mastermind in this whole fucking galaxy
>legend of Zelda song by System of a Down
It took me 15 years to realize it wasn’t actually them
I miss her bros
>HI I was born in 1999!
>download any audio file
comfy pirate memories
W-what is that?
I hated that shit.
>I free club
>be 14 in like 2004/05
>don’t want to see UGLY OLD WOMEN!
>try to search for girls my age
>hot 14 year olds etc etc
I didn’t know any better at the time. Surprised nothing ever came from that
>be dumb kid
>unrestricted Internet access
>gotta download sum flicks
>wait two days because 56k
>wait two more days because mom used the phone
>finally open the movie
>it's r@ygold
>microvawe hard-disk
>don't use Internet for a month afterwards
crazy times
I'm 30. You're a stupid kid
You know how badly I would’ve killed for an incognito mode/private mode back in 2001?
>finish fapping aka rubbing your dick through your pants and cumming inside of them
>scrub the history clean
>accidentally forgot to delete the image searches for “girl butts”
>brother goes on computer after me and always looks through the history like a dick
>HAHA you looked at bad websites!
you don't want to know
you don't want to google it either
I still use Winamp
Who /jerkofftohentaiflashgames/ here?
>tfw trying to watch 240p sex scenes on iFilm
>tfw you discovered Robb's Celebs
>be 14
>curious so look at my dads internet history
>teen girls, and trap searches
>Search younger brothers history for a laugh
>rape porn
>want to listen to Red Red Wine
>it has a screamer in the middle of the song
Lol this 17 year old faggot played himself
Limewire didn’t have a comments section though you doof. I’ll give you the file size thing
Yup, I remember some brothel sim that used google image search pics for the girls using shit like Naruto and Tenshi Muyo
it was hilarious that during our computer class, everyone was trying to find some hentai or adult games on newgrounds to show off. i just played ROMP and had walkthroughs for it.
My dad still talks to his old group from Lopster. Even left the state to fuck one when I was 17. Been gone ever since.
>teen girls and traps
Your dad sounds like /ourguy/
Kek, holy shit that you gave me nostalgia
>Download fuck tons of shit as teenager like 13
>Gave my old laptop to this retard pedo guy my auntie looked after...big mistake
>He ended up downloading some bad shit. getting it confiscated by investigators
>Sitting at home one day . Smoking weed
>3 officers come and and confiscate every single device I owned because the laptop had my email on it
>This was 7 years since I had the laptop
>Taken into the station, treated like a pedo
>Started asking me about all those dodgy limewire videos and porn I probably downloaded as a stupid kid
>Obviously denied any of it and blamed the retard cuz I did nothing wrong
>They gave all my stuff back
Scary though, that could've ruined my life
>lying about your age on a Cambodian VHS discussion board
Y tho?
Are you a wizard?
the entropy is coming. you mustn't imagine you can escape
Who here printed out sexy art work?
There some folder still hidden at my moms that has print outs of Hinata Hyuga from Naruto and maskless Subzero in it.
hurr no comments
>mfw google allows child porn to appear in the basic image search
>smoking weed
They should have locked you up, degenerate hedonist junkie.
were you that kid at school whose father got a printer before anyone else in town and was selling black and white overly pixelated prints of nude catgirls?
I'm sure Google is full of pedophiles. That's probably just due to incompetancy however.
Didn't Google wreck the image search after the Fappening? I started using Yandex just because of the options.
>visit ancient youtube
>nothing but amateur porn videos on the front page