Ultimate red pill for life

When did you snap out of your naivety?

>Lifelong monogamy does not characterize the primary mating patterns of humans
>"Breaking up with one partner and mating with another may more accurately characterise the common, perhaps the primary, mating strategy of humans."

Other urls found in this thread:


We are also "genetically programmed" to hate people different than us. Race war when?

>american """"race""""
melting pot, with only 60% meme-white.

you don't need to worry about race as an americuck.

Funny how we managed without it being widespread for the last few centuries if it's so deeply ingrained in - oh wait, (((David Buss))).


>Funny how we managed without it being widespread for the last few centuries if it's so deeply ingrained
Monogamy is a relatively recent concept for humans. most of human history has been without it

whatever, mr 60%

Depends which humans we're talking about.
Different racial/ethnic groups have different breeding patterns.
R vs K.


I suspect that men are also genetically programmed to murder their wives and girlfriends who have affairs.

murder is illegal, and cheating used to be illegal, but not anymore.
you dun goof'd


They're also genetically designed to be dominated by men.

Sounds like a perfectly fine way of competing with whatever dude is cucking you, you're just getting rid of the possibility of him reproducing successfully

It wouldn't be much of a war if we were 100% white you fucking dumb cuck.

you're a loser yuropoor


In reality only niggers are "prgorammed" to be promiscuous, because africa

Men are objectively, indisputably genetically physically superior to women. Does that mean we can go around raping the shit out of them? I don't get it

You lost your composure in record time, kike.


This is why many religions have scriptures about keeping these whores in line

Nice try. Im sure cavemen let other cavemen fuck there ladies. Shit post even shittier article.

These articles pop up and they're fucking stupid as they pretty much fly over tons of information and look at one certain thing for confirmation bias. Basically in the end it's just a bunch of people without impulse control and hard decision making trying to justify their lack of self-accoutnability by calling it "Nature"

I have a natural urge to fuck and I get erections at fit, but thick rear ends. Does that mean I should and fuck a couple women in the arse, and claim that it isn't rape because I have a natural "Impulse" to fuck women?

Dumb shit.

it's not cheating if you're letting it happen you cuck.
>reading comprehension

>breaking up with one partner
False. Humans are predisposed to have multiple partners for different reasons but no one is predisposed to breaking up. Men have multiple partners to create as many offspring as possible and women have multiple partners to ensure they create offspring. Women are more likely to lie about having mutiple partners because monogamy benifits them by having a caregiver while men only lie about having multiple partners due to love or the fear of losing a consistant childbearer

>>"Breaking up with one partner and mating with another may more accurately characterise the common, perhaps the primary, mating strategy of humans."
>up with one partner and mating with another may more accurately characterise the common, perhaps the
>mating with another may more accurately
>another may more

Really causes me to cogitate.

It's the exact opposite. Women are genetically programmed to get attached so a male provides for them and their children survive. Men are programmed to spread their genes as much as possible. Unfortunately this genetic marvel is lost on most who use this site.

I saw a women with a very nice ass and tits jogging while driving. I wanted to pull her into my car and fuck her brains out. That would be rape. Men are programmed to rape? Because if we are I control my impulses well because I'm not a fucking subhuman and would never do that.


Article clearly states "Despite anecdotal claims about cheatng, no study has shown that humans are predisposed to monogamy or non-monogamy" which further supports my claims.
It'd be more accurate to say men are prone to fucking multiple people because at least the dominant form of men are, well, dominant. They're a battering ram which blasts into any castle of worth and takes it over.

A woman isn't really promiscous or more prone to sex as bullshitters might froth out of their mouth. Men are the primary influence in most cheating or affairs/adultery. Basically women are natuarally castles, and the strongest castle is going to be the most loyal. The weakest castle is akin to a dumb female who's the town slut.

Pretty much this.

Good point as well.

You are one angry toothpaste

>genetically programmed to have children

No abortions or birth control I guess

>genetically programmed to kill enemies

Murders legal and morally alright I guess

>genetically programmed to have huge harems

Polygamy is legal now

Liberals only want to be removed from the animal kingdom as long as it benefits them. It's pretty simple, don't commit to a lifelong monogamous relationship if you want to fuck a bunch of people.

Bullsshit sources: my parents

Perhaps this is why women have been made to keep in line so strictly throughout almost all of recorded history. As they say, every day we stray further from God's light.

i dont mind my wife fucking other guys. is it really a big deal to you guys? you sound jealous

Research on brain chemistry shows bonds being formed between both sexes. It isn't proof that this isn't just a cross-sexual trait but there is a case to be made for male-female bonding to ensure the survival of the offspring.

But there's also evidence for both sexes cheating. Human nature is not black and white, but what you're saying is definitely wrong. Many, MANY women are whores. They are not blank states who get influenced by slut-culture to become sluts as you believe. You are being an imbecile.

>"Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Whatever, mr 0%
>I'm a white country
>t. Argentina

And in "the wild" men would do what is now conventionally thought of as rape.

If men are supposed to "not rape" then women need to learn to not sleep around.

Click bait title.

Men are genetically programmed to rape but we don't do it anymore and through civilization we have come to see it as a bad thing.

Rape is incredibly uncommon in tribal culture. Stop learning anthropology from Conan the Barbarian and you might get a clue.

>Rape is incredibly uncommon in tribal culture

notice WOMEN, not humans, not men.

fucking sheep, cant you see this is just part of the "empowerment" lets cuck men movement? not that i care, im the guy who fucks your woman on the side or in front of your face.

Love doesn't exist


This just sounds like another excuse for sluts to justify their behaviour. "It's not my fault a blew 50 guys while I was married, it's in my genes!".

This is why I fuck only men. Lots of men.

>Keked my pants

We're witnessing the destruction of thousands of years of civilisation within a couple of generations

>We dont need them anymore
>AI Girls are the future

Wrong. Women are genetically programmed to find a stable man who can protect them so they can raise their offspring safely. If either gender is genetically designed to have affairs or "fuck around", it's men because there is more benefit than risk. That kind of behavior in women will get them killed without the sanction of a big government.

Marriage was created because it equalizes the advantages and disadvantages of mating patterns in the genders in a way that's beneficial for both genders.

Stop linking us to kikes like David Buss you fucking (((shill))).

how is that underrated? it's the only pol meme against the perfect dutch

>Rape is incredibly uncommon in tribal culture.


Shut the fuck up.

>posting niggers as a refutation

>cherry picks 1 thing from 1 place
>in a time where real tribal culture doesn't exist anymore

This really shouldn't be news. Which is why staying faithful to your partner over decades is a significant accomplishment. It shows that you both have overcome your basal animal nature in pursuit of a greater goal and ultimately a healthier society.

Electrical grids, indoor plumbing, HVAC systems, nitrogen-fixed food production is a recent concept for humans. Most of human history has been without it.

>women are genetically programmed to have affairs
And men literally aren't? Women aren't as sexually active as men are, if they were sex wouldn't even be a problem. Women want 1 guy to call her own and men want to fuck 7 bitches everyday of the week. Its so fucking retarded and if any of you faggots believed this for a second you're probably a virgin loser who cant score pussy. If a girl hits on a married man he has a a fucking miniature internal struggle fighting his inner lust demons just to say no to fucking someone that isn't his wife while a wife wouldn't even consider cheating unless she's been neglected for years. Women who are famous dont go around having sex with everything that moves, MEN who are rockstars fuck EVERYTHING they can get their hands on, they even fuck 4/10 roadies as quickies.

Women don't age as good as men do.
Women WONT fuck a loser like a janitor or cab driver while a fucking guy millionaire would definitely fuck a female version of a FUCKING LOSER if she's at least average. Women WANT a guy that's loyal to her because of all this. Again if you believe this you're a fucking faggot going "you see this is why i cant get laid, women are bitches" and you need to fucking man the fuck up and remember you, as a fucking guy, as a fucking animal are better then women in every way. Jesus fuck.

This thread makes me FUCKING SICK!

Women will cheat on you

On the marriage point, what people are "genetically programmed" to do is pretty moot. The West and the Orient were two of the only places in the world that practiced strict monogamy throughout most of their history. They're also coincidentally the most advanced societies. The middle-east was actually a lot more relevant in terms of world power when they practiced strict monogamy. Their fall in scientific relevance directly coincided with the fall of their system of strict monogamy.

so where else are we going to find tribes you fucking moron?

This is correct, in peacocks females have 100% stake in raising the offspring and males 0% they run away after they fuck her and never come back, the males have their feathers and colors as result of thousands of generations of female selection.

In humans the females want a man that has also a stake in raising the children. We have no fancy secondary sex charachteristics like peacocks do, exept for a beard, but we dont have a beard due to female selection.


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>children from stable families are more intelligent, healthier than peers regardless of socio-economic position

Since the foundation of civilization, and probably going back as far as primitive villages, mankind has actually been fairly monogamous or at most polygamous. We have ancient religions and even the natives of the Americas to back us up on these facts.

This meme that Rome and Greece where hedonistic fuckocracies on par with Caligula needs to fucking stop. That didn't happen. Rome and Greece where actually pretty tame compared to the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's.

Is this the kind of research that PhDs in cuckoldry do?

After my first relationship. Really opens your eyes to how fading human bonds can be. But that's fine, you realize that almost all people especially women are disposable. You won't tie yourself completely to them, and when you have to leave them you'll be ready for it.

Basically don't take women too seriously. That's the redpill, it's simple. Treat them like pets or a fun friend, do not fall deeply in love with them.

i don't get what's the advantage from an evolutionary perspective for a woman to go through many guys

it makes more sense for them to chose the alpha male and make as many children with him as possible

>Males are superior - confirmed
>adam created eve - confirmed
Blind fucks

Article is bullshit. Women don't cheat. Even if they really hate the guy it takes forever and a lot of bullshit for them to finally do it. They're naturally prone to being with one person no matter what.

Don't listen to cucks.

>comparing core behavior with technology
jesus, I knew americans were stupid, but it seems you people are fucking brain dead

>Women aren't as sexually active as men are
t. virgin / under aged

>Women don't cheat.
fuck you and your bait.

>accepting animalistic mediocrity is OK

I guess we should all eat our own shit then too, OP?

K selected civilizations have always values monogamy. Only R selected subhumans screw around.

There's more to life than hedonism.

What the fuck? How do these copulins get inside you?

this meme again

Spoken like a literal nigger.

Men and women, assuming they're of equal mental faculty, should trust each other.

Do you betray your trusted friends user? You piece of shit, I bet you do!

Different races have different marrying strategies

Whites are more monogamous

Asians are monogamous but the men cheat with hookers more

Africans not at all monogamous and will cheat on you

Hispanic men love teenage girls way too much. Bad marrying strategy in European climates

Arabs and ME peoples love fucking their cousins

That's the gist of all this. Studies that generalize for all humanity are worthless

your lies are no good here, Jew

Not an argument Colgate

>weeaboo image
>Men and women, assuming they're of equal mental faculty, should trust each other.
wow, kill yourself, you literal beta dead weight to society

Okay, so I guess we're ignoring the plethora of peer-reviewed research that indicates a shift towards monogamous relationships as humanity moved away from being hunter gatherers.

Or the objective benefits of lifelong monogamy.

Or the research published on the effects of sexual promiscuity on the success of relationships.

But there are only so many alphas to go around. So if a woman wants a husband who will provide resources, she will most likely have to settle for a beta, or be left to care for her alpha bastard child as he leaves to fuck someone else.

That's why there were severe punishments for women who cheated, and a stigma for bastards. It was a means of social control to suppress their natural alpha fucks/beat bucks instinct.

White woman cross breed the most

what the fuck is this, a new alien race from Mass Effect?

What a bunch of virgins losers. If women are all whores why cant you get laid. BBC men fuck 10 women on average n you guys cant even fuck 3. Even if yoh have a job a nice car you still have blue balls.

That's how sad yall are

>he fell for the betabux meme

wtf i hate women now

Yeah but guess what, alphas have agency too, and why would one alpha want to settle with one female, when he can have multiple females.

how in the fuck could women be " programmed to have affairs " if men are always involved in any affair? How exactly is the man in any affair somehow void of blame? Do you forget the man in this situation hence you can someone believe in only placing blame on the woman?

Green meme text doesnt mean Argie is wrong

I'm not naive. I'm a kissless virgin. I know how cruel it is

>Women don't cheat if you are handsome, intelligent, strong, alpha, and have a optimally sized penis.

Fixed that for you.

But I see what you're getting at, many men cheat because their instinct is to seek out new women. A lot of times men screw themselves and end up with uglier/crazier women after cheating for this reason.

Women on the other hand are loyal and are more qualitative. Only if you're weak (a poor protector) or sexually inept (a poor mate) do they want to leave you.

Yeah, good luck trying that in clans/tribes, when theres no "civilisation" to protect women.

Its actually funny how quickly things would revert to male-female "contracts", once mother nature starts to make life difficult for all these princesses.

>shut up goyim, women are pure! hehehe
>shut up, marry and make kids, we want more goyim to serve us
>hehe yes, your women are easily controllable by us, and they will influence your kids into becoming the perfect goyim to serve god's chosen people
>remember, they never cheat hehehehe, marriage law is not biased towards them either!

>cooties are real

Fuck off, white knight. Go back to your SJW clan

The point you ignorant fuck, is that all of that technology was built and will be maintained by a society that favors monogamy. Once you stray from that path, and the bottom 80% of men no longer have an incentive to work, and will have no investment in the future of society, the system will begin breaking down until it is replaced by a culture that reinstates monogamy.

dumb nigger. it's because only a small portion of men share all the women. stop talking like a nigger and use words with more than 3 syllables.

>love fucking their cousins
that's the american national sport :^) (the one not dominated by niggers)

Im BBC and ive banged over 100 females. shit is easy man, just ask to fuck and they say yes

consider the average tribe size in hunter-gatherer times. how many females do you think there were to go around? not even the baddest, strongest, hottest dude could score like genghis khan. plus, all the "betas" would get angry. think about how realistic your scenario is