Please tell me "The best Batman" is a good guy(albeit a bit neurotic)
Anger issues apart Bale probably never did any of that Weinstein shit right?
He's a big guy.
Yeah bale didn't do nuffin
He is a pretty big fella tho
But is he a good guy?
They all do it. They literally do mass sex rituals.
How do you wipe your ass, Sup Forums ? 20 years old and i'm still not sure i'm doing it the right way
He'll probably be a skelly for another film in a year or so who knows. I wonder how much damage his body has taken though with all this constant weight loss and gain.
Also dubs will confirm that he did some nasty shit.
With toilet paper
Wait are you a poo in loo?
He didn't but he got Speilberg to help him
No because Gloria Steinem was his step mother
washing your butt with water is a clearly superior way. browns got that one right
>scrunch and sandpaper like you are trying to get rust off an ancient bit of metal
>stop when you dont see shit or start to see blood
or have a shower if possible
Fuck yourself faggot. I guess we can add Weinstein to trump and boipussy as things retarded youngfags will never shut the fuck up about.
He was a child actor, so no telling what's been done to him.
Pretty much everytime I wipe there's some blood. Pinkish red blood, so I think it's due to a haemmeroid.
if you're in a first world country, with toilet paper
if you're in a third world country you just slough it off with your left hand and never give left handed handshakes
Might be an anal fissure.
It's always the most self righteous who do this kind of thing. Watch out for any actor who is overly involved in social activism, got to make people think theyre great people. Ben Al-Flecki with his muzzie defense, Weinstein being deep in the democratic party/Hiliary camp, Joss Whedon being turbo male feminist. Dn't trust it for a second
>Methinks thou doth protest too much
It's usually a pretty good indicator.
had this for 4 years now
and my shit size has shrunk
Bale was the best Bruce Wayne. The best Batman was Keaton.
This. I actually really loved Bale's general style as Bruce, but his batman felt extremely two-dimensional. That isn't to say I didn't like it, but I do certainly believe there have been better performances as batman, such as Keaton.
>chubby Bale
Not my Bale, he can fuck off!
Fuck off you barren cunt.
Looks like sexual harassment to me!
Any woman can accuse him and that will be enough to hurt him. Also, he is a white male so any joke, any comment, any gesture or even a look can be use against him.
dont worry your butts just sore bro. Wiping too much has the effect of sand paper on your ass so if you shit often your gonna wipe away the top skin on your arsehole.
He beat his mother, that’s worse than harasssing some starlet to exchange fame
The cunt deserved it.