ITT: We separate the good leafs from the bad leafs
Pic related, a good leaf
ITT: We separate the good leafs from the bad leafs
Pic related, a good leaf
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There are no good leafs you idiot.
Nuke them all.
That's the leaf's secret
They don't have any good ones
Avril Lavigne was only a good syrup nigger until the end of 2004
Avril promoted degenerate values and ideas in her music and videos.
her first 2 album were good. rest is shit
The only good leaf is a dead leaf.
any groups of people described as leafs are horrible. just look at toronto's hockey team
Did she have any contributions in the Fappening?
She is a fucking leaf?
Please no...
Let's fuck
Nobody cares about hockey
Rachel McAdams will forever be my favorite waifu
You have shit taste btw.
reminder Avril is a christian singer
Prairie leafs are the good leafs. BC leafs and Toronto leafs are the bad leafs.
She is promoted by mainstream media and the music industry.
Do you HONESTLY think she's a Christian?
Best leafu
Nader will win
Good one.
>good leaf
>displays forever virgin tween cattle brand
Your future sex
that's my waifu. she's also american by now.
>having more than one waifu
Rachel deserves better
She's married to the singer of Nickelback. They're the trashiest couple Canada has ever produced.
But she's a solid 6 out of 10 and you know it.
she is my only waifu
They split last year, she also has Lyme disease
911 confirms.
Rachel will never go beyond a 6 out of 10.
No to me. Stop trolling
but have you ever produced anything good? besides what's with andy..
But I'm not, I would rather jerk off to a picture of a rotting carcass than waste my orgasm on some boring looking Canadian cunt.
This just reminded me that Stef is Canadian.
Wacky dude he may be, I like him.
Another based leaf. He shouldve gotten the nomination but we got that idiot drumpf instead.
Do we hate this one?
very much so, yes
Game to post this, glad someone else have proper taste in leaves.
9 times out of ten she looks like a potato-faced lesbian so yes
Fine. Avril's tits.
why are you asking us what you should think?
what are you a hillary supporter?
We get it, you hate white women, shlomo.
No way are those Avril's tits. I will not believe those are Avril's tits until I see Avril attached to them.
Stefan is more than just wacky
He was born in Ireland, yet has a French name, but grew up in England, but speaks with an American/English/Midwestern accent, and lives in Canada
reverse image search faggot, there is more
bar the french name, molymeme is the Global Anglo
I didnt even know canada had lyme
from /hr/
Molyneux is Anglo?
now, this is science
The only good leaf is a dead leaf
Pretty disappointing desu
I dunno, i'm more interested in avril's titties
google reverse links me to exclusively perverted japanese sites
What a terrible shop.
Kurt Cobain is not A Leaf!!
No such thing, pic related.
Shit detective 2bh.
>confronted Trump on some bullshit about a year ago, was praised by the media for doing so
She's as bad as the rest of them.
>where I live is good
>where I don't live is bad
Yeah, I don't care about hockey either. I like watching American sports where big black men play with balls.
Son of a whore.
>Hates the pinko commie liberals
>Loves players who play a masculine game
Here's the worst offender
Only leaf I respect
GOOD LEAF (only half)
I thought she had a nigger boyfriend
>I like watching American sports where big black men play with balls.
Is that something you do with your wife?
FUCK I MISSED 88888888
>easily photoshoppable mole
Who's that FUCKING LEAF that was on in that debate with OUR NIGE against 2 absolute lefty cunts on the topic of immigration?
This was a while ago, he actually outdid Nige on the debate.
Glorious Mark Steyn
everything is photoshop. nothing is real.
He's alright then, I'll cut his rope down on the day.
And then they all come along, the 6 trillion good Sup Forumsacks, and each one has his decent Leaf. Of course the others are swine, but this one is a first-class Leaf. Of all those who talk like this, not one has watched, not one has stood up to it. Most of you know what it means to see a hundred leaves lying together, five hundred, or a thousand. To have gone through this and yet – apart from a few exceptions, examples of human weakness – to have remained decent fellows, this is what has made us hard. This is a glorious page in our history that has never been written and shall never be written.
Randy Bachman
Fred Turner
Neil Young
Robbie Robertson
Gordon Lightfoot
That's just a few names to throw out there. You have to go back in time a bit when canadian musicians were actually fucking good.
Lavigne blows, and apparently Krueger is the recipient these days.
nah. john kasich
her entire persona is what literally 80% of leaf females are like.
At least I can still fap to Lauren Southern
Michael J Fox and Jim Carrey
>good leaf
>bad leaf
Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
female leafs are everything wrong with leafs
Avril Levine = Juden, thus explaining her degeneracy, Duh!
Good Leaf, except for being in that movie where the plot revolves around getting over a girl by going gay LMAO actually I take it back. Bad Leaf.
not politics
Her music turned degenerate around 2010 though
also a Jew
the best leaf, the best Jew
Almost no one outside of leafistan will know who this is
I can't wait for autumn and we get a bunch of dank leaf memes
Good luck, mate