I think this one tops the list boys. What did she mean by this?
Huff post delivers again
Gaggero on all that black dick
Probably that she's gonna take her daughters to the interracial breedings grounds for enrichment.
How do they think white people are going to react to this? Obviously we've been putting up with it for years, but that can only go on for so long until we snap and pull off another genocide.
>It's fucking real
It's like a parody at this point.
>I'm a mother
>blogging about the journey
Sounds like a threat.
Report her to child services.
What does white supremacy even mean to these people? They already redefined racism and sexism to mean "structures of power and oppression". I'm not reading this shit.
>"I’m also currently taking a course called Raising An Advocate that’s helping me think through the ways my various privileges affect my parenting choices."
>"Raising An Advocate"
Raising a fucking zealot would be more appropriate.
>moving story about a young Black girl who overcomes sexism and racism to land the part of Peter Pan in her classroom play).
She plans to sacrifice her children on the Alter of Diversity by forcing them to get raped by niggers. This is the future they want.
The logic makes sense but it's a shit title
Affluent, white, educated suburbs are usually more peaceful than poor, black, uneducated cities. If you keep your white kid in the bubble of the suburbs, you are literally maintaining the supremacy of the white suburbs.
The question is: is this good? Yes, obviously.
Pedophilia against racism
Just another reach by the left to destroy all that is holy in the world. First the adults. Then the teens. Now the kids.
1984 my friends. Conditioning people from birth to think and act the way they want them to think and act. Which is ironically what so called liberals are "against"
They hide behind a thin sheet of "equality" and "love". But underneath they are the Zogs fist of degeneration
Ironically enough, by raising her children to take skin tone as the most important characteristics that defines a human, they'll grow out to be racist.
IMO sheltering your kids is what makes them turn out to be the classics stereotype of the Millenial pro-white-genocie cuck, while exposing him to the dindus turns him into a polack of sorts.
if you don't send your child to a garbage inner city school you are supporting the KKK
You amerifats truly are silly people.
lel when she gets arrested for child abuse
>Affluent, white, educated suburbs are usually more peaceful than poor, black, uneducated cities. If you keep your white kid in the bubble of the suburbs, you are literally maintaining the supremacy of the white suburbs.
If only that were true. Cities are being used as areas of control in order to shift voting patterns. These piles of garbage typically vote Left to support their unsustainble and destructive lifestyles while the peaceful rural areas suffer and pay the price of destruction of their integrity, purpose, and values.
White Supremacy is fucking retarded and is all about of the Cult of Diversity.
Liberalism is so dumb. Like, she's not going to open her home to those filthy niggers and spics, but she'll sure hand-wring and whine about how shitty people who aren't her have it.
This is a full on suicidal ideology
Perfect, an example of the inner city school reading comprehension I was talking about
>1984 my friends. Conditioning people from birth to think and act the way they want them to think and act. Which is ironically what so called liberals are "against"
They aren't agaisnt this though, they don't deny they support this kind of behavior. 1984 seriously is a PC Left-wing society I don't care what his intentions were.
It's a religious cult. They are followers of a new religion. It all stems from Puritan ideology.
Jooz in full suicide mode to get the good goy to buy their bullshit
Agreed. Reading to your kids, feeding them properly, making sure they stay hydrated, and simply even being around them at any point in the day is white privilege at it's worst. You may as well be pulling the trigger against black people yourself if you do any of these things.
she's going to rent out her kid to pedophiles
Gays are so adamant to include children in their sex shows. Cognition results.
I read the article, you are all welcome
>All people naturally desire to protect their children
>in order to repent for my sin of whiteness I will expose them to shit they should't see as children
>I will also force diversity through their toys and shows
>I have completely lost all understanding about how to raise children
>Im such a psychotic Marxist that even the rearing of my children cannot escape my political manipulation
what a freak.
But this is the future don't you understand? These people have positions of power and influence, they are brainwashing the next generation and minorities are growing in number every year.
This suicide cult, and thats what it is isn't going to stop until we are all completely wiped out.
This is do or die man, this is the war we've been waiting for. STOP hiding from these people, take the fight to them.
I legitimately thought this was satire for the first couple sentences.
These people Are fucked in the head. Look what i just found while browsing twitter.
>I want my children not to be racist, so I will teach them to recognize people by their skin color
What the fuck did I just read
It means you aren't a goodthinking goodwhite and you've failed to endorses their ideology of self hate.
So keeping little children out of the hands of rapists is white supremacy now?
Their continued use of propaganda aimed at younger generations means they will control their minds in a way that is not natural but that will ultimately lead to them behaving in the way that was predestined for them to behave.
They will sexualize women at younger and younger ages, it's already been happening since the 60's. We're in a war for our survival.
>These are the people who write for one of the biggest online news outlets
What the fuck is going on with society for people to even consider this to be okay?
Welcome to women that live without the guiding hand of men.
Just rolling from dick to dick, whatever dick seems best at that moment.
give it another 2-3 years and they'll tweet about letting their 13 year old little brothers or drunk dads fuck them for liberation from "oppressive family norms"
Mass demoralization, brainwashing, and secularism leading to the growth of a new religion based on original Puritan self-hatred.
>socially conscious children
So basically she wants to lobotomise her children and fill their heads with fucking demoralised rubbish.
How do we stop these self-important head cases from mentally poisoning their children turning them into neurotic degenerates? or even stop them from reproducing all together?
Peter Pan usually is played by girls and young women.
Gays are more likely to become serial killers and pedophiles. Mental illness and dysfunction begets more dysfunction.
At this point there's no way to be more liberal than your professors or parents in the West. Soon the only way to rebel will be to be an evil neo-nazi.
It is rapidly collapsing.
So now they've overplayed the word racist, so now they're going for a related phrase "white supremacy".
What else is new?
>(((((((((((((((((Huffington Post)))))))))))))))))))))))
You just read the thesis of every university's liberal arts curriculum.
She legitimately wants her kids to be useful idiot fodder for the zog machine.
God dammit she treats her kids like fucking social experiments.
Charge your phone
It's kinda weird how there's a culture of leftists raising their kids to be super-brainwashed that has popped-up lately.
I've seen shit like this in other articles, like parents trying to force their daughters to not like the color pink; because they think it's sexist.
It's a tactic to try and engineer a child to hate itself and repent for alleged crimes. To the Leftists, being White is associated with being born a "Sinner". These people have stemmed from a Christian based mythos and have simply "evolved" it when Religion died and replaced it with a materialist, political version.
They won't be "Saved" unless they destroy Whites entirely.
im going to need to buy more magazines soon
She's raising them to be future crossbearers of WHite Guilt and to repent for their Whiteness by destroying themselves and their people.
But how.
It means that she will present gender ideology to her children and teach her things like masturbation and sex at a young age, the sort of stuff that creates degeneracy and pedophilia. These people are sick.
wew lad
Single motherhood should be fucking illegal
The comments are the only place you should look. People are getting fed up with this white guilt bullshit.
wait until that kid hits their teens
they're going to join the fucking klan to rebel
Whenever I read this kinda stuff. I have to look at the silver lining.
As the degeneration surges, grow closer to the end. After the fire rises, and later... the ashes settle. The world will be fresh and new. Once it's all over, we may rebuild the world
Be filled with joy brothers. A new era will soon arrive. But not yet.. but not yet (':
Gladiator OST plays*
Pic related*
Walking through wheat field and see your aryan wife and child playing*
>We're in a war for our survival.
It's hitting the tail end. The leftists pushed too hard and too fast and now regular people are rapidly growing sick of their shit. You don't need to convince your average pleb to help you, you just need them to be indifferent enough about the situation to stay out of the way. Think about what the SJWs and their ilk would be without their canned public outcry.
>Both of my children now bring up race proactively, albeit in different ways. My 4-year-old will notice someone’s skin color and make connections to other people in his life that have similar skin tone.
So after all the brainwashing youve fed him, he still just wants to be around white people. Funny how nature works.
I think it's only just begun.
This is the retardation of them though
>"Wow, I can't even right now. How about we focus on the fact that out of the eight people up there only two were people of colour?"
>"We judge people based on ability, not melanin content. Only a racist would concentrate on the race of a person and not their character or ability"
>"Only racists concentrate on skin colour"
They're genuine spastics. Every time someone mentions only X number being black or Y being Z because they are or aren't black, I always put that condescending leftie tone on and ask why they're so concerned with skin colour and ask if they're a racist. You should try it, the butthurt is off the fucking charts.
>tfw no one knows your powerlevel
>tfw you can play degenerates at their own game
>tfw you can turn people on your side and those same people against the most vocal of the left (the loud members put all their effort into being loud in the laughable belief that being loud must mean you're right because why else would you draw so much attention to yourself if you don't have the facts, evidence and logic to back it up?)
>tfw these people only ever listen to their own kind so they're easy to introduce to the rabbit hole when you point how some leftist's "logic" doesn't make any sense all the while pretending to be just as perplexed as they are by it and dropping in the cognitive dissonance explanation bit by bit
>tfw you've literally became the Jew and you don't even care
Seriously try it, it's fucking glorious. You know what they say, "if you can't beat them...pretend to join them until you can".
I like that 2 tone 226
Shame about that neutered mag tho
The libs are literally forcing Jamal to impregnate their 12 year old daughters now and if they refuse they'll genitally mutilate you and put you on test e. How the fuck can you even BE this liberal? I weep for my broken country.
So protecting and taking care of your community is racist? How is that supremacy? Being an upstanding citizen is wrong?
I fucking hate this world.
>What does white supremacy even mean to these people?
Whites holding political and cultural power.
I think she's saying that she wants to watch Muslims fuck her children...?
No the straw that will break the back will be the pedophilia acceptance push and they're already gearing up for it. Your average person will not tolerate it no matter how hard they try and manufacture narratives it's just too revolting, especially to anyone with children. The right will grab "pedo" and apply it as liberally to anyone showing leftist tenancies as the left has applied "racist" in the past five decades. Once that label is on someone it'll make them even more radioactive than racist does now.
Fucking idiot, read the last line of my post -- I said it's a good thing
Whites are innately superior, this raising healthy white children results in the continuance of white supremacy
to end white supremacy you need to make white children more fucked up than niggers which is difficult to do without a cloning tank and a jug of ethanol
This is why we need Section 8 (as I believe it's called in Burgerland).
I know my formerly peaceful community has been greatly enriched by the increase in crime, pollution and infrastructure decay owing to me new tanned unemployed neighbors.
Thank you diversity - While my forefathers worked hard to carve a civilization from stone, I do feel guilty that I get to enjoy it while the offspring of lazy, worthless humans suffer in squalor. I believe degrading myself massively is worth the minor bump in living standards it brings these people.
Equality in action is beautiful.
I wish. They want to take everyone else down with them.
She'll feel bad that she lives in wealthy privilege that she doesn't share with poor black people.
She'll make herself feel better by forcing those poor black people into working class white neighborhoods though.
Well, he WAS writing about Communists.
So I mean - Yeah, 1984 is literally the society SJW's want.
>next generation of kids are going to seek out red pills to piss off their libcuck parents
The pendulum swings.
It's going to be funny as fuck.
I'm the product of single mothering and I turned out full of honor and self respect.
But honestly this place really helped me. I've been here since 07 and I was a super impressionable middle schooler.
>a new religion based on original Puritan self-hatred.
sorry guys
t. new englander
I honestly think the pendulum will swing back soon. If not within 10 years, definitely within the next generation. The constant pushing of "tolerance" and white guilt will push people over the edge. THAT, plus a lot of people are naturally contrarian.
It's not your fault.
Puritanism is a meme that had very little effect on the American cultural consciousness.
These nigger loving, suicidal, narcissistic animals make me dread the fucking future so much more now.
I have to tuck in my kids at night and propaganda like this makes me scared that I'm gonna lose them to a sick and demented generation.
I can homeschool, make sure they read good books,even keep them away from the freaks in the city.
But I can't protect them from society forever and for the first time in years, I feel genuinely afraid of whats gonna happen.
It's breaking the camels back here.
One of the reasons the LEFT is trying to stop a vote on gay marriage right now is because only a few months ago it probably had the support of the majority of the public. However, it has coincided with them attempting, and largely failing to, push "Safe Schools" onto the education system - A pro homosexual, transgender, pedophilia program literally steered by out communists and pedophiles.
The public backlash was far more severe and widespread than they expected, and they are freaking out that it will carry over to general dislike of homosexuals...Hence wanting to cancel the vote on gay marriage and either move it to later or pass the bill through without consulting the public.
>The pendulum swings.
This is the first glimmer of hope I've thought of in weeks.
The next summer of '69 will be the day of the rope
>Anyone right of center, or even center, who dares oppose any fringe element of feminism?
It's endless here. Be a politician and retweet an article by a guy who wrote for a pick up artist site? Literally a rapist.
Well, now the shoes on the other foot. They're shitting their pants and freaking the fuck out and writing endless defensive articles about how they are Totally Not At All Pedophiles Or Even Related To Pedophiles etc etc.
Thanks for the ammo Salon.
These same types of people, in my experience, find the concept of original sin in Christianity to be completely ridiculous and believe that God is a hateful dick for punishing all of Mankind for the actions of two people that existed many generations before them.
To them, that's fucked up, but their concept of original sin and their efforts to force it on everyone, is completely okay. These people make no sense.
>First the adults. Then the teens. Now the kids.
Brings up an interesting question. How did the left destroy all that it holy in adults? Muddy the line between good and evil within western canon?
This based Rhodesian woman explains this anti-white psychology right here:
next time post an archive, boss. no reason to give traffic to their site.
>think through the ways my various privileges affect my parenting choices."
This sounds like grade-A, white liberal guilt bullshit.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess she isn't financing it all herself either
It's like you're me. I'm relieved I'm not alone in the measures I take to protect my children from degeneracy.
I was actually going to mention Safe Schools if someone asked for evidence they were going to make this push.
>and they are freaking out that it will carry over to general dislike of homosexuals
I'm pretty sure it will in the end and possibly go even further into rolling back some of the "progress" of the past 50 years. The really dangerous thing for them is that unlike being accused of being a racist accusations of being a pedophile can lead to law enforcement taking action against them. Even if they were doing nothing wrong it'll ruin them, much like rape accusations being tossed around today.
archive that shit nigger
Welp, there's my dose of wtf for the night.
>No the straw that will break the back will be the pedophilia acceptance push and they're already gearing up for it
I will go full Paul Kersey if they try to push pedo rights on major news outlets. The tranny bathroom rights and salon defending pedos have already tried to push me over the edge.
This time it will.
lol liberals.
Kek. I forgot all about those.
Rollo's rational male blog had a great post about women entering men's spaces and how they corrupt it and often make everything about the Journey of discovery rather than the thing itself. They also make the primary goal of once male spaces the acceptance of the needs of the new women. Clearly this is some evolved instinct.
Aren't white people going to be in more positions of power simply because of sheer numbers? Just like how more whites are on welfare in total numbers. Are we supposed to divvy up "power" (whatever that is) based on quotas or something?
by destroying the kids that became adults
what she really does is raise two natsocs. the boy will on poly in a few years
It's true. Thanks kikes for driving our impressionable stupid soft women into madness
It's assumed that whites in general can't act as representatives to PoC, because whites can never fully or accurately understand the hardships of PoC.
It's basically the Kantian "you can't know the thing-in-itself".