Christcucks BTFO

Christcucks BTFO


Lucifer is the way

it says "thou," not "we" or "i"

"thou" is a second person singular pronoun

That was before he evolved into his bro-tier Jesus form and found a better way to make people follow his commands, rather than murder people.

God gives life and can take away. Notice how the law is THOU shalt not kill. That is ordering man not to. God can take away what he gives freely, while man is forbidden to take away that which God has given.


It's His command to humans. God, being the author of life, can end life just as He starts it.

Why can't we do as God does? Is he not right about everything? Actions speak louder than words.

My Ye Oldese is a bit rusty, but last time I checked, "thou" didn't mean "I." God is different than man, and does different things than man.

>God was different in the old testament meme

>who are ananias and sapphira


I think you mean "godless heathens btfo"

Atheist nigger faggot detected

Don't you have a banana to shove up your ass?

Not really, he told man not to kill other men, because it is only gods place to give or take life.

Killing is either moral or immoral. There cannot be a different standard for God and for human beings. If God is perfect and take human lives, it follows that we can also kill in an imitation of his perfection.

Because he sees the full picture while we do not.

>hey dad, why can't i drink beer and shoot guns? i know i'm only 4 but i see you doing it all the time! hypocrite!

Quite the miracle that godchanges to fip contemporary mores isnt it

It says thou not thee. Thee can murder as he pleases.

>God, a perfect being, needs to make sure he follows the rules he gave his often wayward creation


So why did a god that has "perfect love for all humans" kill almost all of them then ?

>there are still christcucks on Sup Forums despite all the miracles Kek has brought us
I guess you really can't save people indoctrinated from birth.

you are human with a human understanding of morality. You dont get to choose what moral is, and you certainly are too insignificant to understand the nature of a divine being that created the universe.

God is creator and greater than man. He can do whatever he wants while man is his creation and has to do what he says, no matter how unjust or arbitrary we think it is.

At least I can reach my ass without the assistance of a crane and some Mexican lady with a broomstick

>there cannot be a different standard for God than for human beings

Why would this proposition be true at all?

God explicitly states in the Bible that killing is immoral. And then proceeds to mass murder human beings. He's a hypocrite, but murder is still decreed by him to be immoral.

Because atheist fedora tippers will make shit up to justify their non-believe in that which is obvious.

Because it was perfectly good and loving to wipe out such disgusting wicked filth from the earth.

Mean to reply to

Where exactly does it say killing is immoral? It only says it is forbidden and against Gods laws.

The Old Testament is Jew crap so it doesn't count.

Because his love is perfectly in balance with his justice. He is just as much a god of law and justice as love.

>atheist fedora tippers will make shit up to justify their non-believe
Just like you make shit up and use the excuse "God did it"

Christ explicitly said he was not here to replace the prophets. By doubting the OT you doubt Christ and the NT

doesn't matter what he tells humans. if god kills a man because he knows if he doesnt, thousands will die, it is a moral act, but no human would ever see that.

god sees all, you see nothing. your perspective to too limited to even understand what moral is, you just go off what god tells you to do because you assume he knows whats best for you

Actually is thou shalt not MURDER desu.
Is completely diffrent meaning.
Murder is killing of an innocent person.
This justices killing mudslides because
A) Not innocent
B) Not person.
Don't trust the Poop or the KJV shit-teir translation of Bible.

What exactly have I made up?

>There cannot be a different standard for God and for human beings.
Might makes right, you cannot be correct when criticizing the Almighty.

You are totally wrong though

>(Matthew 5:17-20)Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Perfect explain here anons. Yahweh may be badass chuck Norris best K/D but he is no hippocyrte

not a christian but wat part of that is bad?

numale christcuck posting


Careful this board is full of stormfront shills and other purveyors of asinine beliefs such as this

>Where exactly does it say killing is immoral?
In the Bible?

It's implying hypocrisy. In Abrahamic beliefs God orders thou shall not kill, kill in this sense murder, and this macro suggests that God murders people, and tell you not to do it at the same time.

The reason humans are forbidden from killing other humans is because only God has the authority to decide when a person's time to die is


Notice me senpai!!!!
I'm anti-abortion btw.

Is that not one of the 10 Commandments? Thou shall not kill?

look at my amazing analogy here:

They needed killing.
Like if you had a shitload of chickens and you said to the chickens "hey cocks, I got big plans for you, but you have to not peck at each other or sample the motor oil" and after a while you notice that a good bunch of them are drinking the oil and pecking at each other and that going to fuck up the big plan. What's more the oily peckers are slowly convincing the rest of the flock. Soon they will all be greasy peckers good for nothing. So you got cull 'Em. You gotta cull 'Em to save the flock.

It's like that.

A law doesn't have to be based on morality. Like britains vagrancy laws. Being poor wasn't immoral.

thats not saying killing is immoral, its just god telling humans not to do it. because deciding when a life ends it his job alone.

Why do christcucks consistently answer every question they face about their faith, yet never question their own faith.

> I'm anti-abortion btw.
as of today I'm assuming? I was anti-abortion before it was cool so fuck off with your newfound holy wrath

>too insignificant to understand the nature of a divine being
its your story, your imaginary friend can have whatever magic powers you want


>ends it his job alone
ends *is his job
Fuck you for forgetting about Death-sempai

because cognitive dissonance is one helluva drug

I have questioned my own faith, just like every Christian ever.

Atheist here, the Hebrew actually says thou shalt not murder. It specifically excludes violence by the (at the time theocratic) state, or retribution/punishment. His actions, while horrible, would still be logically consistent within the linguistic context. This is actually a big part of most "contradictions" in English bibles. A lot of it is issues with translation, not just through languages, but across millennia as well.

It's His sandbox. He can do with it what he pleases.


Shiite strawman. Religion is milienium of philosophy and study. Athethism is faith by your logic.

God is above hypocracy.

By this logic, any government which makes murder illegal should likewise be unable to go to war.

i dont believe in god, bro. your logic is just flawed and your argument is weak. you as a tiny meatsack simply dont have the mind to know the will of a being that operates on the scale of the universe. you dont have to be religious to understand that.

attempting to argue the morality of a deity using your tiny human frame of reference is fucking stupid.

Friendly reminder the King James Bible is the most bluepilled version of the Bible.

Thank you based atheist. I would prefer a fellow Christian but you will always be a friend to me.

YHVH being morally inadequate by his own standards isn't even old news, it's Bronze-Age; the standard Judaeo-Christian response is the typical "God sets the benchmark for good and evil, so he gets privileges" is of course a complete cop-out that violates the principal of God as a perfect being; but they won't admit this because that would constitute blasphemy.

Ignore the arguments of Christians, by and large, in the same way you do Muslims; they are bereft of wisdom or spiritual autonomy.

Acceptable atheists.

> No. By my logic such a government should be unable to allow the death penalty. If it is privately immoral to kill, it should also be publicly immoral.

He said THOU shall not kill, not I shall not kill

well stop being such wise guys and then god wont kill you for being a smartass

Fallacy fallacy. You assume because someone makes a bad arguement that there conclusion is false. For example I could use memes as an argument to prove sky is blue. But It won't turn purple just because I'm wrong.

Read the thread idiot. Think of God like a government. He sets the law, but he also has the right to break laws such as those against murder in his punishment because He is omnipotent and just.

BS. youre basically saying that a mass murderer being executed as punishment is the same as murdering an innocent. The flood was sent as punishment for mankind's degeneracy, and to cleanse the earth.

Nowhere in the bible does it say that god loves everyone. Thats a modern churchian misconception.

Leviticus 20:23
And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

This is just one of many examples in the bible of god's hate.
They had complete access to the OT in Jesus's day, aka the Septuagint. The apostles hevily referred to the OT in the NT. It wouldn't make sense if the two contradicted. Also, there is plenty of examples of Gods wrath in the NT.

Prove Sup Forums posts have any effect on world events. Correlation is not causation.

The Bible says not to MURDER, ie unjust killing. Death is often a punishment for crime in the bible.

Ad homenim.

Oh yes there can. Mankind is God's creation, he has full rights to do whatever he wants with it.

Indeed, Kek, and Pepe is his prophet, is our true lord and savior


>killed 99.99999999999% of population
>THEN says thou shalt not kill
What's the problem faggot?

Justice only among equals.
God can kill whom ever He wants.

The Lord Giveth,
The Lord Taketh Away...

>lowercase G
Jk actually not an offence in the bible it's just granitically incorrect as God is a name like Peter,John, etc and in English we capatlize names.

Since everyone else has addressed the question of 'thou shalt not kill', lets talk about the wiping out of 99% of the 'human' population.

The whole reason for that is because humanity was being corrupted in its bloodline by filthy demons. The fallen angels sought to reconnect to god through his creation, man, and began mating with human women. This created hybrids known as the nephilim, bastard abominations that God was utterly disgusted by. And not only that, but while the human population was being corrupted, it simultaneously participated in vapid degeneracy, materialism and vice.

So it was absolutely necessary. God had to clean house, because it is better to cut off your right arm when it is infested with disease than to allow it to spread in the hopes that it will simply go away.

It's actually "Thou shalt not murder." does that help, OP?

Oh. So what you're saying is that some types of killing can be morally justified for the government, but that does not extend the same privilege or right to the citizens.

Substitue "god" for "government" int he above sentence and "followers" for "citizens."

God is not beholden to the same laws as, you ignorant piece of shit.

more agnostic than anything else. religion is great and has many great lessons. people should stop trying to tear down logical details and just try to use this wealth of human wisdom to better themselves.

religion is good for everyone, even if you dont practice it.


No but seriously, I feel like there's no real reason to not believe in God, commies hate the church, anti-human monsters like Soros and the Rothschilds hate the idea of God, and not to mention the creation of the worlds' best and beautiful culture (IMO,) it's just some big plusses to me.

>God can kill whom ever He wants.
Then he is not "perfect"


Stopped reading right there. You can't fool me kike.

>sin lots
>be constantly told to your forgiven of a sin
>keep sinning anyway
>get punished for being a fool and a cuck and being self-pleasing
Herrr derr derrr y God so maen???

according to whom? you?

How long will it take for the butthurt to subside atheists? I have never seen a group so completely btfo

does not follow, the reasoning supporting His "want" could still be perfect

Are you trying to say I can question your god? Because let me tell you nobody's perfect not even a god.

The issue is that abrahamics are operating on a different schema of deciding right from wrong than seculars.

The schema of the atheist is ethical; born out of concern for the consequences of their actions upon the material world; but that of the theist is dictated from on high; taken as received and unmediated upon; this is one of the reasons that religious organizations have been slower to adapt to changes in the popular ethics of the era; after a time church reforms ensue.

Dictatorial morality is frankly, daft, impotent against changing public sentiment, and untenable as a static position; like a castle built on chalk; the earth is likely to move from under you.

Also Christianity is pro-science. Atheistisim is illogical. You can't say Atheistisim is pro-science because your basically arguing that Atheistisim is real therefore it is real which is circular reasoning which is a logical fallacy.

so youre just arbitrary saying god isnt perfect because he isnt perfect. great argument.

No I'm saying nothing can be perfect. Not an argument, it's a fact.