already makes you appraise
Already makes you appraise
really activates your neurons
>if you kill the baby
>the rapist wins
He literally does assuming he'd have to pay child support.
Committing murder of an unborn child seems like a shitty way to cope with rape. Maybe next time someone steals my bike i'd be justified in shooting you in the kneecap, you know, to make me feel better.
360 abortion noscope
It means you are a sinner too.
You're a fucking idiot. Go away.
>really activates your neurons
really causes synapses in your nervous system
Abortion should be the default. The world needs to be depopulated
great Sup Forums is gonna be spouting abortion memes till the next happening.
Don't think so reddit faggot. This is Sup Forums, not your libshit hugbox. Welcome to pound town, where child murdering faggots like you get triggered
As if you even have to worry about knocking someone up, omega.
>He literally does assuming he'd have to pay child support.
>having money to pay child support
>white rapist
>not being sent to jail for over 9000 years and labeled as a sex offender
>unable to make money to pay child support because he's in jail or unable to get decent work while labeled as a sex offender
I sure think it would be awesome to have your life ruined every single day by looking at the spawn of evil that you get to pay for.
I don't understand this point of view. Kids suck even if you wanted them sometimes they suck.
Imagine raising a rape child. Fuck no.
My 16 year old gf 20 years ago got an abortion. Still thankful to this day.
Looking forward to your banning leafs.
North Korea bby come get em
I don't give a damn. If I'm raped find out I'm pregnant, that little fucker is getting pulled out faster than arib oil.
It has no consciousness, no personality, no purpose. Other than be a constant reminder of their "father" did to me.
Worshipping Jew shekels above leaving a child behind on planet Earth. You will select yourselves out.
>leaving a child behind on planet Earth
Anyone that willingly brings a child into this world is a fool.
Shalom, nigger. Killing an unborn half-nigger rape baby is not murder because you melanin-enriched folk are subhuman. It's just pest control.
Nice ad hominem,
Actually in cases of rape abortion should be available and the rapist should be charged with the rape and then also the manslaughter of the child.
lel this is true. abortion actually helps with """"diversity""""
*tips fedora*
Back to plebbit, faggot.
Can't believe Sup Forums has been invaded with so many babykillers, atheists and libshits. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised when you all worship a RINO tranny-loving liberal like Trump. For all the nonbelievers and babykillers out there, your time will come. Hell awaits.
do i wanna even know what that pic is?
>implying rapists pay child support
What is even the message of this advertisement?
Oh, in that case, I'll send it to you. you can raise it since you want it to live so badly.
I'm not a believer but yeah fuck these baby killing faggots