wow makes you wonder
Wow makes you wonder
There is literally nothing wrong with abortion.
So long as blacks get abortions in record numbers - I support abortion
We have no replacement birth rate, you stupid british ass.
That means our civilization is dying.
there's literally nothing wrong with murder either
so you get raped by a nigger you must give birth to it as a white woman... k
So forcing young white teens to keep their unwanted children is going to be somehow good for society? There are better ways to tackle a declining white population than that.
Yeah, yanks are being replaced by spics and apes.
take your pill
I'm not trying to be edgy or anything, but they do and that is literally the only reason I'm not pro-life.
>muh whites aren't having abortions meme
unless you're catholic, mormon or muslim you're getting a babby killed
I heard nigger babies are the most pleasurable to give birth to because they stretch your cunt to its absolute limits as they come out.
Clearly there isn't, as no one has found one yet.
Nazi Germany made sure to orgazine youth camps where young men and women could have a one night stand to repopulate Germany.
Banning abortion for white pople is the only way for our race to survive past 2050
>not trying to be edgy but kill nigger babies
Whoa, don't cut yourself on that edge.
>Two things that satanist love.
>Muslims and abortion.
>Legal human sacrifice
Abortion is the only thing Sup Forums has not changed my mind on. I don't see a difference between jacking off and abortion. This late term abortion emotion grab isn't enough too convince me it's wrong
>killing another human being for simply existing because of your poor decisions
Kek baby killers. Legal abortion encourages poor judgment and bad decisions. But hey your body.
Sperm is genetic material with the dna of the father. A fertilized embryo has it own unique dna and biologically speaking is the earliest stage of human life. Any other point designated as the begining of a human life is arbitrary and based on feelings instead of science.
I'm coming for you brent
I'd love to meet some cuck like that on the street and give him some edgy answer like
idgi... why would Sup Forums not be able to have one-night stands without risking to be a father at age 18 ?
..not want to be able to..*
Define human being.
gee I wonder why it is that Sup Forums doesn't care for one night stands
>Nothing wrong with killing a human being so long as they're an inconvenience.
seriously though.. me and my girlfriend does not want a kid at this age, we are instead planning to raise a few kids in a few years but we still want to be able to focus on both career AND having a good sexlife.
Even though she uses birth control pills there's always a small risk of becoming pregnant and that kid would not grow up in a good environment when me and my girlfriend are only 20 years old. So then an abortion would be the best solution in case she would get pregnant already.
I really do not understand the problem with this?
Skip the "you're a murderer" meme
An organism with its own unique dna which begins at conception. The word conception literally means the beginning. Any other definition for the beginning of human life is based on muh feelings.
Gay. My hamster wheel didn't even make a quarter revolution.
you're strawmanning quite a bit but, what gives that human being the right to just live in the mothers womb for 9 months without paying rent - then grow up for 18 years, probably not paying rent. Non-adults are cancer and killing them is morally justified.
A fetus's life in unimportant and it's quality of life would be shit if it was born into a family which didn't want it.
That's what I hate about leftists and baby killers, they always argue semantics. The purpose of sex is to procreate, when you have sex and the girl gets pregnant, congrats that's a human.
Legal Abortion is Anti-white
Catholic Spics won't abort
Nigger are niggers and eventually just kill themselves
Who do you think sheepishly follows the law?
so we should kill neets too?
Your hand is human, does someone commit a crime if they trim your nails, or cut your hair?
>Skip the "you're a murderer" meme
If you take away the "killing a small human" part of abortion, you're not left with anything else.
You make a strange argument though. You are worried that a child might not "grow up in a good environment", but you are not worried about tearing a child limb from limb.
You're a Euro, so think of it from a liberal perspective; Gays want kids, gays can't under normal conditions conceive, unwanted kids in surplus will fill the need for kids in the gay community.
Literally anarchy the argument. You had sex and got pregnant, live with your stupid decisions.
You're getting replaced by Pakis.
Nice argument relying on semantics, you are either 12 or a woman.
In a perfect world abortion would be outlawed for whites but we could keep legally killing the niglets
it's literally not a child when it still isn't born...
better not growing up at all than growing up in a bad environment? how is that a strange argument?
seriously? it's quite simple, many Sup Forumslacks hate on all kinds of progressive ideas and women's rights out of sheer spite because they're antisocial autists that can't get laid. And I mean, yeah there's some things that can't be better described than
like those fucking gay pride parade. I mean it's ok if you're a fag, it's not your fault, but those parades are simply sick and repulsive. But many Sup Forumslacks will unironically hate on basic progressive ideas like women's rights or in this case abortion, because they're butthurt that they can't get girls, and they project that anger onto their strawman, which is
and which allows them to justify their own situation by making it the fault of other factors, in this case that plethora of progressive ideas.
I find this to be especially true for burgers, from my own experience I've learned american society is often more intolerant of non-"normies" than european societies, so the type of people who frequent 4chin are more ostracized in burgerland than in europe, while many europeans on Sup Forums still have basic social and romantic/sexual lives.
The great irony about this is that this is exactly what happens with sandniggers, a few men will get all the women, and all other are horny af, so they get butthurt and project that anger at
>degenerate western society
There's really nothing more to it than being horny. I feel for those horny burgers, tho.
Is this a serious post? If you abort something you wipe it out in its entirety, dumbo.
What's wrong with anarchy? I posit that no morality exists beyond what other humans can mutually agree to - since we can't agree on abortion there's nothing morally restricting me from aborting a fetus.
Hair grows back, so do babies. Why don't you provide an argument? That's right, you can't.
Wasn't that the original plan by based Margaret Sanger? Kill the nogs, they're weeds in our white garden.
That's a fucking stupid argument. Which one was conceived in rape? The one the mother said she was raped! I'm as misogynist as they come and I still think it's wrong for a woman to carry a child to term if she was raped.
It's wrong for her and the kid, kid's need two loving parents and if you're not going to give that to the kid, the kid is better off dead.
>Not observing NAP
kys, poser
>I posit that no morality exists beyond what other humans can mutually agree to
"Why"? There is no objective reason for this, it's entirely down to feelings.
NAP relies on UPB which only exists in a logic loop. There is no objective moral arguement for the NAP.
Mandatory abortion for all non-whites
No abortion for whites
>no morality exists beyond what other humans can mutually agree to
>humans can mutually agree to
that's basically democracy. direct democracy is synonymous with anarchism, which in turn isn't but the political manifestation of anarchy.
I'm talking full-on Hobbes faggot. We only acknowledge the value of "society" as being intrinsic because we were all born into one. Just a few thousand years ago you'd have no guarantee any stranger in the woods or rival tribe wouldn't just kill you on sight.
Abortion should only be allowed whenever the woman having one is a rape victim. A mother should not have to raise a child that was forced upon her. She will have one naturally with the partner she gets down the road. I can't even imagine how sick I'd get everyday knowing the child walking around my house was the seed of a criminal, coward sexual degenerate. I'd have no love for the child.
also what did he mean by this? is brent lsd Jesus's name?
I argued that since sex is for the purpose of procreation, a fetus produced from sex is a human being. You argued that since my hand is human, trimming my fingernails is the same as killing a fetus. That seems like false equivalency so I assume you're a troll cause no one can be this retarded.
Fetus's grow back. Your argument is invalid.
why should any of you give a fuck.
oh shut the fuck up
if you were a woman, and were impregnated due to a rape, you wouldnt take on the burden of a fucking kid.
Call me heartless if you want. murderer even. I would abort 1000x over rather than someone tell me how to use my body. i literally dont give a fuck if it means I keep you from telling me how to live my fucking life.
Why do Americans insist on misusing the term "liberal"?
Because progressives
abortion keeps your nigger population low
Tbh the Fisher Princess basically raped Lancelot and Galahad was the greatest Knight who ever lived. Would you have aborted Galahad?
You can tell the difference between rape baby and normal one, the rape babys will be half-breed.
Yeah pretty much and guess what? Minorities are 90% of abortion recipiants.
Earth is overpopulated Nigel, don't like it come back when we're spacefairing and I got your back, but until then you gotta do what you gotta do.
Here it's white girls who murder their own children while Pakis have 5 kids each
You type like a woman... would you have my child if I raped you? What if I was your husband? Would you kill a child solely because rape was involved?
>would you have my child if I raped you? What if I was your husband? Would you kill a child solely because rape was involved?
Deal with it. You have your unnecessary Us in words and we have "liberals" who forgot that they are fascists.
abortion will never end and everywhere abortion is illegal the people there are thoughtless instinctual animal slaves.
Yeah after having sex again in which a new human is formed caused you killed the other one.
Someone should have told your mother.
abortion should be free
There's too many stupid people on this earth!
Abortion is a necessary evil to keep the population of undesirables in check.
Abortion did nothing wrong
I'm surprised it took so many replies before someone said that desu.
Progressives love abortion, until I suggest a non-profit "Abortionists without Borders" program then it's all muh genocide muh racism.
Yes because obviously the offspring would be retarded; as its "father" referred to a collection of replicating data with no real consciousness a child.
>get birth control immediately after rape
>wait 5 months after that then get abortion
there's a difference duh
No one wants to be an unloved kid.
Then explain the lack of replacement birth rate for desirables like "whites" and muh honorary aryan Japs?
What difference does it make?
Why the fuck are these dumb anti/pro abortion threads up all of a sudden.
Abortion legally kills nigger babies before they're even born. It's the most redpilled thing I can imagine.
Aborting while it's a clump of cells is understandable, waiting until it's human like in appearance and ripping it's limbs off is just degenerate.
Abortion is good since it kills niglets dead.
It only keeps the undesirables in check if having kids isn't subsidized.
I've seen people who have had an abortion because they knew they weren't financially or emotionally ready to have that child, while at the same time some WE WUZ KANGS sheboon named Laqueeshondra has another niglet and that ADDS to her monthly benefits.
When the country stops subsidizing irresponsible behavior, then the undesirables will start aborting.
Quality over quantity
Why are whites the apex? Look at the strong family values we have in western society, and look at Africa, Pakistan, India, etc. Where they treat their children like commodities and pump them out like a factory.
Yeah true, I still disagree that either should be illegal. People are still gonna get abortions if they're illegal, may as well make it safer by legalising it.
Trump is going to give tax breaks to parents for child care expenses. Fucking enablers.
Oh man that artillery Luger....Is that what your granddaddy surrendered to?
This uh, is correct.
There are actually a lot of surgeons who won't do an abortion to a patient if they're over 12 / 14 weeks pregnant exactly for the reason they don't want the moral dilemma of "Breaking apart products of conception".
So, if your daughter had been raped and impregnated by a nig nog, you would be happy to welcome the niglet to your family.
Same with your wife.
You would take care of the kid of a nig who raped your wife.