Taxation is theft. Prove me wrong
Pro tip; you can't
Taxation is theft. Prove me wrong
Its not theft since its legally done
The Fed and banks can legally write hot checks
According to Republican intellectuals on rape, inaction is consent. So if you're not actively rebelling against the government, you're voluntarily giving it up.
Theft is a social term, not a universal term - what can qualify as property and what constitutes as a legal versus illegal exchange of property are terms that different societies define differently. Similarly, taxation is defined socially, not objectively. Therefore, while a society can choose to define the terms of taxation and theft so that they can overlap, they can also choose to define the terms that they do not overlap, or where there is a gap between them, such as in US soxiety, where a government can take your property, beyond the realm of just and proper taxation (eminent domain, criminal evidence, etc), without it being considered theft.
abortion is child sacrifice
It's not so much theft as someone forcing you to buy something. That's not really theft.
There's no way to opt out of receiving benefits of the use of tax dollars (roads, defense, firefighters, science spending, etc.). When you pay taxes, you're paying for these things even though you don't have a choice.
In theft, you wouldn't get anything in return.
It is more like a mafia forcing someone to pay for protection. Theft just isn't the right word.
>Prove me wrong
>Pro tip; you can't
Kiddies can't into semicolon.
money is just paper, bro
no.. because we vote
Taxation is theft through force and coercion under the presumption of receiving benefits you don't want or never receive
I wasn't aware I voted for every government policy enacted since 1783... Huh... Guess I really am a founding father.
Mate I know you're Tasmanian but come on you're embarrassing the rest of us.....
The word is extortion, extortion is theft
You have to pay a small percentage of your income in order to support the country you live in so they can continue to protect you and provide you the rights you currently have - Including the right to say stupid commie bullshit like "taxes are theft I want to be a greedy jew and keep all my money"
Only progressive tax
Taxes are theft is the exact opposite of commie.
we went to war for independence over a 3% tax on tea
we pay 35% of our income, and for what? To give poor people and old people that couldn't prepare for retirement because they also had their money taken? Yeah, great small percentage. Only 480 billion goes to defense, most of it goes to SS, Medicare, and welfare bullshit.
Government prints the money you use. As payment for the service they provide in sustaining the health of the currency, the charge you a fee. That fee is taxation.
Because you consented to be taxed, it cannot be theft. It was a voluntary transaction arranged in advance with the political community.
off topic
can i still see the post?
Flawless logic, if you participate in mental gymnastics.
They don't sustain the health of our currency, it has lost 98% of value over the last 100 years.
I did not consent, I was not alive when the 16th amendment was made.
The tax on tea was a sales tax too. They went to war over a sales tax increase of 3% because they were mad at great Britton for making them fund brittish agression.
We get our hard earned money taken from us and don't even bat an way at all the bullshit they pull
Deficit spending of any sort is taxation without representation, it is taxing the next generation before they are even born. It makes perfect sense.
I volunteerily surrender my money.
if someone steals your money and uses it to buy you a present, are they still in the wrong?
> stupid commie bullshit like "taxes are theft I want to be a greedy jew and keep all my money"
Wtf did I just read...
>implying I tell the IRS about my collection of Rare Pepes
those babies are off the grid, safely secured on overseas servers
>Prove me wrong
If it was left up to everyone then no one would pay any fucking taxes and then you wouldn't have a country
I'd pay property tax and sales tax happily if I knew that it went to firemen, police, and military. But it doesn't. Most of it goes to social idiocy.
You consent by participating in this political community willingly, and you consent in virtue of the gratitude you owe it. You're not entitled to stateless space, you free loader. No one owes you anything, so pull your weight or be cast out.
I see it as renting out the land from society.
Pro tip: you are right
How do you know it doesn't go to the firemen police and military
>be cast out
Gratitude to what? The post 16th amendment years of America are the worst, even up to today. And don't call my a free loader, I pay my fucking taxes, I just don't like it. Also, you don't pull your weight or get cast out, you can just as easily sign up for welfare or go to prison. There is no third option in the US. (I said in the US so don't say move, again, I like it here, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be better.)
> Implying no one would have to pay for anything in a society without taxation
...and who decides consent, you do? With your arbitrary actions and notions of "pulling your weight".
>taxation is theft
>state lottery is essentially voluntary tax
This is why your anarcho-utopia will never work. People WANT to get robbed
I wouldn't have a problem paying it if they didn't do so much wealth redistribution with it. Giving billions away to foreign countries kek what the fuck is wrong with governments
How is that even a question?
The people are the State in a democracy. It's only theft without representation.
B-but muh social contract!
pic related
You make it sound like it is just a small bite out of your income but even if it is 20 percent flat than that still means that the government takes takes your property and decides which parts of it you can keep. It doesn't matter if it 5 percent taxes or 95 - the government lays claim to 100 percent of your property and decides which parts you can keep for yourself.
the property is naturally held in commons, Land isn't a personal right. you are just stealing from the people if you don't pay taxes on your land. Most of the shit between 1905 and 1920 was presents wanting land redistribution.
>B-but muh social contract!
If you have a better system that doesn't end in tyranny and peonage, I'm all ears
>mah enlighted monarchy
See, I can do that too.
Do you equate coercion with consent?
not having a government is retarded libertarianism
Goverment is paid for by taxes.
f you have betterr way to fund government, I'm all ears.
The best you can do is get representation and limit the power of the super rich to become the power behind the throne so to speak.
Deal in realities buckaroo
>deal in realities buckaroo
Says the guy whose entire worldview is based on a fantasy...
you lost. Go home son.