Trump gets Ohio and Florida :)
Color Ohio and Florida red ;)
Can you post the picture where cnn corrects their own record
we're actually gonna win
They oversampled republicucks in FL.
>3rd party voters are drawing votes off of Clinton
First Past The Post, retards. You can't vote for anybody that isn't a primary contender, 3rd parties can't be introduced into this system.
top fucking kek
The Jewishness of this never ceases to amaze me.
>((Using 2012 electorate))
fuck that's great.
absolutely, unbelievably pathetic.
>Clinton has been up in the polls since day one
>"T-t-there's still a chance, trust me!"
>Trump is up on one single poll
>"We're gonna win!"
The mental acrobatics it must take to convince yourselves...
(((they))) just dont stop do they?
>the polls are skewed in favor of the Right Wing.
Thank you for correcting the record.
>Clinton is literally dead
>Out body double is going to win!
The irony.
>not realizing the polls are showing major trump gainz in
muh mental gymnastics even though trump is picking up momentum xDDD
>Hillary was leading at the beginning
>polls dont change at all
Ok, these arent real polls at all. The real polls have trump way higher. What they are, are incitement polls. They are designed for the viewers of the media item to get a sense of urgency to get out the vote. If you believe for a second the polls are actually that close, think about how many hillary bumper stickers and yard signs you see vs trump.
Florida here
It was a tough fight, but well worth the victory
NC here, we are also DAMN DARK RED.
Right now this looks like the likely outcome.
Trump just needs to flip one of the following states: Maine, Colorado, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania or Virginia and he's golden.
>Implying black new yorkers know how to vote
Answering an online poll is different
Good point
Why isn't he winning NY btw??
Meme soldiers and pepe's coming...
Hillary is dead in Ohio.
I have seen zero Hillary signs or bumper stickers.
Old Virginny looks the promising at this point.
Wisconsin might surprise us though.
He's +2 in Colorado.
I actually predict some big surprise upsets.
Like Maryland recently voted in a Republican governor. Solid blue state, dominated by Democrats for years, but they voted a red governor in.
Problem is Democrats simply aren't going out to vote anymore. I honestly think Obama broke their willpower. He was oversold and didn't accomplish much. Certainly black lives are worse today than they were when Obama got into office.
These black voters are not going to go out now to vote in the old white lady. They won't vote Trump; they just won't vote.
Polls don't show how likely people are to actually get out of the house and down to the polls.
New York City is full of libdems and shitskins. New York is one of the deepest blue states in the US there is along with Vermont, Massachussets, Rhode Island. It will take a long while before any Republican has a chance there ever again.
Obama won it with 63% in 2012, 28 points more than Romney. Hell Hillary alone got more votes in the 2016 primaries than all the other Republicans combined, including Trump.
It would be a miracle for Trump to flip it. If there's one man that can do it, it's him, but it's very unlikely.
It's called Jew York for a reason.
How come Maryland,Illinois,Mass ,NJ,Maine, and other blue state have Republican governors, but vote Dem in presidential elections? It it because non whites usually only vote during presidential elections?
Democrats went out and voted heavily....for Bernie...then they got fucked over by a corrupt DNC. What's in it for them to help the DNC put their stooge in power?
No matter, can't stump the trump.