why is it american's job to worry about GLOBAL issues like GLOBAL warming? shouldn't other countries be putting their dicks into the pot?
Why is it american's job to worry about GLOBAL issues like GLOBAL warming...
>increase military spending
It literally says on his website he will pay for one third of his new spending by cutting military and non-discretionary spending.
Huh. He's now only shit on 10/17 issues.
Compared to Johnson on 8/17 issues.
And Shillary on 8/17 issues plus the big issue of being a threat to global safety.
Does Gary realize that giving felons the right to vote would effectively destroy the already slim chance of lolbertarians gaining power? What a fucking cuck.
Also, since when is big government importing millions of rapefugees a "libertarian value"?
Background checks man.
You should offer people in need a helping hand.
Still not libertarian, but not a bad idea.
I'm actually with him on that one.
Also everyone should have the right to vote. Maybe.
Why even bother putting Aleppo Man on there?
I'm sorry, what man? What made up term are you throwing around now?
He's essentially open borders. You would let refugees in and let the free market something something something
I agree with felons voting and being able to own arms on the grounds that they shouldn't be part of society if they can't be trusted.
>You should offer people in need a helping hand.
This is outside the role of government. The government exists solely for the benefit of the governed.
Nigger is say he's only shit on 3
>tax weed
>rebuild NASA for Space Travel
Congress limit I'm not sure how to handle myself
This is exactly why even if global warming was a real problem it isn't an issue for westerners, the vast majority of pollution comes from china/india.
your opinion is irrelevant you stupid fucking hun
Isn't Trump for states to decide for legalization?
>Increase Gun Control (No)
>legalize with tax
johnson is such a joke
>Isn't Trump for states to decide for legalization?
That's what I thought, pretty sure OP pic is wrong, same with pro-life, he was always pro-choice until he has as a republican. He has to pretend to be a christfag or there was no way he would have ever been the nominee, and he has had a hard enough time getting the nomination even while pretending to be one.
And let in those fucking rapefugees? Fat chance mang
That list is garbage.
Trump is pro-letting States Decide on Marijuana.
Johnson not pro-Gun Control, lololo ok.
Trump isn't inherently against Syrian refugees, just "after BG checks". You know. Extreme vetting?
Trump has not said he's against any federal healthcare, outright BS.
Trump is against Space Travel Budget? Outright bullshit. He openly said he wants to see NASA empowered.
What a garbage, garbage chart.
>Huh. He's now only shit on 10/17 issues.
>Compared to Johnson on 8/17 issues.
yeah because these 17 issues are obviously completely fair and balanced
>Trump against government space travel budget.
Honestly more effective in getting me to question my vote than any shill thusfar.
Trump not only wins for me on more issues, but ones i care about more.
really not a hard choice for me, even if Clinton wasnt a lying bitch.
Haha many countries cant even feed people. America gives food and throws much away. So ya global warming is of little concern. If anything its caused by over population. Funny how Tesla vehicle's have air filtration. Perfect for China!
Probably right on the role of the government.
But it would put the US in a good light globally.
And good foreign relations are important if your economy is import export based.
To be honest though i don't see why this is even an issue. They could completely legally turn away all refugees because america is not adjacent to syria last i checked.
Well i say the opinions should be
Gay Marriage: Irrelevant as long as not against
Abortion: LIFE
Gun Control: MORE
Increase borders: YES (so border patrol won't have to shoot people)
Accept Syria Refugees: Only with background checks or possibly NOT at all.
Common Core: NO and redesign Education.
Require Vaccinations: YES you fucking uneducated antivaxxer cunts.
Healthcare: YES Universal, but NOT Obabo care
Drug Test Welfare: YES
Require Welfare Work: NO
Felon Right to Vote: YES
Global warming regulations: YES
GMO Label: YES
Space Travel: YES, increase funding massively. (the last thing america shined in and which peacefully supported industry)
Military Budget: CUT just enough for space budget increase.
Congress Term Limit: YES
I think you don't quite get what BACKGROUND CHECK means.
You check whether they are rapefugees, terrorists or legit refugees.
Well Trump has said this and that on space.
But if things are the way you say, he is actually at 7 and thus actually the best candidate not just because the other option would be letting hillary win.
Watch what you're saying or i might become the next Soros György just to spite you.
who made up this fucking chart?
that isn't trump's position on marijuana
that isn't trump's position on abortion
that isn't trump's position on syrian refugees
that isn't trump's position on healthcare
that isn't trump's position on the military budget
why do trump supporters have to make up fake positions for trump to make him seem like a less shitty candidate? why can't they quote him and his actual positions?
>Johnson not pro-Gun Control
He is.
His VP is a nogunz retard who actually said removing the firing pin makes a gun fully auto. Look it up.
(((global warming)))
Trumps VP is pro TPP so that makes Trump pro TPP now i guess.
>Gun control: MORE
dropped, shall not be infringed buddy
Gary johnson switched stances and now supports government mandated vaccinations. His VP is probably gun control. He's pro immigrants and thinks visas should be easy to get and amnesty should be granted to illegals and lost his mind in an interview recently at how "offensive" the term illegal immigrant is. He said that bakers cannot refuse to make a wedding cake for gay couples. He's for the TPP. Thinks NAFTA was a good deal. Etc...
Gary Johnson is a shill cunt, and I have no idea why he or anyone else consider him a libertarian.
What about ALEPPO problems like ALEPPO warming?
>legalizing marijuana or gay marriage
>just as important as space travel or the military's budget
It's kinda pathetic how much you stick to your guns.
Like a small child refusing to give up a plushie that grants him comfort even though strictly rationally speaking it rarely ever does.
Though i do realize that things would have to change somewhat before something like this could happen, because of the large amount of illegal firearms in circulation.
What's your point here?
Who said that?
One of the candidates?