HuffPo on Trump

>sexist towards women
>sexist towards men
>even profoundly against children

I found this because my girlfriend saw it on her iPhone

Do people consider this to be news you think?

I'm starting to worry that when people quote the
>6% of people trust the media

A large part of that 94% don't trust the media because they're TOO cucked and bluepilled

>every time you post in this thread a leaf dies

Apparently this huff post reader thinks that Ivanka Trump was programmed by Vladimir Putin's forces?

To make this maternity leave plan?

>Trump shouldn't even be allowed to run a McDonalds

butthurt liberals. After years of calling everything they don't like racist sexist and "literally hitler" it's become numb

Fuck dude, these people are irretrievable. They must be purged. No other way. They're beyond saving. Must be cleansed.

Fuck leafs

All this shit talking based of random assumptions they make about the Trumps?

Women shouldnt be allowed to vote.

Bumping for leaf genocide

its literally based off bill clintons plan so lets see liberals process that

Is there any hope for them? I don't think so..

HuffPo is propaganda and a cult trying to destroy whites entirely. They are an enemy to life and liberty.


200,000 years of women kept out of the decision making process.

This is the result of one of two possibilities.
a) women are bad at it and are kept out for a reason.

what do you think?

How did they get to be the news on Apple phones?

How is there so many cat ladies that read it?

Literally what were our forefathers thinking? They just decided to halve their voting power?


Its the most mind boggling thing.

I have never been able to figure it out, because even after the 1920's men treated women quite disrespectfully.

I dont know how the radical idea of letting vapid, fickle women vote ever gained traction.

I mean, after the coming race war and establishment of an ethno state, we have to make sure women are NOT voting

If they only knew what they have done. But they never will.

They'll never even realize.

They're animals


They are just women.

Dont be mad at them for being what they are. They were never meant to wield this power

>s..s...sexism guys
>men can have babies t..too
>otherwise is sexism and transphobia

>you get to have a beer with mel gibson
>you get a bj from prime winona
Pick one

>white supremacy = childs innocence
>white supremacy is innocent
nothing incorrect here

Why not both at the same time?

Behead those that insult Ivanka
Gas those that insult Melania

Posting for dead leaf.

(((Emily peck)))
Big hook jew nose.
Jew confirmed.

>Let’s repeat that: Trump’s solution for struggling American families leaves out men.







These might be hillbots

Or do huff readers actually support Clinton?

I don't understand

They even said trump supporters were brain washed..

>even after the 1920's men treated women quite disrespectfully.
This is not true at all. A good woman who was married to a good man had all the respect as a mother and wife.


Thats not what I mean, I mean even after 1920 women weren't taken seriously as decision makers politically or in business.

It makes me wonder why the push for suffrage was ever given much attention.

International bankers love war for two primary reasons: it generates money and removes all the strong male figures (leaving single mothers and easily mold-able beta males). After WWI, the white feather movement (on which modern feminism was founded) was created to shame men into joining the war efforts.

This was one of the first times women collectively exercised a newfound socially acceptable power of publicly shaming men, the basis of social justice even today. Women now had a formidable voice, and second wave feminism (pushed by the (((media/press)))) capitalized on this and the fact that the remaining population of men have become liberal thanks to the media/lack of a strong father figure - the proto nu-males.

Liberals confirmed to only be interested in "sounding intelligent"

doesn't Chelsea Clinton control the huffinton post?

>impartial news

>implying millennials can tell the difference, they don't think that 'well this means that the online (and non mainstream) news wants me to vote democrat, better vote democrat



>It makes me wonder why the push for suffrage was ever given much attention
>yes goy, reduce your power to give more power to the one group of people who can't judge or make rational desicions

Face it. Women are just easily manipulated and more compatible in modern consumerist society

What was the catastrophe?

maybe im not explaining this:

Why would your average guy who never ever took women seriously in the realm of politics and had no historical basis too suddenly fall for the propaganda that women should vote.

Obviously men were manipulatable enough to be jewed into voting to give women the right to vote

Beer with Mel. No fucking contest.

>emily peck
Sure could peck something with that fucking nose


A major change usually takes 3 generations to be complete.

Because men would do anything to get pussy. EVen if it means to put it on a pedestral

>concern about "sounding" intelligent

holy fuck they're such vapid retards they don't even realize when they lampoon themselves

>I mean even after 1920 women weren't taken seriously as decision makers politically or in business.

As they shouldn't be.

In fact, I think once the artificial wombs hit off we should just stop producing them. A final solution to the female question.

No it wouldn't. Another group will just take their place and thinks would repeat themselves (again)


if women were the only group with the right to vote, would they have voted to give men the right to vote?

There's no other group that needs to be pandered to that even compares to women.

What of the group that controls the artificial womb market?

>yfw the jew will still cockblock you

>I think once the artificial wombs hit off we should just stop producing them
Yeah, women shouldn't be made any more but girls should be kept around for fun.

>Identify hole in your policy platform
>It's an issue that many women have been concerned about for years now in America
>Take steps to address their concerns and show that you really are trying to meet in the middle
>Despite the lack of support from the GOP establishment you present your plan to drastically improve America's current laws regarding maternity leave
>Somehow get attacked and accused of being a sexist by journalists

It's getting to the point that I'm having violent physical reactions to the sheer amount of asinine stupidity the left pumps out these days. My blood pressure increases, I'm filled with a seething rage, and all I want to do is see these idiots destroyed. I can't take much more of this.

The thought experiment, which inevitably ends with the truism that men have a sense of justice whereas women do not, is still moot by dint of the fact that so long as women remained constituted as they presently are (and aren't, say, klingon amazon babes or similar), and men are constituted as they presently are, then in such an inverted situation it would still happen that some men would wrest political power from the women who in the absurd initial state where women hold it in its entirety. Of course, beta men are always in a position to lose out, but their cooperation and in some cases later political enfranchisement would likely be necessary to put down the absurd gynocracy, man-to-woman as it were.

>good ideas from michelle

>there's a Michelle Kardashian?

really makes you think