Dear Christians

The year is 2016. Man has peered into the darkest corners of the cosmos, and observed the universe on its smallest scale. You walk around with more computing power in your pocket than was available to all of NASA in the 1970s. You live twice as long as your ancestors ever could have dreamed of, you have food in abundance and the future is brighter than ever. Humanity has achieved more in the last century than it ever has in its entire history. People are happier, freer, crime is lower, you're safer, more secure, and the entire wealth of human knowledge is available to you at your finger tips. You live in the dawn of humanity, you were born after the long dark night and you will never know the suffering that every other generation did.

And you still think the words of dehydrated desert madmen in the middle east are literal truth, you unironically believe in God, and think homosexuality is a bad thing.

You're literally a walking insult to everything humanity has ever achieved, lmao.

I'm not religious but why shit on them? Some people need their crutch and it could be a lot worse. Maybe it's better for them to have some hope rather than be like ourselves and truly realize how small and insignificant our lives are in this vast universe.

TL;DR: It's the !1!!

>realize how small and insignificant our lives are in this vast universe

I can't be the only one who finds this exhilarating and not scary or depressing.

It's like finding out that the babysitter is asleep - that the babysitter isn't even there.

Not having a cosmic nanny opens up infinite possibilities.

I used to be terrorized of the idea but now that I've accepted it I keep at as a moral boost, as in I could die at any moment so I better do my best now.

I don't care about anything happening in this thread, I just want to jump on the back of that girl in your pic and start humping away.

There is only Kek, and Canadians are His prophet.

I love her

Yeah man peered into the deepest cosmos but still hasn't ventured into the DMT realm. Man has mapped mars but still does not know his own oceans. Fucking idiots. Drink some ayahuasca and learn about the duat.

Work as a farmhand. You're great at making strawmen.

I was almost inspired until
>And you still think the words of dehydrated desert madmen in the middle east are literal truth, you unironically believe in God, and think homosexuality is a bad thing.

I wonder if kim will set off one of those warheards down there. Sleep well.

Man ain't seen shit.

Dunning-Krueger effect in full force, OP.

Society is scared of altered states of consciousness and is overly materialistic and specialized.

Tip harder faggot

That image is retarded for a multitude of reasons

>People have known the world is round since Ancient Greece, there was never really any backlash about "NUH EARTH IS FLAT" until recently with the "flat earth" retards, and I'm pretty sure most of them are just trolls
>I thought it was "climate change", not "global warming"
>Very few people actually deny that the climate changes, or that humans contribute to it. The "climate skeptics" are people who suggest that human contribution to climate change is minimal, and that it's not worth tanking our economies and livelihoods over it, since it's probably nowhere near as catastrophic as alarmists suggest - especially since every fucking model has been wrong (we were supposed to run out of arctic ice years ago)

The thirty year lifespan was due to to infant deaths, if you made it past thirty you would probably make to 60 or so. Now that is only for the west you know, nations that aren't about to be nuked by their neighbors.

>Humanity has achieved more in the last century than it ever has in its entire history.
And everything achieved is now under threat because we atheists paved the way to a new religion, a doomsday cult hiding in plain sight. It is called Feminism, a degenerate biology denying marxist cult. It's sick biology denying dogma can be heard in all modern universities;"Gender is a cultural construct!". The sick new religion controls our social policies where it tries to legislate external(male) and internal(female) procreation with equal legislation destroying the functionality of society. We are heading towards collapse of civilization in a catastrophic population structure crisis because no-fault divorce is the destruction of foundation of society.

user, why so angry?

>using literally in the wrong context

this desu

our scientific knowledge is greatly exaggerated by people like NDT who are trying to sell you somehong

They're getting smarter

yeah sure the sermon on the mount is just bullshit.

whatever you say buck-o

do you even bible?

Fucking barners.

Wtf I hate Sup Forums now.