‘I thought I might die’: Video shows woman in restraint chair being pepper-sprayed by police

Video here:

An Ohio woman is suing her local police department for using pepper spray on her while she was restrained, and the video evidence is chilling.

While being restrained in an isolation room at the Montgomery County Jail in Dayton, Ohio, 25-year-old Amber Swink was pepper-sprayed directly in the face at close range while deputies laughed.

In the video released by the law firm representing Swink, the woman is seen struggling in the harness while Sgt. Judith Sealey calmly approaches her and fires pepper spray directly into Swink’s face. The spray dripped down onto Swink’s shirt, and remnants of the blast are also seen hitting the wall behind her.

>Sup Forums will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:


>defend this

No, that is blatantly illegal.

Enjoy the lawsuit you cunts


I certainly won't. This is disgusting. Autistic cop worshipers might disagree.

Remember this is our government.

>Commit crime
>Get punished

Cry more. Those restraint chairs are common as fuck and the only way you get put in one is if your acting like a complete nigger.

Before BLM happened Sup Forums was pretty pissed off at police. There is plenty of evidence out there of police fucking up.

But the well is poisoned thanks to niggers. I do hope that cop in op's video ends up in jail himself, but we know that's not going to fucking happen.

>fuck you cops!
>more wordplay
"The cops should have hit her!"


Why was it a nigger that sprayed a white women?


>dis white beetch don shuddup
>she prolly racist
>imma get justice cuz my ancestors waz slaves n shiet

>Why was it a nigger that sprayed a white women?
So that's why I haven't heard anything about it


Far FAR gentler treatment of blacks by white cops gets international coverage. A white woman being strapped down and tortured by a bloated nigress isn't really newsworthy.

they did this to 10 men the same day and every day since, but the story only provokes sympathy when the victim has a vagina.

>putting women into positions of power results in them going mad with power and abusing other women

Wow, shocker. No one will defend this dummy.

The whole point is that the chair is made to withstand resistance, no need to show force to her since she was already restrained and posed no threat, unless the chairs were made in the fucking 40s

god damnit man

they have to stop this


I hate the term bootlicker because I like to give cops the benefit of the doubt, but you talk like you stuff a nightstick up your ass on a regular basis.

i bet u if i did that i would go to jail, but then again there cops so they just get sued

One way to deal with a corrupt police station and it's when you are terminally diagnosed with anything.


The problem is that cops have no accountability. The city will ALWAYS protect them NO MATTER WHAT.

>and the video evidence is chilling

I fucking hate these click bait tag lines in articles. It's like they think the stupid masses need the writer to tell them what emotion to feel.

She probably didn't want to piss herself and was asking to be let out. Completely unwarranted use of force, the cop should be fired.

I keep hearing rumors that there is a certain IQ limit for cops, that they don't want cops too smart???

>cop should be fried

ftfy and I couldn't agree more

I'm not going to defend that. That is horrible and unrighteous. May the wrath of God come down on them.

>how will Sup Forums defend this

Someone let a nigger become a cop.




he didn't do nuffin

Uh huh. They select from the middle of the bell curve.




All women should be treated this way, forever, all the time.

Well it's just a warning for normies who don't get a boner from this like I do.

Fuck off /r9k/

You like BDSM too?


Police themselves should be held liable for civil damages in cases like this

I feel like once you have 3 cops on you in "STOP RESISTING MODE" you're pretty much dead.

You become a human Ouija board at that point and every time you budge in one direction, the other cop beats on you more.

BLM is cancer because it slides the real problem out of view and replaces it with "racism". When in reality, the problem lies in uneducated cops with no accountability.

They'll simply excuse the black cop abusing the white women by claiming the white woman was using racial slurs.
Get used to this kinda shit. It's payback time for blackies everywhere for the years of oppression under whiteys thumb.

This. Right. Fucking. Here.
Blm has made me defend more cops than I ever have in my life because they keep going after the fucking innocent ones. This cunt that's spraying chemicals into the face of a strapped down citizen of the United States needs to be dragged into the street to be shot.

Is it a fucking nigger or what? I only care if they did this shit to a White woman. If it was a nigger then she deserved it.

Black lives don't matter.

Can't be arrested for a crime.
Can't be sued out of business.

This is why law enforcement was a mistake.
You know why Wackenhut doesn't have these problems?

I see your point but hopefully because a vagina is involved, people will actually listen for once and it might have a tiny chance of being a small step in fighting police brutality. If this does occur regularly to more men, it's shit that its come to this, but at least cunts might actually listen now?

I don't know why I'm bothering, they wont care in 20 minutes anyway. We're all fucked.

It was some nigger cop doing it to a white woman.

Look, if you don't give a shit when police do this to the nignogs you don't get to complain when they start doing it to the white dindus too.

Sup Forums, (You) are tomorrow's nigger.

Those cops should be publicly executed. Same goes for any other case where a law enforcement officer has abused their power and there is undeniable evidence to prove it.

Dumb nigger ought to be hanged just like the rest.

Statistically, if you want a professional police force that applies coercion properly and rejects brutality, then you want your cops white and male.

Just like athletes.

This is the real story.

smart people will hesitate when you send them to smash skulls in during a riot. remember, cops are grunts, not philosophers.

>not getting a boner from this
go back to 9gag

It has more to do with the fact that smart cops get bored with the shit and find new work eventually. They don't wanna spend money training them only to have them fuck off in three years.

What I don't understand is how these cops end up getting caught on their own fucking cameras doing blatantly illegal shit.

Let's play spot the common denominator
Pro tip: It's niggers

Can't they work up to more intellectually challenging positions like detectives? Barring people for being too intelligent is literally retarded.

Would cops have been militarized if not for the demand created by unruly niggers?

It seems like every country with less niggers doesn't have militarized police... Just an observation.

Not enough detective positions available.

Yes it is retarded though.

Was she a gud girl?
Did she dindu nuffin?

It was always going to happen.

/thread, fuck the shills

Charges Second-degree murder (Manuel Ramos)
Involuntary manslaughter (Ramos, Jay Cicinelli, Joseph Wolfe)
Excessive force (Cicinelli, Wolfe)
Verdict Not guilty of all charges (Ramos, Cicinelli)
No verdict for Wolfe (charges were dropped)

Allegedly she spit but we don't see that in the video.

Also she was literally tied to a chair, other than a hurt ego there's no reason to leave the room, grab pepper spray, spray her twice, and then leave.

just watched video!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but was that officer a black woman!?!?

OH LORD!!! Is it Christmas!? Did a black, female cop do something that everyone can clearly say was a use of excessive force!?
Is the first clear case of excessive force going to be a nigger cop!?

Jesus Christ. Like what the actual fuck.

I hope those cops are in fucking jail right now. That's fucking sadistic.

Literally indefensible.

It's because the cop believes there will be no consequences.

No, the cop who killed the deaf white guy was also a nigger.

This isn't new. It's been going on for years. Cops putting people in these chairs, holding their eyes open and spraying them.

Yeah, this is true.

Having a higher IQ usually leads to a person not blindly following orders and questioning things that seems odd - which the higher ups do not want. The majority of cops are just grunts.

Oops it's common law. None of that shit matters. I don't see why alt rightist egyptians would object to this

>uneducated cops

(((they))) set IQ maximums for a reason

When ya'll niggas gon' unite and kill them police mothafuckas?

That's just fucked up.

Beyond fucked up.

>Dyed haired whore gets memed on.
Probably a coal burner too.

This is why you need state-level police forces that are under the purview of the (elected) legislature
States are harder to corrupt (in the small-scale way cops get corrupt) than local councils.
State politicians are more likely to want to avoid scandal too.

Why is strapping people in a chair like this even a thing at all?

IQ limits for cops sounds really dumb. The RCMP had a great reputation for a long time because they tested for personality and high intelligence and didn't just take the average joe

Hey, the last thing you want are people who are smart enough to fully memorize and comprehend the legislation they're tasked with enforcing.

If the niggers were still punished with a rope and tree instead of jail, would they still be as unruly?

Bloody hell.
Having a uni degree in a legal field or equivalent is literally a requirement of being a cop here.

>The pepper spraying cop was a nigger
>the cop giving her water was white

Case closed eject the nigger from the force

You need to make settlements against the police come out of the cops' pockets. Right now taxpayers foot the bill every time.


Yeah, but what did she do prior to that?

To prevent injury to others and the person being restrained (ie: if the person starts smashing their head into the cell door, etc.)

I dunno
We have problems with cops here too but the scale is way, way lower than you guys have.

A cop being disrespectful on a road stop is enough to cause discipline for example.

Its probably really a cultural issue.

I'm just curious why there was camera footage of this.
Wouldn't the camera be shut off or the footage destroyed after they were done with her?

We HAVE had problems with jail staff recently though - things like leaving ppl in spit hoods or leaving minors strapped in restraints. Minor compared with US issues of course, but enough it caused a state govt to lose an election, a federal inquiry and a massive public uproar

White former British colony is more civilized than America shocker.

Beat the guy so hard he grew a beard. Jesus that's brutal.

So is "Captain" above "Sergeant"?


>she is de captain now

Common law


Just trying to work out how to help you guys fix a problem. And its not just a race issue obviously, since white cops do it to white civs too

Thanks man, we really do need to something about it. It feels like cops have zero accountability here.

How isn't it relevant? Why did she end up in that chair, for starters?

This is a slam dunk lawsuit. She'll be a millionaire soon.

They should start taking the jury awards for this shit from cop pension funds and watch how fast it stops

It is irrelevant. She was in the chair, she was restrained, she wasn't going anywhere, nor was she a threat to officers or herself at that point.

I honestly, legitimately believe that the US government has shills operating on websites like this, posting shit like this, in order to keep active resentment towards police from getting out of control. A non-stop barrage of bootlicking support for police to make people feel like they're a minority for questioning police behavior.

Notice how it's always a >1 post by this ID?

We know they do it for leaks and for political aims. Why the fuck wouldn't they do it for their enforcement arm as well?

You also get shows promoting and glorifying police near-brutality, gently making the public accept abusive police behavior.