When will Quebec get its own flag, so we no longer have to associated with these fucking degenerate leafs
When will Quebec get its own flag, so we no longer have to associated with these fucking degenerate leafs
When Kek witness us as the true levites.
You're replacing one degenerate leaf with four pathetic flowers though.
These are flowers, not leafs. "Fleurs de lys"
Idiot, we want to be removed from the Rest-Of-Canada. Leafs refer to THEM.
When you pay your debnts.
Fucking freeloaders.
This flag is much more beautiful than LEAF.
Protip: ITS QUEBEC where Justin and his faggot father call home, wow Quebec is based!
Go ahead, google it, i'll wait you wanna be frogs
Ontario has the largest debts Pahjeet Wang. :^)
>wah wah wah, I have no shale or hydro
this is how you sound ontario
quand tu vas sucer mon bat
>What is "La grande noirceur".
Stop sniffing fuel Steven, your shitposting is worse than amerilards.
Its just really funny that they've all got leaves in these posts. LOL.
>Fleur de Leaf
Mais tu fais partie de l'Unifolie!
Quebec faggots protest the cheapest tuition and are basically communists. Canada must absorb Kebek's debt because most of the young are useless commie scum. Import more niggers and north Africans and then maybe you can have your flag you Pepsi motherfuckers.
Quebec spawned Justin "If you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeau. You are the degenerates.
Fuck all of you faggots
I really like Quebec's flag desu
Your time is over, frogs. Prepare for the reconquering of quebec.
Quebec is being conquered by third world invaders to destroy them as a people.
Pierre Extra-Terrestrial Trudeau brought about "multiculturalism" right about the time Quebec nationalism was becoming strong.
The goal was genocide of the French Canadian, via immigration and "assimilation".
It's already worked to some extent. Quebec would have already separated had it not been for "money and the ethnic vote" to quote Parizeau.
Surprise mothafucker
But john you are the leafs
What are you even talking about? The majority of the bullshit that is spewed on here under our flag is by you quebec faggots. You far left faggots protest every other day about stupid shit and demand new rights every year like the fucking abos.
Wait is quebec full of mudslimes now?
They're following the French model of importing anyone who speaks French, regardless of whatever third-world shithole they crawl out of. I'm sure it will work out very well.
no but we got alot of haitian and like any niggers they are into gangs and recrute white girls to become prostitute ,thats only in Montreal.Quebec city is pretty conservative versus Montréal and the two city hate each other.
keket wills it. We are the original frogs.
How the fuck should I know, I'm not French (pbuKEK). At least the Chinese bring gobs of money and slanty pussy.
I heard montreal is practically english true? Like french is less used
About the time we get our Dixie flag back so we don't have to be assosiated with those cocksucking yanks
Because of immigrants not because of more actual anglos.
english schools are closing, but immigrants are mostly chosing english. Can't blame them, we are the cuckiest nation when it comes to enforce language laws.
The French literally hold their own retarded tongue in higher esteem than their entire future existence. It's all they care about. Their entire culture is just gendered nouns and backwards-acronyms.
French is anything but retarded. You can call it faggy, weird or annoying, but not retarded. It's generally more sophisticated than english