south park in 15 minutes.
Get in here.
south park in 15 minutes.
Get in here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Was just gonna make a thread for it, glad I didn't have to
Meh I am not going to bother, I already know the narratives.
Trump is dumb, we should accept diversity, jews are kind, morally superior people that are smarter than everyone else blah blah blah
Have fun I am going to watch pro wrestling from the mid 1970s instead.
How about a stream link
If South Park goes again Trump lord Kek will strike them down.
someone should stream
Do we have a stream or do I have to search for it?
Get a fucking tv
New South Park is trash. I just got cable back for football season and decided to watch some South Park episodes so I could get ready for the new episode since no one will shut up about it.
>multi-episode story arcs that aren't funny in the first place
>"Hey look at this thing that just happened that we're referencing!" x1000
Jesus. This show used to be funny. If you prefer newer South Park episodes you either have a reddit-tier sense of humor or you were born after 2000, there is literally no other explanation.
Holy digits, the frog confirmed it boys.
The previous season called out the NWO and white-genocide, along with PC culture in general.
>paying for the cable jew
nigger you can't be serious
It is too late for kek the show has already been created and produced.
>paying for cable
LOL it absolutely did not!
>he thinks I pay for it
What a jew
>thinking Kek's power is limited by that
Love this Reddit trilogy they are airing right now.
What is cancellation because they're gonna make fun of BLM
Laggy as shit
This will be the first time I've watched South Park with Sup Forums since the PCbros episode.
>paying for the electric jew
>Adobe flash is disabled for this page, click player area to enable
What? Where do I fucking plress?
welcome back
South Park has done much worse, also they have a contract.
Things are per-approved etc..
I give it a watch.
I actually sort of enjoyed the last season since they kind of snapped and started to BTFO sjws everywhere
Here's to hoping they don't cuck out to johnson.
Won't be watching. They'll just shill for Johnson.
I don't care what it called out, it's not funny. South Park is first and foremost a comedy cartoon, and it is not funny at all anymore. It's terrible and borderline unwatchable. Just because they make fun of liberals doesn't make it funny. It sucks now. I haven't kept up with it since the one season with the Human Centipad, and I remember thinking in college "Jesus South Park sucks now" during that season, thought maybe it had just been a weak season, but, no, the show sucks now and has none of the charm the early episodes did.
can you still watch it on southparkstudios like next day or did the jews put a stop to that?
>show made by jews
>jewish characters
what next seth macfarlane
Thinking Kyle is the hero.
Please... we all love Cartman.
>the week of the attacks in Paris
>three episode arch involving the reveal that all PC people was a way to deplete the population and replace it with only "ads"
>"Ads" in the show are conniving, secretive, and an eternal plague upon the earth constantly trying to subvert society
>The moment when Randy puts together the plan to eliminate all people who aren't "ads"
>the spooky music, his look of shock upon his face
>"They're trying to wipe us off the earth"
>"There's a war coming, Jim"
Any streaams. I dont have a tv
>not knowing they throw their shitty episodes together within a week.
Do you even documentary bro? Check your white male privilege
>watching (((adult cartoons)))
>Get a fucking tv
kek all hardcore pol user doesn't own a TV newfag
That is the problem, they are not really making fun of them they are simply showing how they are act and normalizing the entire thing.
If this were real south park Cartman would have already blown PC principal the fuck out in a funny way not capitulated like a fucking bitch.
THe entire theme is that the SJW behavior is no big deal.
Do we have a stream?
http:// comfy . zone
http:// comfy . zone
http:// comfy . zone
Did this come from tumblr? Are you triggered?
thats probably the exact opposite of the narrative in south park
even in the episodes where they make fun of minorities/jews/sjw's there's practically no redemption for them
That is such a stretch, if you enjoy that line of thinking you will enjoy this video which is far more entertaining than south park has been lately.
Shilling the Book of Mormon
Watching now. Gtfih
back-up if needed:
http:// www . suptv . org
>http:// www . suptv . org
http:// www . suptv . org
>south park is brought to you by stub hub
Literal scumbag scalper website fuck off. Dropped
>tfw when bonding with Pol bros over a cartoon.
Only lord Kek could have blessed us with this time.
Does anyone else think the adwar, is a parody of the oncoming racewar meme?
No, I just have good taste. I'm all for making fun of liberals, SJWs and safe spaces, but the show just plain isn't funny anymore. If you think it is I can't explain to you why you have terrible taste, you just do. It's literally on Family Guy's level with the "OMG SO LE RANDOM AND FUNNY" humor now, it's embarrassing.
back to tumblr
Here we go
snuke in her snizz
girls volleyball.
Cant watch it, just a huge ad that brings up a popup everytime i click play
South Park is pretty shit now desu. They try to make everything all big and complicated and deep, but it just comes off as redpilled im14andthisisdeep
jesus christ kill yourself leddit. lurk for 2 years before posting
She gonna sit down
Fucking race traitor!
Absolutely, I have not owned a TV in well over 10 years, it is best.
>It's a Sup Forums episode
or how about the episode about big gay al being banned from being a cup scout leader and the town goes berzerk on the boy scout head masters, and big gay al of all people is the one who defends them, saying that they're good men who are doing what they believe is most right and that he's not going to come back to the boy scouts because it's not right. it really did split it down the middle because we saw a lot of the problems of the current age and how homosexuality in the boy scouts is inevitable, but it also said the last thing we want to do is force it to happen or virtue signal, because conservatives aren't vilians and acting like they are is going to fuck everything up worse
>3 of them not even black
brettygood is streaming it
They post them on their website like 2 or 3 hours after every episode airs. Totally free.
>token's life matters
What channel? I'm just seeing reruns.
I missed post #88888888 was it any good?
>Token's Life Matters
>3 of them aren't black
also pc principal is back
OMG ITS .........
Murdoch Murdoch has surpassed south park for edgey comedy.
Highly suggest you look them up.
fuck the media
What happened to Garrisons story arc of running for Pres?
It was horrible, a fucking leaf
It's really, really not a stretch. It's so fucking there, it's like, the subtext of every goddamn scene. ISIS, conspiracy theories, NWO and social marxism, its all there. But could you imagine them really talking about that in the text itself? No, no, no. There are more ways than saying "david duke" and winking at the camera to insert hidden messages in your tv show.
So if we don't agree with your opinion, then we're not as cool as you? Fuck off faggot
It just started. They're not there yet.
Matt and Trey have shit taste
JJ Abrams, fucking kike son of a bitch, I hope they're naming the jew here
>JJ Abrams
>reboot the national anthem
This is off to a good start
>Tokens lives matter
>abrahms saved star wars
I'm out!
Exactly just like Back to the future and 9/11
Fucking new Ghostbusters