>tfw you realize pol is a multicultural community made up of people from all over the world who get along great with each other making it a shining example of how multiculturalism works
Tfw you realize pol is a multicultural community made up of people from all over the world who get along great with...
shut the fuck up, you leaves have done enough today
Canadian invasion when? Canada needs some freedom
Hatred > Love confirmed
And guess what keeps it all together? Hatred.
Everyone here hates each other. But we're definitely more multi-cultural than any Liberal forum will ever be.
Our hatred of jews is what binds us together.
In one week we would have genocided Canada and the jews
Multiculturalism only works when everyone wants to be part of the same culture and country.
Here on Sup Forums we all hate the Jew and enjoy our shared culture and "country". So it works.
but to answer your OP
no, this is not a shining example of multiculturalism, because we never met in real life
Imagine a Sup Forums meetup in a neutral world city, such as Paris or New York. How would that go?
Although people from the white countries will deny it, this leaf is correct.
>All over the world
Key word. If you put us in the same room we would all kill each other.
Canada needs to be nuked.
>getting along great
top fucking kek
the white nations get along well with other white nations and the nigger-tier nations just froth and claim WE WUZ KANGZ
I'd say its rather the inverse.
When you get a bunch of assholes from around the world together, they shit all over each other.
really made me think
>>a shining example of how multiculturalism works
How it's supposed to work, not how it works in practice.
Fight me irl
It only works because everyone assimilates to the culture.
Lol yall niggas played yaself
>get along great with each other
Sup Forums only works because we communicate, we share our cultures and ideas with each other, but only at arm's length. Ultimately we all still live within our own respective nations around our own respective peoples, and we're not forced to coexist with each other on a permanent basis.
Because we can't kill nor harm each other in here, you fucking leaf.
>get along great with each other
I mean we're not killing eachother, but that's still pushing it.
I think the only way multiculturalism can work is if it happens as organically as possible, meaning little to no government or media influence. Even then you're still going to get cultures that are simply not compatible.
The thing is that in order for it to work it takes a lot of time, like multiple generations of people. Of course, the people in charge want results quickly instead and their meddling only serves to strain relations between cultures.
>when we all post from our own countries multiculturalism works
I'll shoot a leaf who crosses the border!
online culture =! real life culture
shitposting is just a hobby, we can have mutual hobbies that change in accordance with how real culture changes - that's how KEK came into being
and read the first 3 clauses of pic
I'm ready to take one for the team, honestly. Once we annex Canada their stupid leafs will turn into burgers and we'll never have to deal with them again.
I call Canada a leaf
He calls me a burger
we laugh about it
call it banter
In reality:
>I call Canada a leaf
>he calls me a burger
>I get locked up for hate speech because unfortunately you can't have multiculturalism without liberals shitting it up with rules
Your caps hurt my feeling. Please kill yourself right now.
I actually think this description could help leftists abhor multiculturalism.
Would it be wrong to nuke Ottowa?
It's beautiful isn't it?
I love that our hatred and disdain for one another creates a mutual respect and understanding. It's like an unlikely alliance trope. It works because we're not beholden to one another and share similar values (in theory).
We're all volunteering to be here for similar reasons and that's why it works.
The only reason we "get along great" is because we are incapable of bayoneting each other digitally.
If I could kill the leftists and cuck "trolls" I see here I would.
I sure as fuck would blow your fucking leaf ass away with my K31 if you were physically in the room you dog fucker.
Multiculturalism only works if you are behind 7000 proxies you faggot leaf.
>Black people like Hitler more than White people do
>shining example of multiculturalism
>hatred towards each other and everything
>insulting people based on their flags
>always want the world to end
Yes a shining beacon of how multiculturalism would work.
Really, I would say that its all about borders/distance/whatever. Peace stems from keeping unalike people from having to endure each other's presence too long.
>own respective peoples
delusional or kebab?
>not getting paid $26 an hour by DARPA to 'analyze fringe social media' for radicalized content
fucking casuals.
Lots of spaghetti on the floor.
you think so?
i live in one of these societies and each faction tends avoids the other.
asians have tight knit circle, as indians have theirs
maori's/islanders shitpost irl and complain about muh seabed n muh land
while white people get cucked left and right trying to appease all the minorities
>implying 80% of us aren't Anglosphere and European citizens who hate niggers
>implying talking to each other anonymously on the internet from thousands of miles away is the same as living with each-other
You should be hiding your face right now, leaf
I think that pol is pretty egalitarian everyone is welcome as long as you're not a libtard
western, and European multiculturalism is entirely different than worldwide multiculti. Globalist multi culti bad. western multiculti good
Because we don't have to pretend about shit.
Would it be wrong to poison the water supply of a major canadian city?
yeah, it works great when none of us have to see each other or hear each other's incomprehensible accents or live anywhere near each other.
I mean that completely seriously
That is why we get along so well, right, murica? (^:
Multicult works best when cultures dont blend together and ethniic grpups live in their respective countries
Define "wrong"
Culture is for bacteria, leaf.
>not gettin paid $30 by CIA to subvert international social media platforms.
Sounds like DARPA is out of the loop.
I literally hate each and every one of you despite my fellow ancaps.
You're right, multiculturalism does work.
But it cannot be forced.
It cannot remove pride in heritage.
It involves an innate level of acknowledging absolute differences, and never attempting to reconcile them.
Multiculturalism is fine, when everybody belongs to a greater good first and their culture second.
This is what let America become the absolute powerhouse of the world up until the 1970's. Everybody was welcome, and everybody stuck to their own kind. Entire neighborhoods, districts, or even cities were homogeneous. But when push came to shove, we put our American nationality above our culture.
The second that push was shoved, though, we all went back to our homes, full of people we loved and traditions we respected.
Forceful diversity means destroying everything about you, it is nullification of self and mindless identity. It does not work. It must be allowed to come of fruition on its own terms.
Globalism is a pestilence.
i will never forgive the leaves
>tfw you realize pol is a multicultural community made up of people from all over the world
You didn't mean
>forgot to tell that these "people from all over the world" live quite far away from each other (i.e. in their own countries) and are not gathering physically in order to actually live in a shared "physical place"
>tfw if that really happens you always get what the "refugee crisis" has to offer you
>tfw you suddenly realize this is not classical "multiculturalism", this just represents individual cultures sharing their ideas and thoughts through a common mindset we all share, but it only works BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY IMPACT ON DEMOGRAPHICS
Multiethnic =/= multicultural
Most people in Sup Forums share the same values and culture. Free speech, meritocracy, etc.
Big group first little group second. Never attempt to force second groups to integrate with each other.
Sup Forums is multicultural. You wouldn't be able to tell a posters country without the flag except for the fucking CANADIANS.
Only a complete retard leaf would think ethnicity = culture. Shitposts like this show how you fucking Canadians don't fit in with our culture which is why we want you tree fucking syrup sucking get plucking dipshits out of here.
Goddamn I hate Canadians. I fucking hate them so much.
1. We all hate each other leaf
2. We only shitpost together on a Mongolian wood carving slate, we don't live and together irl
*unsheathes katana*
Do you challenge me to a duel?
*teleports behind you*
Very well...
*slices you in two*
Heh... Nothin' personal kiddo...
Hurt box is better than hub box
Sup Forums is monocultural*
Actually the discourse on Sup Forums took a hit when flags were added, which supports the argument that diversity hampers and does not help. Notice how people immediately group people by origin (indians are poos, aussies and leafs are shitposters, etc).
See? Even italy is fed up with leafposters
The power of hate unites us :)
>everyone is in their own corner and doesn't have to deal with the other's shit in their own country
Hey, I like this version of multiculturalism.
Tl;dr forcing values on people doesn't work. It has to come naturally.
fuck you leaf I'll never forget what you did
What I have realized is that people are not really racist because of color it's because of culture.
For example- pol hates blacks because of gang culture
pol hates Muslims because they associate them with extremism
People like like-minded people
Yeah basically some Irish kid came over here to my college and I had to leather him because he wouldn't shut up about how great Ireland is. How do you put up with being so close to the Irish?
look up Walkerton Ontario
You messed with the wrong racist frog, Dad.
>be me, ultra nationalist lone wolf terrorist
>over 9000 assault rifles
>see trenchcoat kid with big sword on my 47 acres of PRIVATE PROPERTY
>unleash my attack pit bulls
>you somehow evade them
>charge out of my off the grid redoubt with AR15 blazing like the heat of a thousand Hiroshimas
>reach into your coat pocket and find your tea stash
>burn it as the light fades from your Crown loving eyes
I would get away with it too, because tresspassing
But it isn't forced OP
We are multinational but we all share chan culture on here. As such it would be intellectually dishonest to call us multicultural.
You get it. Liberals will never get it ever.
Why don't you suck his cock faggot?
You first.
I fucking hate you maple syrup eating leafposter Canadians
I'm a multiculturalist. It just so happens that I only like European cultures.
wtf I love jews now
based pinochet
Rural areas are untouched by the kebab menace. My constituency is 99.3% white british.
Here's the problem:
Everyone gets along from their OWN POINT OF ORIGIN.
Get it?
If there is a based black man here from Africa, and the African flag denotes it....
We don't have a problem with that.
If a Poo in Loo posts here from their home country, and their flag denotes it...
We don't have a problem with that.
If a Swede C UCK posts from his own country, we don't have a problem with that.
It's only when the Jews want to flood our native countries with Shitskins that we have a problem.
We can live peacefully with our neighbors in their own countries, but not all mixed together to destroy nationalities...
Does that make sense to you, Bernie C UCK?
Why should I listen to anything from a cuck nation such as yours?
>conflating internationalism with multiculturalism
eat chemo globalist cancer
>pol BTFO by pol
Sign the official white house petition to btfo of Hillary.
Now now, boys. The average Sup Forumsack has a 10" cock, you can both suck it at the same time with shaft to spare.