What does Sup Forums think of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement and anti-natalism in general?
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Sounds shit, but might be a hit with leaves.
meh, theres better things to do, like plant a fucking tree
You can still plant trees. Decreasing the population will help the environment.
Not a bad idea. If current trends continue, the catastrophe that will occur when the population reaches critical mass this century will be unprecedented.
Yes. It's incredibly worrying. All those people born into poverty, hunger, pain, illness...and every birth exacerbates the problem
planting trees is supposed to help PEOPLE breathe
i think if your worried about overpopulation;
even if you abstain, none of the people who pop out babies like clockwork will (niggers)
so whats the point of YOU not having kids?
might as well, maybe if you raise them properly they'll figure out how to fix overpopulation, unlike yourself
>even if you abstain, none of the people who pop out babies like clockwork will (niggers)
I'd offer incentives for sterilisation. Throw some welfarebux at them. It will be cheaper in the long run. And cut off all forms of child benefits.
your retarded if you think you can stop people from breeding
at least breed yourself
I met one of those people once. He cried in front of me, over what, I can't remember.
I'd make a shit dad user.
>Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Lol, im already doing that by being NEET. it just takes a while.
why the fuck is the one area of the planet that a) can actually sustain itself and b) has a declining birth rate the area that is volunteering to go extinct?
I advocate it on a global scale.
I will volunteer to make the populations of certain continents extinct
>I'd make a shit dad user.
if you think this then you will and dont have kids
i on the otherhand AM a 23y/o NEET, but im getting my shit together and id make a great dad so fuck off
>id make a great dad
How can you possibly know that? Can you honestly say your offspring would endure no suffering?
>people have literally been saying this for 300+ years
only fucking white people get these gay guilty self hating ideas
motherfucker do you thing some Nigerian monkey is thinking about this? no she is having 8 kids and giving them all AIDS, this one stupid country is going to have 400 000 000 people by 2030 and then the UN is going to spread everywhere and shit up the whole world
meanwhile cuckldee and cuckldoo over here are NEETing in their basement not having kids "to helb the environment :DD" and western countries get invaded and overrun
>Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
If people who are stupid enough to buy into this shit want to off themselves, I can see no downside.
whose the artist?
people suffer, get over it
as long as i don't cause any suffering to my kid(s) by force
and i raise, educate, and give em enough love
my bloodline is strong, they will make fine future space marines in WW7
like i said if you dont want people to suffer from overpopulation, ask the niggers if theyre into the "Voluntary Human Extinction Movement" and leave Sup Forums the fuck alone
anti-natalism wont help overpopulation because most people wont give a fuck
>people who are stupid enough to buy into this shit want to off themselves
It's not about suicide. Although euthanasia should be available for those who want it.
Are you retarded?
You understand that people have been betting on this for like 300 years- ever since Thomas Malthus.
Literally you're so full of shit.
>avoiding all suffering is the point of life
finally the leaf speaks truth
There is no point of life, but yeah, making someone suffer is bad.
>There is no point of life
yea there is, to reproduce and enjoy yourself
mabye move out of the UK
Enjoyment is good, since it alleviates pain. And no, I like it here
>There is no point of life
>making someone suffer is bad
>enjoyment is good
wtf do you hear yourself, your not making any sense
if things are good/bad then life cant be meaningless
>here, let me show you this video of swami shitsinstreet to make my point
The Georgia Guidestone creators aren't very nice but they sure are worried about something and your little island is about to sink so hopefully that brings you fulfillment in some way, chap.
>ad hominem
why dont you fucking watch the video